Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1686 Fan Fumi tries to save Ye Chen

”Uh, what’s that?” Fan Fumi was curious, she wanted to know what was in front of her.

Fan Fumi decided to get closer, herself getting closer to the person floating in the river.

Fan Fumi approached and found someone wearing a mask, this person was quite strange because he was wearing a mask.

Fan Fumi drags him to shore, she helps him to see more details about the person being rescued.

Fan Fumi saw that the person in front of her was still alive, this person was still alive.

”Who is he?” Fan Fumi asked who the person in front of her, she was curious about the person in front of her.

The person who was saved by Fan Fumi was Ye Chen, she saved Ye Chen who was carried away by the river current.

Fan Fumi took off Ye Chen’s mask, she wanted to see more clearly about Ye Chen.

Just as Fan Fumi was about to take off Ye Chen’s mask, from behind came an ominous voice, this was a pangolin monster chasing Fan Fumi.

”Ah. . ., that’s terrible.” Fan Fumi felt a dangerous feeling, she immediately helped Ye Chen out of this place.

When Fan Fumi tried to lift Ye Chen, he found that Ye Chen’s body was very heavy, Fan Fumi could not lift Ye Chen’s body.

”This person is so heavy” Fan Fumi couldn’t lift Ye Chen, she couldn’t lift Ye Chen’s body which was so heavy.

”Impossible, I can’t do it” Fan Fumi gave up, she was unable to lift Ye Chen’s body, Ye Chen’s body was too heavy for Fan Fumi to lift.

”Hey wake up. . .” Fan Fumi tried to wake Ye Chen, she tried all kinds of ways to wake Ye Chen.

Unfortunately Ye Chen still didn’t want to be woken up, he was still fast asleep like he couldn’t wake up.

Fan Fumi tried to drag Ye Chen, Fan Fumi dragged Ye Chen under a tree that had a gap to enter.

With Fan Fumi’s efforts, Fan Fumi managed to get Ye Chen into hiding.

Fan Fumi immediately hid her whereabouts, making sure not to be found by the pangolin monsters.

The pangolin monsters were around the tree where Ye Chen and Fan Fumi were hiding, these monsters circled this place to find the whereabouts of Fan Fumi.

Fan Fumi was very worried, she was confused about what to do in a situation like this, she could only hide until the pangolin monster left her.

”Ummmm. . . .” Ye Chen got up, he started to open his eyes and got up from the ground.

” Where is this ?” Ye Chen started to ask where he was now, Ye Chen’s last memory was when he was sucked in by a very strong whirlpool.

”Shh” Just as Ye Chen had just made a sound, he heard someone telling him to be quiet.

Ye Chen immediately looked to the side, when Ye Chen looked to the side, he found a woman with blonde hair and long pointed ears.

This woman’s appearance was extremely beautiful, she actually had smooth and milky white skin.

”elf. . . ?” Ye Chen did not expect that the first time he opened his eyes he would meet such a beautiful elf.

”Shut up, you don’t know the current situation” Fan Fumi told Ye Chen to be quiet, Ye Chen was too noisy.

”What’s wrong, why do you look tensed?” Ye Chen asked Fan Fumi, he wanted to know why Fan Fumi looked tensed.

Fan Fumi wanted to explain their current situation, but explaining to Ye Chen was something that was difficult to do.

with their current situation, it was impossible for Fan Fumi to explain the matter that was going on.

”Crack. . . .” suddenly when the tree they made a hiding place was destroyed, the pangolin monster ran over the tree until it fell and crumbled.

”Let’s run” Fan Fumi asked Ye Chen to run, they had to run away from this monster as soon as possible.

” Where do you want to go?” Ye Chen was dragged away by Fan Fumi, Ye Chen was dragged away from this dangerous place.

Their safety was in danger, so they had to quickly leave this place and escape from the monsters.

Ye Chen and Fan Fumi ran, they both went away from the pangolin monster.

pangolin monsters, continue to chase Ye Chen and Fan Fumi, these monsters are chasing and want to kill Ye Chen and Fan Fumi.

With Fan Fumi’s ability and experience, she managed to get Ye Chen to escape.

”Humph. . ., that was close.” Fan Fumi was relieved that she was able to escape, that was close, Fan Fumi almost died from being run over by a pangolin.

”Miss Elf, what is your name?” Ye Chen asked Fan Fumi, he asked what is Fan Fumi’s name.

”I am Fan Fumi, you alone, who are you, you look so strange” Fan Fumi asked Ye Chen, she felt Ye Chen was a little strange.

”My name is Ye Chen, I am human” Ye Chen said to Fan Fumi.

”Wow, you’re human” Fan Fumi’s eyes immediately lit up as she listened to what Ye Chen had just said.

To be honest, what Ye Chen said was very shocking to Fan Fumi.

”Why do you react like that?” Ye Chen asked Fan Fumi, why did Fan Fumi react like that.

”You know that humans are something very rare, I have never seen a human like you” Fan Fumi said to Ye Chen.

Fan Fumi kept her eye on Ye Chen from top to bottom, her interest in Ye Chen was very high, so it wouldn’t be strange for her to keep watching Ye Chen from top to bottom.

Fan Fumi was very curious about Ye Chen, to be more precise he was very curious about the human race.

Ye Chen let Fan Fumi do what she wanted, as long as Fan Fumi didn’t do anything out of bounds, then it would be fine for Ye Chen.

”Fumi Fumi, may I ask where are we right now?” Ye Chen asked Ye Chen, he asked where they were at this time.

”Of course you are in the Elven village area, it’s just that we are in a small village located in a quite remote part” Fan Fumi said to Ye Chen.

”Oh, so we’re on the outskirts.” Ye Chen understood the situation he was in, it seemed that Ye Chen was in an Elf village which was quite remote.

The Elven village was enormous, an area so large that it covered hundreds of Millions of square miles.

”What made a human like you come here?” Fan Fumi asked Ye Chen.

”I’m looking for something” Ye Chen told Fan Fumi that he was looking for something.

” what’s that?” Fan Fumi asked Ye Chen, Fan Fumi wanted to know what Ye Chen was trying to find, maybe he could help him.

”I am looking for Flower of Life Seven Color, do you know?” Ye Chen asked Fan Fumi.

”Flower of Life Seven Color, what is it?” Fan Fumi had never heard of it, rather she didn’t have much experience on this matter.

”Never mind, it seems you don’t know about this matter.” From the reaction Fan Fumi showed, it seemed that she knew nothing about this matter.

”I’m sorry, even though I said I wanted to help you” Since Fan Fumi didn’t know what Ye Chen was looking for, she apologized to Ye Chen.

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