Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 654 - Gotas City

Krune then asked Luvile.

"Do you know how far this Divine Sense Owner is?"


"At least ten thousand kilometers. However, considering the owner's cultivation, it won't take him or her more than a minute to arrive here. Also, you must not forget that the space on this planet is quite fragile. I believe it won't be hard for anyone at the Mortal Rejection Realm or above to open a Spatial Gate around."

Krune nodded.

"It's okay. The owner of this Divine Sense is more than far enough. Also, Spatial Gates don't open instantly. We have a lot of time. Not to mention that whoever it is, he or she is probably not intending to get close. If you consider the gap between our cultivations, the other side probably thinks we didn't notice anything."

Luvile agreed with Krune. Iem and Harold were also having a similar type of conversation and reached the same conclusion. 

Krune then looked at Sisan and Iem before saying.

"You two, get close to me."

Iem knew what Krune wanted to do. As for Sisan, Krune simply said that he wanted to use a technique to conceal their presence while leaving. 

Right after, Krune's Purple Tribulation Lighting came out of his body and formed a layer of protection around the three of them. Iem could make something similar with his Harold's Devil Flames, but he simply decided to use Krune's one.

With that done, the three of them changed direction and disappeared in the distance at full speed. In fact, Krune and Iem weren't that worried. That's because they had Zule beside them. If there was really a need, Zule already guaranteed that he could open the spatial gate connecting outside at any time. Of course, they will try to delay that as much as possible so that they can explore this place.

Ten thousand kilometers away, a woman was using her Divine Sense to check the three. At the same time, she made sure to keep that distance so that she wouldn't catch their attention. Her name was Clara Magnok, an elder of the Celestial Sky Organization. Also, a God Foundation Realm cultivator!

She received the report from Erven sometime ago. After reading through it, she was quite surprised by the contents. She then went to talk with the higher-ups of the Organization, but no one knew anything about Krune or his type of power. In the end, she was dispatched to verify what was all this about. However, because they thought that Krune's group was part of another Celestial Organization, they couldn't touch them due to the pact they had. That being said, she decided to watch them from afar before deciding what to do.

However, just a few moments after she found them with her Divine Sense, they suddenly disappeared!


Clara was taken aback when she found that they evaporated in thin air right inside her Divine Sense range. She made a slashing motion with her hands without wasting any time, which quickly opened a Spatial Gate in front. This was also how she arrived in this place so fast.

After passing through it, she appeared right in the place Krune's group vanished. However, even after looking all around with both her vision and Divine Sense, she couldn't find a single clue about their positions. 

'They have a treasure that can even hide from a Divine Sense of much higher level than themselves. That's not all; they disappeared right after I found them with my Divine Sense, which means they also have something capable of detecting it. Seems like Erven was right; they are definitely part of one of the other three Celestial Organizations. But what are they doing so far from their home?'

Clara then shook her head and selected a random direction to fly. Of course, she knew her chances of finding them now were almost inexistent, but it was still better than nothing. 

Back on Krune's group side, they kept flying close to the ground while covered by Luvile's Purple Lightning Layer. After all, the Purple Lightning was quite catchy when using naked eyes. That way, they could use the terrain to conceal it as much as possible.

Krune's group received a map from Gavei back in the Green Talon Eagle Race Mountain, so they now knew where they were going, at least.

"Take these pills and swallow them. They will change our appearances temporarily."

Krune then passed the pills to Iem and Sisan, who immediately ate them. Krune, of course, did the same thing. Right after, their body structures and appearance changed, making them look three completely different people.

"Alright. We are five days away from Gotas City at this speed. From what we heard from Gavei, that is one of the largest cities in the Celestial Sky Organization Territory. We can check if there is anything good for us to take from there."

Iem and Sisan nodded.

"The Wind Essence Vials we got so far is already worth a lot in the Godly Path Realm. What else can we take from this place?"

The three of them began to ponder.

"The best thing would be if we could enter a Celestial Organization and see what resources they have there. However, we simply don't have enough time. Besides, they seldom recruit new members. Not to mention that their tests can take weeks to be concluded. We don't have that long."

Sisan also added.

"That's not all. We can't select the Celestial Sky Organization since they are also looking for us. Not to mention the risks involved in getting close to any of the others too. It would be better if we could find something else not related to them."

Iem shook his head.

"It will be hard. Other than them, the rest live in a world where the 1st Stage of the Transformation Realm and Divinity Peak Realm are the limits. Other than the Elemental Essences, would there be anything else of value?"

Krune couldn't help but ask.

"Should we try to get more of the other Elemental Essences? Different from outside, they don't seem to be that rare in this world."

Iem couldn't help but wonder.

"Usually, we would take missions in the sect when we want to get new resources. Don't you think that this planet also has some kind of Missions or Mercenary Guild? We could check Gotas City for it. If there is anything worth taking notice of, we probably can find it there. Even if we don't find anything different from the Elemental Essences, there are bound to be some jobs that have them as rewards too."

Krune and Sisan immediately nodded.

"Indeed, that's a very good idea."

"Very well, let's increase the speed so that we can save some time. We already spent ten of the forty days available to us."

With that said, Krune's group once again increased their speed.

The travel that was supposed to last five days ended consuming four days in the end. Finally, Krune's group noticed the increase of cultivators and demon beasts around. Not too long after, they sited Gotas City's Wall in the distance. Of course, Krune had already stopped using the Purple Tribulation Lightning Layer by now.

"We are finally here. Let's go to the city gate and ask the guards."

Everyone nodded as they quickly approached the city. After getting close, they noticed that the city was covered by a protection formation too. There was quite an enormous queue for the cultivators and demon beasts who wanted to enter it at the gate. Every time someone entered the city, they paid the guards at the gate with some kind of black stone.

As mentioned before, Godly Stones are not available for the people and beasts of this planet. That being said, they used another type of currency called Migan Stones. These stones could be mined around the entire planet and were mostly found close to Elemental Essence Veins. That was another reason for the powers to want those Veins so much.

Obviously, the Green Talon Eagle Race had a lot of them. Thanks to that, Krune's group was able to fork quite a fair amount from Gavei when they stayed in the mountain. Krune's group examined those stones and could tell that they had some Godly Energy inside. However, they couldn't compare to the most common Godly Stones from the outside world. Still, they were perfect for being used as currency due to their rarity.

Krune's group waited in line until it was their time. However, to avoid suspicion, they were not close to each other. They decided to take different positions in the queue and enter one by one. Once inside, they could use their communicators to find each other as long as they don't go too far from the entrance.

This is another thing from this planet. The technology was nonexistent. This world operated pretty much on the old Godly Energy-based systems. Well, not that it bothered Krune's group too much. The only problem was that they didn't have instant access to a lot of information like on the outside. 

In fact, they heard from Jilan that information is quite expensive. There was even a group that worked by providing information, the Watchers Guild. Some thought that if you don't find what you want to know there, then you won't find anywhere else. Of course, because of their efficiency, their prices were also exceptionally high. Krune's group thought about paying a visit to them in case they don't find anything good at first.

Once inside the city, Krune waited for Iem and Sisan to arrive, which didn't take too long.

"Alright, I already asked the guard about it. There is indeed an organization like the Missions Hall here. Let's go there first."

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