Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 482 - The Sixth Light Pillar

There was one thing risky about the Light Pillars now. From the sixth level and onwards, there would be no safe zones anymore. However, if Krune wants to advance, he will need to go there where the Light Pillar is. Not only that. If he wants to take any Godly Stones Reward, he will have to summon it in front of everyone around the Light Pillar. Fortunately or not, Krune did very bad in the last one, so he didn't have any to take this time.

"Heavin, keep your Mental Energy spread while I use the Purple Tribulation Lightning Layer. We will check what is around the next Light Pillar like this. If it is too dangerous, we will choose another one."


Heavin agreed with Krune while they traveled against the direction of the Godly Energy flow. Finally, they arrived at the next one. However, the surroundings were completely empty, there wasn't a single living soul as far as they could see.

"A trap?"

Light Spirit agreed.

"Most likely, although you can't see them, I can feel their Divine Senses."

Heavin then pointed at a certain direction.

"Found them. In fact, there are quite a few different cultivators and demon beasts hidden around the Light Pillar. However, it doesn't seem like they are friends with each other, either. They all have different clothes and seem to be of different races."

Krune pondered a bit before asking.

"Can you see their cultivation level with your Mental Energy?"

Heavin nodded.

"The majority is at the Void Breaking Realm, with just a few at the Divine Path. That's weird. They definitely know about each other, so why are they staying hidden? Did they reach an agreement to attack anyone who approaches together?"

Krune shook his head.

"From what you are telling me, there are way too many of them to be worth it. There must be another reason behind it. Something that has nothing to do with other cultivators and demon beasts that arrive. Heavin, check if there is anyone around who isn't too close to the majority, we will go ask what is happening."

Heavin nodded before pointing in the direction of a rather weak demon beast. The guy was only at the 5th of the Void Breaking Realm and was keeping quite some distance from the others.

"Sorry, friend. Are you alone?"

That demon beast almost jumped in fright. He kept his Divine Sense spread all time, but he hadn't seen Krune approaching him at all. It was then that he looked behind and saw a small ball of purple lightning floating there. Obviously, it was Krune's group.

"Who are you, how can you see me?"

Krune just smiled.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to do anything to you, friend. It's just that I noticed that there are a lot of people and beasts hiding around this Light Pillar. Is there a reason for it?"

The demon beast looked around and didn't find anyone else.

'Seems like it is not am ambush.'

The guy then calmed himself.

"No one is hiding because they want, but because of the Light Pillar."

Krune got puzzled but waited for the guy to continue the explanation.

"If you pay good attention, you should be able to see a difference in this pillar, right?"

Krune looked at the Light Pillar and noticed that some red marks could be seen at its base. The previous ones didn't have such a thing.

"Yes, it's those marks."

The demon beast nodded.

"Those are protection marks. They scan the surroundings at random times, looking for targets to attack. That is why everyone is hidden. Once those marks find a target, this unfortunate person or beast will be attacked by the formation deep in the underground. Anyone under the Divine Path Realm would most likely die to it."

Krune couldn't help but ask.

"Then how do you plan to enter the Light Pillar test?"

The guy shook his head before continuing.

"You don't understand, that is the test. Since you were able to find me, you should also be able to see that there isn't a single living soul in a 30km radius around the pillar, right?"

Krune looked at Heavin, who confirm that the guy was right.

"Yes, I can see many you, but no one is close to it."

The demon beast nodded.

"That is because the 30km around the Light Pillar is considered an almost certain death zone. Inside this range, nothing can hide you against those marks protection. Hiding abilities only work outside that range. The test is very simple and, at the same time, very hard. You need to touch the light pillar, that's all. Your rank will depend on how long you take to approach and touch it."

Krune nodded. Still, there was one thing puzzling him.

"Then why don't you stay far away from it and only come after you decide to give it a try?"

The Demon Beast was already expecting this question.

"That is because the formation under us isn't always at full power. At certain random intervals, the formation protecting against those who approach the Light Pillar gets weaker. At that point, everyone who wishes to pass the test will charge at the same time."

"Have anyone tried to hide from the protection somehow?"

"Hehe! Of course, there is always an idiot who thinks that his or her ability is good enough to do that. But everyone failed and died miserably, no exception. Anti-Divine Sense, Hide in the Shadows, Camouflage, Space Distortion, nothing worked. Also, the space inside is completely messed up. If you try to teleport there, only death awaits you."

It was then that Light Spirit commented.

"He is right. If I'm not wrong, what we have under us is a god-level formation. Most likely, once you enter the Light Pillar 30km range, no anti-detection ability will work. Although I'm confident to hide against any type of Divine Sense detection, this formation is definitely not this simple. It should have several other ways of finding you. Forget about using my Tribulation Lightning Layer, it won't work."

Krune nodded before asking another question to the Demon Beast.

"How do you know the time that the formation gets weaker?"

Suddenly, Krune noticed a stone flying into the 30km range of the Light Pillar. Immediately, something that looked like a beast made of energy appeared. It attacked that stone with lightning speed, completely pulverizing it. Even Krune felt a chill on his back when he saw that.

"Did you see it? That is how we test the level of the formation. At the moment, it is at full power. But when it gets weaker, the attacks get a lot weaker and slower than what you saw."

Krune then thought about another possibility.

"But if everyone enters at the same time when it gets weaker, wouldn't it be hard for those with much lower cultivation? Those Divine Path Realm cultivators and demon beast could use them as bait to attract the attacks."

The demon beast couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Do you really think that such a flaw would be left behind? This is a test, after all. Once you enter the 30km radius, your cultivation will be locked at the 9th Stage of the Void breaking Realm. Of course, if you are under this level, your cultivation will not increase to the 9th stage. So those at the 9th stage can still use weaker ones if they feel like it. However, since the difference in cultivation is too small, no one will try such an idiot thing unless they are in a situation where they have no choice. Using someone with similar cultivation as scapegoat or bait would be too risky."

Krune nodded. Usually, 30km for a 9th Stage Void Breaking Realm wouldn't take more than a few tens of seconds to be traveled. However, Krune was sure that it wouldn't be this simple at all.

"Thank you, friend, this was of great help."

The demon beast nodded and then went somewhere else. There were two reasons why it talked so much to Krune. The first was because it couldn't see Krune's cultivation or even feel his presence with Divine Sense, so there was a chance that Krune had a much higher cultivation than it. The second is that the more participants who tried simultaneously, the higher the chances of passing through the test. After all, the formation would have to divert its attention to everyone.

"Heavin, this will be a speed test. To increase our chances, I'll be taking full control of the Divine Soul."

Heavin nodded on Krune's shoulder.

"No problem. I also think this is the best way. However, let's not enter the first time it happens. It will be better to observe and see if everything is like what that demon beast said. Who knows, he might have hidden something."

Krune agreed with Heavin. He wanted to go up as fast as possible, but he will never reach the tenth level if he is dead.

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