Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 483 - Passing Through

It didn't take long for the time to come. As the hidden participants threw stones into the 30km range now and then, it came a time when the retaliation inside suddenly got weaker. Seeing that, around 20 cultivators and demon beasts came out of their hiding places and charged inside. 

Krune immediately noticed that one of them was in the Divine Path Realm, although he didn't know which Stage exactly. But as soon as he entered the 30km range, some kind of light covered his body faintly. Right after, his cultivation immediately plummeted to the 9th Stage of the Void breaking Realm.


The formation was a physical one. Several types of energy-like beasts, cultivators, and weapons attacked from all sides. Sure enough, it was impossible to make a beeline to the Light Pillar. The formation made sure to keep a tight defense, which stops anyone from simply charging forward.

Since there weren't many trying this time around, there was a lot of space for everyone.

Soon, Krune narrowed his eyes. That is because although the attacks got weaker, it definitely wasn't something that an ordinary 9th Stage Void Breaking Realm could hope to avoid.

"It seems like the person who made this formation knew very well that the majority coming to this place would be geniuses. Weaklings would simply have no chance in this place."

It didn't take long for the first victim to appear. A cultivator failed to notice a blade coming from his back while he dodged a horde of demon beasts in front. The formation gave no chance for recovering. The moment it pierced through that guy, it immediately exploded. Although the cultivator reacted fast enough, he was still grievously injured. He tried to go back and leave the Formation Range, but it was too late for him. He was the first one to die.

Krune wanted to check another thing as well. Just how long will the formation keep in this weakened state? Soon, more than ten minutes passed, and another 5 participants already lost their lives. However, there was also one who was also hit by an attack but was still able to retreat. He immediately hid once more and started to recover. That meant that even if you were caught, you still have a sliver of hope of escaping.

The one closest to the Light Pillar was the demon beast who was in the Divine Path Realm. Even though its cultivation was locked in the 9th Stage of the Void Breaking Realm, his experience and laws far surpassed the others. Also, it was a flying type Demon Beast and a swift one at that. At the 18 minutes' time, that Divine Path Realm demon beast finally touched the pillar.

Immediately, all the attacks coming in its direction stopped before disappearing completely.

"I see, once you touch the Light Pillar, you will have passed the trial. So you can take your time to retrieve any Godly Energy Stones and check the rankings."

Krune kept observing and noticed that the other participants got somewhat desperate, doing whatever possible to reach the Light Pillar as soon as possible. Even though there were several injures due to that, another seven participants arrived at the Light Pillar. As for the rest, they didn't have that chance.

Around 25 minutes after everyone entered the Light Pillar range, the formation recovered! All the formation's attacks increased several times in power and speed. Those who were still in the middle of the test were almost instantly slaughtered. 

"More or less 30 minutes until the formation recovers its power. That should be enough time for anyone attempting to pass it. Still, even the 9th Stage of the Void BReaking Realm is already this difficult. Just having full control over my Divine Soul will be risky."

Krune pondered a bit before deciding.

"I will enter it in my wisp form. Although a few cultivators and demon beasts saw my Purple Tribulation Lightning and wisp form, most don't know about it. I guess I will use the Tribulation Lightning Layer as well just to be safe."

Heavin agreed with Krune and retracted his Divine Sense from the parrot before Krune put it away. After that, they began to wait for the next time the formation would get weak again.

Two days later, the time finally arrived. As one more stone was thrown inside, the attack that came at it was once again weaker than normal. Krune's eyes lit up, and he immediately transformed back into his Wisp Form while covering his body in Tribulation Lightning. With a flash of purple light, Krune rushed inside the slaughtering formation.


As soon as Krune entered, three energy demon beasts pounced at him. Sure enough, the Anti-Divine Sense effect of the Purple Tribulation Lightning Layer didn't work on them. Those beats had no problem finding his location.

*Swish, swish, swish*

Another 33 cultivators and demon beasts entered as well from all sides of the light pillar. Three of them were close to Krune. Because of the proximity, they all tried to use the others as cover. 

Krune was using his Tribulation Lightning instant movement together with his Wisp Form, though. With that combo, he wasn't any slower than this group. It didn't take long before Krune opened some distance from them. Krune had no intention of using anyone as cover to start with. Also, since he purposely separated from this group, the others didn't follow. They would only try to take advantage if it was beneficial to them. However, Krune followed a path that brought him further from the Light Pillar, so they immediately ignored him.

With his path clear of nuisances, Krune immediately returned his attention to the Light Pillar once more.

*Zap, Zap, Zap!*

*Boom, Boom, Boom!*

Flashes of Purple Lightning appeared everywhere as Krune dodge and counter attacked those energy beasts, cultivators, and weapons. 

"I need Godly Energy Stones, so I can't waste time here anymore. Time to get serious."

"Tribulation Lightning Movement, 250%!"

The arcs of Purple Lightning around Krune increased several times in size and power. His speed, which was already frightening for someone at his level, got even faster! Krune wasn't holding back at all. 

Light Spirit had recovered a good part of his Tribulation Lightning Essence back then when it came from the Luvile Universe. Krune had also absorbed part of that essence, which allowed him to have an output of 200%. However, Krune was still a 4th Stage Soul Forging Realm Wisp at that time. Now, had broken through the Void Breaking Realm, so his Wisp Body was a lot sturdier and could resist even more Tribulation Lightning without damaging it. Obviously, it was around 250% now!1

It wasn't just is his movement technique. Any attacks that used his Tribulation Lightning could now be made at the same level. Krune's overall strength wasn't something that just anyone could compare to.

The others outside and the ones inside taking the test were surprised by that.

"Impressive, that is definitely the speed of an ordinary Divine Path Realm cultivator or demon beast in the first or second stage."

"He might be a Divine Path Realm to start with. So it shouldn't be surprising that he can do his much. Look at that other demon beast on the other side. He is also a Divine Path Realm. Even though his cultivation was locked in the 9th Stage of the Void Breaking Realm, his speed is still at the Divine Path Realm level."

"You guys are all wrong. You don't know who this guy is, but I do. Just a few days ago, he went through his Void Breaking Realm tribulation, and I was there to see it. I would never mistake that Purple Lightning. Especially since now, I understand why he disappeared from my sight at that time. That Purple Tribulation Lightning can hide him against Divine Sense. However, I can guarantee you, he is still an Early Stages Void Breaking Realm... Wisp!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard that, they turned in Krune's direction and couldn't believe it.

"Is that a Wisp?"

Of course, the majority thought that it was just a joke. How could a New Void Breaking Realm be this fast and a wisp on top of that? The guy who recognized Krune knew that the majority wouldn't believe him. So he didn't even try to say that that wisp's Tribulation was an ascension type one. If he did, everyone would just curse him thinking that he was making a fool of them.

Just like that, Krune's efforts to the fact that he was a wisp secret was destroyed. 

That wasn't the only thing that surprised the others, though. Krune was also advancing at a frightening pace to the Light Pillar. Places where others would find extremely hard to pass through, he passed as if it was the simplest thing in the world. The reason was his Mental Energy! It wasn't t the same level as Heavin, but he can still spread it much further than his Divine Sense. The restrictions that affected one's Divine Sense weren't as severe with Mental Energy, so Krune could see much clearer too.


With one last Flash of Purple Lightning, Krune's Wisp Core touched the Light Pillar! Right after, he returned to his human form before finishing using his Tribulation Lightning. Only his Tribulation Lightning Layer remained now. With that, Krune finally passed the Sixth Light Pillar test.

"Phew... It's finally over."

Light Spirit then commented.

"It went better than I thought. I have to admit that this Mental Energy thing is quite handy."

Krune smiled before letting Heavin awaken again. After that, he sent his Divine Sense into the Light Pillar. He wanted to check his and the other's positions.

I'm well aware that this 250% should instead be considered his new 100%. However, it would be hard to notice the difference if I just said it got stronger, so Like to put it this way. ^^
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