
Chapter 101 - [Phase 2] [The Deed]

Chapter 101 – [Phase 2] [The Deed]

[BONUS Chapter (1/2) for reaching 50GT ^^]

[Phase 2]

When Cain Fay entered, it was like a hand was gripping Holley's heart, making it difficult to breathe.

When they were engaged, she didn't have to worry, for the end of the day, Cain Fay belong to her. But now . . . every day was like torture. Holley almost cried when she saw him after almost like an eternity.

The banquet began. Songs and dance kept the people entertained as delicious foods were brought up by maids and butlers on each table.

Everyone wanted to approach Cain Fay's table, but the cold, intimidating air around him was enough to keep everyone at bay.

There were a lot of people who toasted at each other as the scene became even more vibrant and joyous.

Sensing her cue, Holley pressed the pearl on her ring. When the pearl detached itself, she dropped it inside a bottle of wine.

The timing had to be perfect with this kind of drug –– her elder cousin kept reminding her. Once the drug was mixed in the liquid, the person had to take it within ten minutes, or the drug would lose its effect.

Her excitement almost made her stumble as she locked her eyes on her target. But before she could even approach Cain –– Russell blocked her way.

"Hello, it has been a while since I last saw Cain. I'll just say 'hi' and have a toast with him." Holley flashed her most charming smile with blushing cheeks, completing the act of a bashful little girl.

Russell only grinned. A genuine, modest girl will not stalk a man across the globe. He thought.

"Young miss, I'll have to taste that wine before it even grazes my Young Master's lips," Russell said with his usual carefree voice.

Holley restrained from showing even a tiny bit of panic on her lovely face. Relax! This is all part of the plan. She assured herself.

"Mr. Bodyguard, this is just a toast." Holley hid her nervousness beneath a laugh. "Don't you know who I 'am? Do you think that with my reputation, I will dare to do anything to Cain Fay?"

Her elder cousin specifically told her to use her name in this type of situation. Just mentioning her name was enough to convince and strike fear into the hearts of many.

But not this man.

Russell looked at her, amused. "It's protocol."

Panic was steadily creeping into Holley's heart as Russell stretched his arm to grab the bottle of wine.

"Let her."

Cain's ice-cold voice stunned the two of them.

Holley didn't expect that the one who would save her was the man she would drug.

Warmth drowned Holley's heart as she walked faster towards Cain. She sat on his side where Russell had been seating a while ago and beamed.

A lazy grin spread across Russell's face as he contented to stood motionless behind Cain, not bothered that his seat was stolen.

"It's been a while," Holley said with unconcealed adoration and excitement to finally talk to the man.

Cain didn't respond as he stared at Holley with his usual indecipherable expression.

"I know you're probably mad at me . . . ," Holley started, ". . . mad at my family for causing you trouble. I'll talk to my dad about it. I promise!"

Holley locked eyes with Cain and flashed a painful smile. "Cain, although we are not engaged anymore, but can we remain as friends . . . please?"

There was silence for a moment until Cain slowly nodded his head without uttering a word.

Holley smiled her brightest. "Then, let's have a toast to our newfound friendship!"

Holley's eyes betrayed her inner thoughts as she grabbed Cain's cup and poured the wine into it. She then seized another cup and poured wine for herself. She raised her cup and Cain returned the same gesture in silence.

Seeing that Cain drank the wine in one gulp, Holley almost jumped from her seat from joy. She also swiftly drank all the wine from her cup so that it wouldn't look suspicious. She already took the antidote, so the drug didn't have any effects on her.

Hawthorn Jones saw that phase two of their plan was executed, he walked in Cain's direction. "Mr. Fay, how about we discuss that contract now?" He then urged Cain to come with him to his study.

"Mr. Fay, I have some private matters I wish to discuss with you if that is alright?" Hawthorn Jones spoke with all seriousness while throwing a glance at Russell and Cedrick.

"Stay here," Cain said at his companions. Without looking back, he followed Hawthorn Jones to the old man's private study.

Russell and Cedrick stared at each other, but they didn't say anything as they stood motionless at their table.


[The Deed]

"Is it done?" Arthur Goldwood asked when Hawthorn Jones revealed a hidden passageway in his study where Arthur and Holley Goldwood stood in silence, waiting to strike.

"Y-yes." Hawthorn Jones tap a handkerchief on his sweaty face. "Cain Fay is sleeping on the bed in that room." His voice shook beyond his control as his trembling fingers pointed at a solitary room in his study.

"Good, you will be handsomely rewarded. Now leave." Arthur guided Holley out of the passageway and into the room where Hawthorn Jones just pointed.

Hawthorne Jones took a long last glance at the room where Arthur and Holley went in. Although the Fay's were not to be messed with, but so were the Goldwood's. He was confident that the Goldwood wouldn't let him suffer the consequences when the Fay decided to take revenge. After all, if he goes down, the Goldwood's would go down with him.

He could only take one side, and he made his stance. However, if everything goes smoothly like what Arthur Goldwood promised, he might have both powerhouses to his side.

As he was thinking to himself, cold sweat never ceased trickling from his trembling body as he made his way out from his study.


"He is all yours."

Arthur whispered to Holley's ear.

Holley didn't respond. Her full attention was at the sleeping man who dominated her mind and heart for years.

Finally! Finally! Cain will be mine!

"Remember, after several minutes, the effects of the drug will kick in. Cain will wake up from the intense heat of his body." Arthur reminded and chuckled. "You sure you can handle that, cousin?"

"If it's Cain, I can handle anything," Holley replied without a second thought.

Arthur shook his head and made his way out of the room. Before he closed the door, he reminded again, "The camera is already rolling, and your parents will arrive shortly. Remember the plan, after an hour, we will 'accidentally' barge in here. Got it?"

Holley nodded, her eyes locked on Cain, and Arthur went out with a shook of his head.

As soon as Holley and Cain were left alone, she crept to the bed. Leaning in, she took a closer look at the man's sleeping face.

Cain's lovely face remained unmoved and very much asleep. Holley body's flared as she caressed the man's chiseled face, excitement and anticipation were burning in her eyes.

"It's your fault, you know," she whispered. "If you haven't broken our engagement, I wouldn't be forced to resort to such methods. I love you so much . . . But why can't you love me back?"

As if possessed, she cupped Cain's cheeks and brought her lips to his.

She savored the delicious feeling of his lips before she stuck her tongue and parted his mouth, delving into a whole new world within.

Holley was lost in the moment of ecstasy that she didn't notice the supposed sleeping man was moving his tongue against hers, making her swallow something.

Holley almost choked when Cain's tongue went deeper in her throat that she unconsciously swallowed her saliva together with that bitter taste powder-like substance. She was in heaven when Cain finally reciprocated her feelings, not minding one bit that it was probably the drug at work.

She opened her eyes and gazed at the handsome man who she loves for so long. Cain's eyes were opened while his face was ice-cold as ever –– until he broke into his not so usual grin.

"Me' beauty sure is aggressive," Cain said with a low, crisp voice.

Holley's eyes widened. This is not Cain!

Before she could scream, her body trembled like it was electrocuted, and she slumped motionless on the bed.

Her senses were working, but her body was in  a death-like state and she couldn't find her voice.




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