
Chapter 129 - [Play] [Status]

Chapter 129 – [Play] [Status]

BONUS Chapter for reaching 300 PS ^^

[Estela's POV]


"So . . . how's school, Little Stela?"

Zhander tried to start a conversation to break the awkward silence as he covered me with sand while trying to be careful not to touch or even graze my body.

I rolled my eyes.

I never peg him to be those gentlemanly types.

Is it just me?

I wonder.

Ever since we'd gotten together, he had been . . . well, awkward with me. Like he didn't know how to treat me as his girlfriend.

"Oh~ you know . . . the usual. The professor gives out boring lectures while the students pretended to listen while the girls gossiped, and the boys were thinking hard how to get laid and stuffs like that. But anyway Zhander . . ."

I blinked many times at him, looking all cute and innocent. "When are you going to start covering my breasts?"

Zhander's face reddened once more.

I love his shy version and the way he covered his mouth and shifted his gaze away from me with his face looking like it had been wronged.

*sigh . . . I want to tie him up and have my way with him.

"I . . . I . . . Let's not . . . it will be hard for you to breathe if we . . . cover it."

"I heard salty water sands preserve your skins elasticity and a natural exfoliant~," I tilted my head and continued to tease him, "so . . . make sure to cover every inch of my body~."

"W-well . . . T-that's . . ."


"What's wrong Zha––argh!"

My eyes closed, protecting it from the sudden onslaught of sand.

"Little Stella!"

I forced my eyes to blink away the sand to see who my assailant was only to frown when I heard that annoying cutesy voice.

What's she doing here?

"Hello, Zhander," Saoirse purred in her two-piece bondage swimsuit, showing her bountiful breasts and voluptuous curves.

Crappy p***! I should have worn those strings!

Saoirse smirked and stared down at me. "Hello, Estela. Sorry, I didn't see you. Being small and all."

Snickers resounded, must be from her bitchy friends.

Oh~ two can play this game.

"Zhander . . . there's sand in my eyes," I said.

I continued to lay there as I pretended to rub my eyes, acting all pitiful.

"What?! Let me see."

Zhander leaned in closer, ignoring Saoirse's burning hatred glares as he gently blew hot air on my eyes.


"Zhander . . . it hurts . . . the other too . . . ," I whined with a voice that was about to cry as I bit my lip to stop the sobs.

I almost felt guilty at Zhander's pained face . . .

. . . almost.

Zhander completely ignored everyone as he scooped me in his embrace. I took a mouthful of his manly scent and sneakily rubbed my fingers on his bare chest while he was busy blowing away the imaginary sand in my eyes.

Tehehehehehe. I can do this aalll ~ day!

"Does it still hurt?"

Zhander coaxed, which only made my naughty fingers twirled around his chest while my other hand wrapped around his neck –– busy squeezing his shoulders.

I nodded, trying to look pitiful. "Zhander . . . Maybe if you kiss it . . . the pain will go away."

. . .

. . .

"Alright. Enough jokes, little Stela. Come on up."

Zhander pulled me up while I pouted.

I was completely serious!


[Estela's POV]


"Zhander . . . We're going to play volleyball. Why don't you come and play with us?" Saoirse was about to embrace Zhander's neck. She was tall as a model, so she didn't need to tiptoe.

Zhander smoothly escaped her clutches and grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry. Not today. I'm on a date with Little Stela," he said in a monotonous voice with a hint of warning.

Saoirse gaped at Zhander in disbelief, and she snapped her pretty head at me while raising her eyebrow.

I smugly held my head high and crossed my arms to raised my breasts up in secret.

"Zhander, I didn't know you're a babysitter now. Why don't you bring Estela along too so you can keep an eye on her?" Saoirse said and shot a smirked my way. "I'm sure she doesn't mind, right?"

She then gave Zhander a sweet smile.

Some girls snickered while some wiped away the cold sweat on their forehead, looking all nervous, shifting their gazes like saying they were not part of this whole charade.

I pouted and was about to attack her when Zhander pulled me closer to him.

"I'm not babysitting anyone. Estela Fay is my girlfriend."

. . .

. . .

I repressed the spreading of my grin with no such luck when Saoirse's jaw was about to fall on the ground. Shocked was written all over her face.

Zhander then pulled me away, leaving the stunned people behind.

. . .

. . . my girlfriend.

. . . girlfriend.


Couldn't contain my happiness, I hugged Zhander's waist while I giggled nonstop.

Zhander was taken aback but quickly recovered as he gently patted my head.

"Tehehehehe. I like the sound of girlfriend. Why don't you say lover~ while you're at it?"

Zhander patted my forehead and smiled. "Don't push your luck."

He then placed his arm around my shoulders and led me forward while I was embracing his waist.

"Do you want to swim?" he asked.

I put my finger on my chin, thinking. I imagined different scenarios playing under the dangerous water where no one knew what naughty things we were doing under its depth.

I nodded my head.


"Zhander~ hold me tight, okay~. I don't know how to swim," I lied while embracing Zhander's neck, gluing my body to his.

"Little Stela, why don't I first teach you how to swim before we even go near the deeper parts?" Zhander said as he tried to gently detach my screwed hands on his neck. His cheeks were red while his eyes were shifting left and right.

I pursed my lips and let him have his way.

"Little Stela, you have to flap your feet some more," he said, laughing when he held my two hands and pulled me while I was flat on my stomach, floating in the ocean.

I pretended to flap my legs like a fish out of water.


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