Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1685 Fan Fumi

”fufufufufufu” the laughter of the women was heard in this place, the voices of these women sounded very melodious, this voice was like a beautiful bird chirping.

The women here have long pointed ears, they have the same hair color which is yellow.

Their bodies were extremely fine and slender, not a single bit of it appeared to be excessively heavy.

This is a fairly large Elf village, there are hundreds of Elves living in this place, they are women with beautiful appearances.

Elf looks are the best, they have a good average appearance like models.

It is not strange that they are described as a beautiful and handsome race.

”Are we going hunting today?” a beautiful woman with long hair and large double tops.

Behind her back was a bow made of a very well shaped and carved wood.

Judging from what was on this woman’s back, it seemed that the female Elf wanted to hunt for something.

”Fumi we’re not hunting today” one of the women answered a question from a female Elf named Fumi.

” why ?” Fumi asked the woman in front of her, even though every week they would hunt monsters and practice their skills in self-defense.

This woman’s name is Fan Fumi, she is one of the Elf women with the best cultivation and combat abilities in this village.

”Didn’t you hear the news?” another Elf asked Fan Fumi.

”what news?” Fan Fumi didn’t know what he was talking about, he didn’t know what news he was referring to.

”The kingdom forbids all the elves that exist to hunt, so we won’t hunt until the appointed time” said one of the women to Fan Fumi.

”Ehhhh, how could that be. . .” Fan Fumi was not happy when she heard about this, even though she was already quite excited to hunt some monsters.

”No, if we break it and get caught, we’ll get into a pretty serious problem, so don’t overdo it” the female Elves said to Fan Fumi.

All the Elves here didn’t dare to do anything that got them into trouble, moreover it was a direct order from the kingdom, if they disobeyed it, they would get into quite a serious problem.

Fan Fumi pouted, even though she was already quite excited, she didn’t expect the situation to turn out like this.

”Go back to your place” The female elf told Fan Fumi to go back, they would hunt when the situation allowed for all of them.

”Okay, I understand” Under the pressure from the female Elf who was more senior than herself, Fan Fumi had no choice but to obey, she returned to her house.

Fan Fumi returned to her house, she looked very disappointed with what had happened, even though Fan Fumi was already very excited, but it was all in vain, they couldn’t go out and hunt.

”This sucks” Fan Fumi grumbled, she was very upset about what had happened.

Fan Fumi buried herself in the bed, she thought about why she couldn’t go hunting.

Fan Fumi couldn’t get out, therefore, she could only lie lazily on the bed.

”So boring” Fan Fumi feels very bored, staying at home is very boring, Fan Fumi doesn’t know what she can do in a situation like this.

”Why don’t I just do it” While lying lazily on the bed, Fan Fumi came up with an idea, why didn’t he just go hunting, she could sneak away from the guard in the village.

”Okay, I’ll do it” Fan Fumi had made up her mind, she immediately took back her bow and slipped out of the village.

Fan Fumi sneaks out, she gets out of the village by hiding behind houses.

”The guard is not too tight, I can go.” Fan Fumi looked around, she found that there was no guard around.

Fan Fumi immediately left, she ran and headed towards the forest to hunt.

No one was aware of this matter, they were not aware that Fan Fumi had left.

Fan Fumi’s character is like that, she always acts as she pleases.

Fan Fumi entered the forest not far from the village, where they usually hunted small monsters.

The forest nearby is quite safe, there are not many strong monsters that can threaten life, there are only small monsters and a few tame animals living in this forest.

Fan Fumi started to jump between the trees, she made sure not to be seen by the enemy while spying on the enemy.

Fan Fumi is not stupid, because there is a prohibition to leave the village, so she can’t fly, she will be easy to find if she flies over the trees, that’s why Fan Fumi decided to jump between trees to hide her whereabouts.

”There’s a monster” Fan Fumi found an earth pangolin monster, the ground pangolin monster has a strong defense and a sturdy body, the shield on its body helps it in fighting the enemies, this is a ferocious monster that will attack anyone who dares to enter its territory.

Fan Fumi took the bow on her back, she aimed at the target using her bow.

This monster was weak, which was why Fan Fumi could take this opportunity to shoot at the pangolin monster’s weak points.

Even though it has a tough body, the pangolin monster still has quite a lot of gaps, as long as Fan Fumi can shoot at the weak point, then Fan Fumi can kill this monster.

Fan Fumi was quite focused while aiming at the target, she used the profound energy she had to amplify the power of the arrow shot.

”Whoosh. . . “Arrows were fired, arrows shot at incredible speed towards the enemy.

The pangolin monster sensed the arrival of the attack launched by Fan Fumi, this monster immediately enveloped its body using the hard shield on its body.

” Clang . . .” Fan Fumi’s arrow shattered as it hit the pangolin monster’s hard shield, the arrow’s power still couldn’t penetrate the pangolin monster’s shield.

After parrying Fan Fumi’s attack, the monster spun around and headed straight for Fan Fumi.

  pangolin monster made an attack towards Fan Fumi who had barged into his territory.

”ahhh” Fan Fumi shouted, she tried to dodge the pangolin monster’s attack which was very dangerous.

”Boom. . ., boom . . ., boom . . .” the trees and plants around this place were instantly destroyed, it was because the pangolin monster’s attack power was very strong.

”I have to run away.” Seeing that there was no way to fight back, Fan Fumi decided to leave this place, she quickly left this place and ran away from the pangolin monster.

The pangolin monster didn’t let go of Fan Fumi easily, it chased after the fleeing Fan Fumi.

Fan Fumi ran as fast as she could, she dodged and made several diversions to escape.

Fan Fumi is very intelligent, she is able to distract the attention of her enemy, the pangolin monster is successfully diverted by Fan Fumi.

After successfully escaping, Fan Fumi rested near the river, she looked exhausted after running long enough to dodge the pangolin monster’s attack.

Fan Fumi went to get some water to drink, while she was doing that, Fan Fumi found someone floating on the water.

”Ah corpse” Fan Fumi shouted, she screamed when she saw the figure of a person floating on the water.

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