Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 653 - They Appeared

Without any surprises, Krune crossed the finishing line first. As for the rest... well... This wasn't a race that gave prizes for those who were second or below, so it didn't matter anymore.

Back in the spectators' place, Gavei was laughing out loud.


"Hahaha! It seems like the heavens are still on my Green Talon Eagle Race's side. Don't forget, everyone. For the next two hundred years, I don't want any of you bothering us about our Wind Essence Vein. Hahaha!"

Everyone who participated in this race had ugly expressions. However, there was nothing they could do. After all, they were the ones who came up with this idea to start with. The ones with the worst expressions were obviously the powers who had Celestial Organization Members participating in it.

Of course, considering Krune's cultivation and his real power, they all thought that Krune was also a Celestial Organization Member. It's just that he was probably part of another one different from Wagando and Erven's ones.

In fact, this was the same thought Wagando and Erven were having after they finished the race exactly.

"Wagando, have you heard about any new rising start in the other two Celestial Organizations?"

Wagando immediately shook his head.

"No. However, there is still a chance that he is part of one of ours as well. After all, it is not uncommon to have secrets even inside our own homes. You should know that better than anyone else. Also, since he appeared here in your Celestial Sky Organization territory, he might be someone from your turf."

Erven wanted to deny that, but he knew that Wagando was talking the truth. The fact was that the Celestial Organizations' insides aren't as united as the secular world believed. It was common to have strifes between them. Some hidden members that no one knew about appearing here and there wasn't anything rare at all in their histories.

"That makes things complicated. Still, Krune is only at the 1st Stage of the Semi-Divinity Realm, but he is faster than us. Not to mention his Purple Lightning. I've never seen anyone using such power before. I don't want to admit it, but he is probably stronger than us as well. How come we didn't receive any information about such a freak?"

Wagando nodded.

"He isn't using any of the Celestial Organizations' identification methods. Could it be that he isn't part of any of the four?"


Erven immediately denied that notion.

"Impossible. We all keep a tight watch over our own territories. Although I didn't know that you were coming, I'm sure that the watchers noticed your presence as soon as you appeared. If someone like Krune appeared in the wild, we would have caught him a long time ago. He wouldn't even need to pass through any selection. Our organizations would bring him in through the back door straight away."

In the end, they reached the conclusion that Krune must be part of one of the four Celestial Organizations.

Later, back in the place where the spectators were staying, Krune and the surviving participants were brought back. Gavei then came forward to receive him.

"Hahaha! Well done, Krune. With this, one of the favors is paid."

Krune smiled after hearing that. This was basically something that they came up with for Krune's sudden appearance.

"It's okay, senior Gavei. But don't forget, you only have another two favors remaining. Be careful about what you will use them in the future."

Everyone heard that and nodded to themselves. They knew that the Green Talon Eagle Race didn't have anyone of Krune's caliber. That being said, he had to have come from some other big power or even a Celestial Organization. They all thought that Gavei had done something for Krune's background, which allowed him to bring Krune to the competition.

Of course, that also reinforced Wagando and Erven's beliefs that Krune also had the same kind of background as themselves. 

Still, that didn't mean they believed everything Gavei and Krune said. After all, they didn't need to say those words aloud. Instead, they could have used Divine Sense Messages. The fact that they didn't was obviously because they wanted the rest to hear.

Gavei then talked with Krune a little more and returned to the crowd to speak with the others. As mentioned before, it wasn't only the participating powers that came to this race. Instead, there were several times more powers that came here just to watch the show. Gavei was taking that opportunity to make a few friends too. As the leader of the Green Talon Eagle Race, he couldn't let such opportunities pass by.

While he was gone, Iem and Sisan came to talk with Krune as well. However, they used Divine Sense Messages instead of their voices.

"You did notice that those two groups over there are not ordinary, right?"

Krune nodded.

"Yes. I'm sure they are part of those so-called Celestial Organizations. However, they probably think that we are part of one of those as well. After all, no one will believe if we say that we came from outside the planet."

Iem nodded.

"That's a good thing. However, they will investigate us sooner or later. After we get our Wind Essence Vials, we should leave straight away."

Krune and Sisan agreed with Iem. However, that will happen after this gathering is over. That being said, Erven and Wagando would definitely approach them before it.

Sure enough, halfway through the post-race gathering, Wagando and Erven came to talk with Krune's group.

"I have to admit, you really surprised us back there. Anyway, my name is Erven Cante."

Wagando also said his piece.

"Indeed. Those shields were especially impressive. You can call me Wagando."

Krune bowed to them.

"Hi there. You can call me Krune."

Erven didn't want to waste much time, so he went straight into the topic.

"Krune, from which Celestial Organization are you from?"

Krune shook his head after hearing that.

"You should know this already. I can't say anything about me, at least not until the elders allow me to do so. That's why I'm not using anything that could expose my identity."

Of course, that was all bullshit.

"I see... Probably not even your name is real, right? As for your faces, I doubt that they are the real ones even more."

Krune shrugged his shoulders as if confirming their words. Still, he didn't deny nor agree with what Erven said.

"Is there anything else you wish to know?"

Wagando immediately nodded his head.

"Yes. What is this Purple Lightning of yours? I've never heard about it before. It has some kind of weird powers that I can't identify at all."

The power Wagando was talking about is the Tribulation one. It is expected that they don't know about it. After all, this world doesn't have such things as Heavenly Tribulations. Naturally, they can't possibly have felt it before.

"All I can tell you is that this is a new technique that has been in development for a long time in secret. As for how it was created, or which of our organizations is doing it, I can't say. Still, it probably won't be long before it is revealed to everyone. Also, I can at least tell you that my side isn't the only one researching something like this. Anyway, you could say that I'm just a testing subject."

Krune didn't say much, but there were many hidden meanings in his words that Erven and Wagando understood. Too bad that it was all bullshit as well. Of course, it didn't mean that they believed everything Krune said. Only an idiot would do so.

Erven then nodded his head.

"It's okay. I was already expecting a similar answer from you. By the way, how long will you stay around?"

Krune pondered a bit before saying.

"I'll be returning to the Green Talon Eagle Race's territory with Gavei. After that... well, we'll see."

After that, the three of them talked for a while longer before finally separating.

Time passed in a flash, and soon, the gathering was over. Krune's group then left with Gavei and his elders.

As for Erven and Wagando, they also left. Of course, they went in different directions.

After flying for a few kilometers, Erven took a token from his Spatial Ring and poured Godly Energy inside. Right after, he said a few things close to it. The token then shined for a few seconds before returning to normal.

Pordol saw that and couldn't help but ask.

"Did you decide to investigate Krune's group?"

Erven nodded.

"Something just doesn't feel right. Krune's story indeed does match what we thought it was, especially that Purple Lightning. It wasn't something that just anyone could create, so a Celestial Organization must be behind this. Still, I can't help but feel that we are missing something of extreme importance."

Pordol and the others looked at each other before nodding. After that, they continued their journey.

Wagando's group wasn't much different. They also contacted their own background. However, Wagando's Celestial Weapons Organization did not have authority in this place, so it would be a lot more difficult for them to investigate anything. Nonetheless, he did his part in reporting what happened in that secular world competition.

Back on Krune's side, they flew all the way back to the Green Talon Eagle Race's mountain. However, they didn't waste too much time on that. After acquiring the three vials promised to them, Krune's group left straight away.

They kept flying for a few hundreds of kilometers when suddenly, Luvile warned Krune.

"A Divine Sense just scanned our area. It was definitely much stronger than anyone at the 1st Stage of the Transformation Realm."

Krune nodded.

"Sure enough, they appeared."

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