Vol. 3 Chapter 11.5 - The little sunshine clears away dark cloud

Vol. 3 Chapter 11.5 - The little sunshine clears away dark cloud

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He was taking Martha’s advice that it wasn’t good to overexert himself, but lying in bed all the time would only harm his health and make childbirth more difficult. So, whenever he had free time in the morning or afternoon, Aeroc would walk around the small garden of the villa. Dressed in a large maternity dress, a wide-brimmed hat, and boots, Aeroc looked like a giant child, which amused Kloff.

Martha especially insisted that he should wear a pink sweater as his body shouldn’t get cold. To top it off, she tied a scarf under the hat to cover his pearly fair face, leaving only his face visible outwardly. Watching from behind, Kloff couldn’t help but giggle. And for teasing the angry Aeroc, Kloff received a smack in the shin.

“Don’t laugh at me!”

“I wasn’t laughing at you. I was laughing because you’re cute.”

“Don’t call me cute too!”

After shouting aloud, Aeroc stomped away from the villa entrance. Kloff chuckled, finding him as adorable as a baby bear taking its first steps.

Perhaps Aeroc was feeling bored with just having a walk, so he grabbed a small seedling shovel and a bucket, then sat down in one corner of the garden, digging for something. It seemed difficult for Aeroc to even sit down, so Kloff wondered what they were planning to do. But to his surprise, Aeroc dug out weeds, caught insects on the flowering trees, and tended to the garden quite skilfully.

“Where did you learn to do this?”

“Every educated aristocrat should have basic knowledge of gardening. Instead of playing with puzzles and numbers all the time, you should learn something as a hobby.”

“I didn’t have anything before, so I was too busy studying to have the luxury to learn cultured basics.”

Aeroc turned their head and glared at Kloff, not liking what he just casually said. Kloff shrugged his shoulders, wondering if he might have touched a nerve, but Aeroc immediately turned away and started digging again.

After an awkward moment of silence, Kloff quietly stepped back and made an excuse, “But I can still play chess.” The hand holding the shovel, which had been digging, stopped. Normally, Aeroc would be completely absorbed in gardening to the point that Kloff had to stop him, but now he left after just a few shovels.


“…The weather isn’t good today. It’s better to harvest the bulbs later.”

Even though the small bucket was less than one-third full, Aeroc dropped the shovel in the bucket and stood up. Kloff stood straight and looked around the horizon, but he couldn’t see a single cloud in the sky.

“But the weather is really nice. It’s clear and crisp.”

“It’s going to rain.”

Even looking far into the distance, Kloff couldn’t see any of a single dark cloud, but Aeroc left Kloff behind and went back into the villa.

Kloff didn’t know what had bothered Aeroc, but as the sinner who had gotten him pregnant, he spent the rest of the day watching Aeroc’s mood. And every time their eyes met, he would smile and silently mouth the words ‘I love you’. Aeroc would awkwardly smile back and gaze at him a moment, before slowly turning his head. Seeing Aeroc look so terribly lonely, Kloff couldn’t bear it any longer and quickly approached him, hugging him tightly and covering every inch of his exposed skin with kisses.

But still, Aeroc said nothing. He didn’t respond well to the kisses, seemingly a bit tense. However, he didn’t push Kloff away either, so he patiently whispered “I love you” to Aeroc repeatedly.

His lips were now slightly swollen, and there were marks everywhere on the once delicate but now slightly round jawline, and on the soft flesh that lined the prominent neck. Half-buried in the alpha’s embrace, Aeroc spoke in a quiet voice.

“I am in love with you. I’m in love with you.”

It was an unfamiliar tone, closer to a declaration than a confession. Although it wasn’t much different than saying directly to Kloff that he loved him, Aeroc’s confessions always felt a little off.

“Yes, you’re in love with me.”

After that confirmation, Aeroc nodded his head and leaned against Kloff. Due to the growing puppy, it was a bit difficult to face each other and embrace, so Kloff wrapped his warm body around Aeroc from behind, and pushed his chin up slightly with one hand, making him turn around to face him. Kloff then lowered his head to kiss him. Aeroc, struggling to maintain balance, wrapped his arms around Kloff’s waist. However, his hands didn’t reach Kloff’s back. Kloff tightened his arms around Aeroc more.

Due to Aeroc’s stubbornness, there were occasional bittersweet moments for unknown reasons, but overall, the time went by sweetly and peacefully. And when the weather became cool, the signal finally came.

While drinking tea and organizing documents in the afternoon, Aeroc went out to the garden and soon returned in a cold sweat.

“Kloff, go and call the doctor.”

Seeing Aeroc staggered out in a cold sweat, Kloff looked at him in surprise while helping him.

“Is it real this time?”

They had experienced chaotic situations a few times before whenever false labor pains occurred, and Aeroc would always tell him to calm down as it wasn’t time yet, but Kloff never listened.

“You’ve never given birth before so you don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Kloff would always get angry and call the doctor, but each time that happened, the doctor only shook his head.

“It’s labor pains. Childbirth is still far away.”

Then Kloff would have to gently console an irritated Aeroc, who was already in pain. This time though, it seemed different.

“I’m sure this time. Go and call the doctor right away!”

But he couldn’t leave Aeroc like that. At the very least, he had to make sure Aeroc was seated before he left. When Kloff tried to take off his dirty boots and lift him onto the bed, Aeroc got angry.

“I’ll be on the couch, not the bed! I’m more comfortable sitting.”

Quickly obeying his behest, Kloff helped Aeroc sit on the sofa. Carefully keeping his steps in balance, he hurriedly went to call Martha. Perhaps at that moment, Kloff screamed the loudest he had ever screamed in his life. With a panicked face, Martha came out of the kitchen and saw Kloff running down the stairs.

“Martha! It seems like the baby is coming out.”

“Are you sure it’s not a false alarm this time? Is it really time?”

“Yes! Please hurry up and prepare for it.”

Martha handed Kloff an already prepared bag containing the necessary birthing supplies and started boiling hot water. As Kloff rushed back to the room, Aeroc had gotten off the couch and was hugging a cushion, laying his upper body flat on the couch with his legs spread apart.

Kloff didn’t know when Aeroc did it, but he had already stripped off his comfortable pants and underwear. He buried his face in the cushion, letting out a horrible sound while half-swallowing rough breaths. Martha quickly arrived and checked Aeroc’s condition, then opened the bag Kloff had brought with him and took clean towels from inside it.

“Don’t just stand there in a daze, quickly call the doctor!”

“Huh, ah. Okay.”

Startled by Martha’s outcry, Kloff rushed out to call the doctor. He galloped like the wind, as if he had learned horse riding just for this moment, but the short distance to the nearby town center felt three times longer than usual.

As soon as he found the doctor’s office in the center of the town, he pushed the door and entered, but the doctor was not there. Instead, a woman doing errands was surprised and told him that the doctor had gone to the neighboring village to see a child who had broken their leg. Threatening her to get the child’s address, Kloff quickly mounted his horse again and barged into that house, dragging the doctor out.

“You won’t die just because your leg is broken. But my wife is dying right now. If you want to keep practicing medicine, you better come along obediently.”

Like baggage, he threw the middle-aged doctor onto the horse and immediately mounted it, pulling the reins. The strong horse neighed excitedly and galloped. Kloff immediately slurred it on.

“…Since I’ve already applied the bandage, you just need to let it dry!”

With bandages all over his hands, the doctor, who was not only kidnapped but also couldn’t even sit properly, shouted at the mother of the child who had broken their leg in the far distance, clutching the horse’s hindquarters tightly. Kloff literally brought the doctor to the villa with that horse. As soon as he got off the horse, he heard a terrible scream echoing from the second floor. The thought of his omega dying made the hairs on his body stand and his legs tremble. With his mind that was almost scattering, he went towards the bewildered doctor and grabbed him by the collar, dragging him up to the second floor.

“Aeroc! Don’t die! I brought the doctor!”

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