Vol. 3 Chapter 11.6 - The little sunshine clears away dark cloud

Vol. 3 Chapter 11.6 - The little sunshine clears away dark cloud

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Kicking the door open, he found Aeroc lying face down on the couch, tearing apart the cushions and screaming. The white nightgown he was wearing was already a mess of amniotic fluid and bloodstains. The doctor, who saw that, quickly pushed Kloff aside and went around to the back of the couch, sitting next to Martha. Gasping for breath, Aeroc let out another horrible scream. Even though it was muffled by the cushions and didn’t come out properly, Kloff’s hands and feet were trembling. He was on the verge of tears.

“It’s progressing fast even though the contractions had only started a while ago. I’ve never seen first deliveries progressing this fast.”

“Does… that mean something is wrong?”

Although Kloff glared at the doctor as if he wanted to kill him right away, his voice came out in a strangely subdued tone. The doctor, showing signs of confusion, shook his head.

“Everything is going fine. For a first-time delivery, it’s progressing very smoothly. And for a male omega, he’s very skilled, as if he has given birth to several children… Ah, that was a slip of the tongue.”

Seeing the expression on the baby’s father’s face, the doctor quickly retracted his words and turned to Martha, who was by his side.

“Get sterilized scissors, warm water, and towels. If the dilation has progressed this much, the baby will come out soon.”

As Martha left the room, the doctor spoke authoritatively, saying, “As for the husband, please calm down and either sit down or leave.” Despite his authority and whatnot, if anything went wrong with his Aeroc, Kloff would kill him without hesitation. For now, he shut his mouth and went to sit on the chair in the corner of the room. His legs trembled in restlessness. Aeroc screamed another horrible scream.

“Push with a little more strength. You’re doing well.”

Following the doctor’s instructions, Aeroc took a deep breath and exerted his strength. His blond hair was drenched, whether with cold sweat or tears, and he let out another scream. He exhaled short, rough breaths and looked in this direction with blurred eyes. In that moment, Kloff kneeled down and wanted to beg for forgiveness for being born as an alpha, thus not being able to take over Aeroc’s agonizing pain.

As the agonizing screams of his imprinted omega filled the air, some hair piled up on the floor, and the doctor gasped. At the same time, Kloff felt as if his heart was about to burst through his throat.

“Oh, the head is out. Just a little more. Just a little more push.”

Aeroc let out a final scream, his whole body shaking. And shortly after, he screamed again as if he would die any moment, his voice choked. Then his body went completely limp, and at the same time, the doctor lifted a bloody clump between his legs. At that sight, the already trembling world spun around like a top. Kloff managed to take a few steps, barely feeling any sensation in his numb legs. Although their baby was out, Kloff could barely breathe, fearing how Aeroc was doing.


With a cracking voice, Kloff called him. Fortunately, Aeroc was fine. He was still lying face down, breathing heavily with his chest heaving. After the doctor cut the umbilical cord and made the baby’s navel, he handed the baby to Martha. She skillfully cleaned the baby and wrapped him in a very soft warm blanket she had prepared. Then she walked over with a bright smile and handed the baby to Kloff. Kloff, who had been continuously watching Aeroc, was overwhelmed with emotions as he felt the baby in his arms.

“Looking at the handsome little pepper, he’s definitely an alpha son. His black and tousled hair resembles his father.”

Kloff cautiously held the baby, as if holding a snowflake that would melt when touched. He looked down at the baby in his arms with care. Despite going through such hardship, the baby, with its colorful appearance, was more beautiful than anything Kloff had ever seen. Well, except for one thing. While holding the baby, unsure of what to do, the doctor did the rest of the cleanup. After washing his hands in the water brought by Martha, the doctor stood up from his seat.

“I don’t think you’ll need me in the future when you can do so well. A midwife would be enough. I’d prefer to avoid getting kidnapped.”

He patted Kloff on the shoulder as he stood there frozen before walking away. Meanwhile, Martha undressed Aeroc’s dirty clothes and wiped his body with a clean towel dipped in warm water.

“Don’t just stand there, help me.”

At that moment, Kloff came to his senses. After carefully placing the baby on the crib, he hurriedly went to Aeroc’s side. Martha handed Kloff a warm towel soaked in the water. He wiped Aeroc’s blood-stained legs and wiped his face and upper body with another clean towel. However, Aeroc didn’t open his eyes, as if he had lost consciousness.

“Did something go wrong?”

“He’s just exhausted. He’ll regain consciousness soon. Quickly wipe him clean and get him dressed.”

Martha said, and she continued to roll up the dirty clothes and floor mats. Kloff quickly cleaned Aeroc’s body and dressed him in the soft pajamas that had been prepared in advance. Then he carefully lifted Aeroc up, who was a little lighter now, and laid him down on the bed, making sure not to cause any pain to his limp body. After pulling the sheets over him, Kloff gently stroked his pale forehead with his emotional heart. Aeroc weakly reached out and grabbed Kloff’s sleeve.

“Are you awake?”

“…I don’t want to go to the cabin… It’s too lonely there…”

“What? The cabin?”

Aeroc, who had just given birth, weakly opened his eyes to the Alpha’s tearful voice. His eyes, filled with tears from the pain of childbirth, were distant and hazy.

“…But… I don’t want to be abandoned either…”

“What are you saying? Why would I abandon you? Oh, right. Aeroc, our child.”

Overjoyed that both of them were safe, Kloff gently took Aeroc’s hand, which was holding onto him, and hurriedly kissed the back of his hand before placing it back down. Then, he carefully lifted the baby from the crib on the other side of the bed, where they had spent the past few weeks sleeping together.

He wanted to show the baby to Aeroc as soon as possible. He wanted to see how happy Aeroc would be. The baby wasn’t an Omega son, so he might be disappointed, but Kloff wanted to boast so much that their baby was incredibly healthy and handsome.

“Hey, Aeroc. This is our baby.”

Just as he was about to bring the baby into his line of sight, Aeroc sobbed and, in a painfully chilling voice, cried out.

“I don’t want to see him!”

Kloff’s smile froze. Aeroc deliberately turned away from the baby, despite his body still hurting. It made no sense; he had adored the baby when he was still in the womb, calling him a puppy and loving him so much. Kloff couldn’t understand why Aeroc was now refusing to see the baby. However, seeing Aeroc in so much pain, he suppressed the intense emotions welling up inside him. He called out to him in the gentlest and softest voice he could muster.

“Aeroc, look at me.”

After a few more calls, Aeroc raised his tear-filled eyes and found the baby. He couldn’t turn his gaze away from the baby in Kloff’s arms. Despite longing for the child, he spoke words of denial.

“No. If I see him… I won’t be able to let him go…”

“Where do you want to send him to, Aeroc? What are you talking about?”

“You’ll take him away. To the estate. It’s too cold in the cabin, I can’t sleep there.”

With their child in his arms, Kloff knelt by the bed. The baby was now at eye level with Aeroc. When Aeroc saw the white baby blanket, he reached out his trembling hand, but before his fingers could touch it, his hand curled like a withering flower petal. It was clear that he wanted the baby. So why was he pushing him away?

Kloff wanted to cry. He had endured listening to the agonizing moans of his imprinted omega. He thought that he would finally be able to see Aeroc’s bright smile. But Aeroc was rejecting their baby, the one he himself had given birth to. It was unbearably painful and heartbreaking. Instead, Kloff pushed the baby into Aeroc’s arms. Aeroc squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to look.

Sadness and pain. Also, anger and frustration. Every time Kloff saw Aeroc suffering like this, he wanted to scream and ask what was wrong, but he held it back. He feared that if he let it out, there would be an uncontrollable outburst. Instead, Kloff held back his tears, extending Aeroc’s arms and nestling the baby within. Aeroc sobbed as he tried to resist opening his arm.

“Just take him away. Please.”

“Look! You have to look at him!”

Kloff pulled Aeroc’s pleading head towards the baby. Tears poured from his tightly shut eyes and rolled down the tip of his tilted nose, falling onto the baby’s small head. The baby wrinkled his face slightly, and finally, he started crying. As the soft and vulnerable cries filled the air, Aeroc was startled and he instinctively held the baby.

Witnessing that scene, Kloff froze, not knowing what to do. The baby cried, and Aeroc cried. Not knowing what was wrong with his wife and baby, Kloff felt like crying himself. Despite trying so hard to hold back, his tears refused to be swallowed back. Just when they were about to spill, an angel appeared to rescue him in this unmanageable situation.

Martha, who had left the room to clean up the mess after the delivery, came in and saw the crying baby. She made a face.

“He needs to be breastfed.”

Kloff cried out, “How?” With a confident demeanor, Martha came to the bedside and handed the baby to Kloff with her sturdy hands. Although Aeroc had been trying not to look at the baby who he was instinctively cradling, he let out a small exclamation.

With a burst of strength, Martha lifted Aeroc’s upper body, which was even too heavy for Kloff to lift. She placed a pillow behind him to help him sit up. The weight on his lower body made Aeroc grimace and groan in pain.

“Hang in there, even if it hurts. You’re about to experience your happiest moment in the world.”

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