Chapter 951 Dream Descended

Chapter 951 Dream Descended

Looking back on his three lifetimes, Xiang Nan's face was already full of tears. He was not crying, he was just sighing.

Who am I? Why I came to this world.

My beloved betrayed me, my biological parents abandoned me!

The The Bai Clan wants me dead, the The Profound Sky Sect wants me dead, my enemies want me dead, but I'm dead, the artifact spirit I transformed into is also dead, and even as Xiang Nan's me, I died on Beast Spirit Island.

But I'm alive again!

So many people want me dead! I, Xiang Nan, am still alive! I stand firmly in this world, bravely facing those who once wanted to hurt me.

Everything is changing, except for me, Xiang Nan!

The woman silently walked over and hugged Xiang Nan. She accompanied Xiang Nan in tears and stroked Xiang Nan's hair.

"I know, I understand. I can understand you."

"Old Bai won't cry. Whether you're alive or dead, whether you're Bai Muchen or Xiang Nan, I'll accompany you."

"If this world is a miserable furnace, you and I are just a strand of karmic fire in the furnace. I will also tangle with you, live together, and perish together."

Xiang Nan didn't cry. He was crying, but he was laughing.

He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said, "No one can destroy me, not even this day!"

"They want me to die, they want me to be sad and painful, but I insist on laughing."

Xiang Nan patted the woman on the shoulder and said, "Don't be sad for me. With you here, I'm not alone."

The woman wiped away her tears and smiled, "I'm not afraid of life or death. As long as I have you."

Xiang Nan said, "We don't have much time left. Hurry up and forge. My forging furnace will be gone in more than a hundred minutes."

The two of them immediately started forging.

The first step was to throw the Red Dragon Saber into the smelting furnace.

The woman released a flame into the furnace and instantly refined the Heavenly Grade Red Dragon Saber into molten iron.

Afterwards, Xiang Nan also put the Blue Wave Heavenly Blue Stone in. This was the main ingredient for refining Profound Grade weapons. With Xiang Nan himself, no matter what, he didn't do anything to melt it down.

But that woman could!

The woman released flames, while Xiang Nan used the Cosmos Fire-controlling Technique and the Profound Grade Weapon Refining Technique to control the flames and refine weapons.

The blue stone melted and merged with the red dragon saber.

The Red Devil Blood Thunder was restlessly stirring in the smelting furnace. It was suppressed by Xiang Nan's powerful Nine Transformations of Thunder.

"Last step, throw yourself into the Profound Crystal." The woman said, "But I don't know when to invest. You know how to forge your own weapons. You can grasp the opportunity."

Xiang Nan nodded. He continued to smelt, waiting for the red dragon saber to completely merge with the blue stone.

When a strong light suddenly appeared in the furnace, it illuminated the entire furnace and even shot in all directions through the air outlet.

At this time, Xiang Nan immediately threw the profound crystal into the furnace.

The profound crystals melted together with the molten iron, continuously rolling and interweaving.

This was an incomparably complicated process. To refine a Profound Grade weapon, it depended mainly on whether the artificer's attainments were strong or not.

However, even a first-class artificer like Jiang Huai who was in exile on the continent would still have a failure rate of over 80% in forging profound-grade weapons!

This was why the finished Profound Armament was countless times more expensive than the Blue Wave Heavenly Blue Stone.

However, Xiang Nan had a talent for Divine Grade Lightning meridians s. He could precisely control the changes in the furnace.

"The time is coming." Xiang Nan's forehead was already covered in sweat. He was also very careful. Even he could only reach 70% of the success rate in refining a profound weapon.

If anything went wrong, not only would the profound weapon fail to train, even the Red Dragon Saber would be destroyed.

"There are still seven minutes left." Xiang Nan said, "We'll see in seven minutes! I'm going to bring the furnace with me to the real world with your flames."

The woman gave Xiang Nan a look of encouragement and said, "Old White, you can do it!"

Xiang Nan nodded to the woman and said, "I know that my love for you comes from the memories of the Tool Spirit's life, but in this life, what you said to me just now has caused Xiang Nan, who is in this life, to have a huge favorable impression of you as well."

"I believe that as Xiang Nan, I will also have a brand new love for you."

The woman smiled and said with tears in her eyes, "Not to mention three lives, even nine lives, my feelings for you will never change. I am here in every life, and I can make you accept me."

Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "My dear, I'll see you in my dreams."

With that, Xiang Nan suddenly opened his eyes.


At the same time, the smelting furnace fell heavily to the ground!

Xiang Nan immediately stood up and accepted Meng Ti's fire control mission.

The flames that the woman followed out were roaring in the smelting furnace.

The temperature in the primeval forest rose rapidly!

In the dream world, this kind of temperature was nothing, but once they arrived outside, the temperature would dry up the surrounding ground into sand! Let the trees and flowers burn to ashes!

Xiang Nan's entire body was exposed to this kind of temperature, and his body was enduring extremely terrifying destruction and torture.

However, he was able to persevere. The Profound Grade Equipment Refining Furnace had absorbed nearly 90% of the temperature for him to roast. At the same time, his own willpower could also make him resilient.

Two minutes passed, three minutes passed, four minutes, five minutes

Six minutes had passed, and the smelting furnace had already turned incomparably red!

Seven minutes passed!

"The time has come!" Xiang Nan soared into the air and slapped the outer wall of the furnace.

The top of the smelting furnace opened with a buzzing sound, and a black light shot straight into the sky!


A dragon roar shook the nine heavens!

Xiang Nan looked up and was stunned. "What is that?" He cried out in shock.

In the sky, an illusory black dragon was slowly swimming!

It wasn't an Azure Dragon, nor did it look like a Black Dragon! It was a long black dragon that had turned into a void, and its entire body was a thousand meters tall! Its entire body was in turmoil like a gas, and it was constantly spreading black gas into the surroundings!

But that thing wasn't anger! It was a dazed existence.

"Nightmare Dragon" Xiang Nan cried out.

Holy shit! The thing flying in the sky was the Azure Dragon's dream body!

Xiang Nan was stunned. My artifact spirit had turned into a Meng Ti dragon! It turned into a nightmare dragon!

Immediately after, an even more shocking scene occurred.

The gigantic Nightmare Dragon frantically stirred up the wind and rain in the sky, causing the night sky to turn pitch-black and devoid of light.

Xiang Nan raised his head. He saw a world.

A dazed world suddenly fell from the sky!

The world was exactly the same as the real world, but it was more like a reflection on the surface of a lake.

Moreover, the dazed world had fallen!


A world had fiercely covered the real world!

In the blink of an eye, an unimaginable and astonishing scene occurred in the entire The island of exile .

When the dazed world that only Xiang Nan could see fell down at the same time.

In the southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast regions of the island, everyone in the streets and buildings was stuck in a stalemate.

Apart from the Martial God Tower , the Four Great Lords, and some experts above the Fortune Realm , no one else could escape this kind of suppression!

All the pedestrians stopped and maintained their previous movements. It was as if time had suddenly stopped at this moment!

The people on the streets, the people in the buildings, and the people on the island instantly fell asleep!

All of them stood and fell asleep with their eyes open.

"Dream realm … descended!" Xiang Nan broke out in cold sweat.

The dream world covered the real world! My God!

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