
Chapter 130 - [Rage] [Substitute]

Chapter 130 – [Rage] [Substitute]

[Estela's POV]



"What's wrong?"

Zhander stopped and pulled me closer to him.

I grabbed the opportunity and embraced his neck, pressing my breasts against his chest as I pretended to be hurt.

"Zhander . . . my legs cramped."


Zhander carried me like a bride towards the shore while my hands roamed all over his body, sneakily as possible to avoid him detecting my perverted deeds.

He then gently laid me on the sand, and I groaned when he escaped my fingers as he kneeled in front of my legs. And when he massaged my legs, sweet, torturous shock waves ran to every nerve of my body.

"Little Stela, does it still hurt?"

I stopped my mouth with the back of my palm when a giggle threatened to escape.

"Y-yes . . . Zhander . . . above . . . my knee . . ."


Zhander heeded my command and placed his warm palm on my knees while squeezing my flesh.

Ughh . . . that feels good . . .

"Zhander . . . above . . . mnn . . . my thighs . . . ungh . . ."

I bit my lips and closed my eyes as I prepared myself for the heavenly massage that never came. Instead, a light tap on my forehead forced me to open my eyes, and I blinked.

"Little Stela, it seems you're okay now."

Zhander had a wry smile on his face as he stood to his feet.

"Wait here. I'll get you a bottle of water," he said and strode off.

W-wha––Zhander, don't go!

I extended my hand only to grab air.


I curled myself and hugged my knees as I pouted and sulked, waiting for him to come back.


I rolled my eyes.


"Why the long face, Estela?" Saoirse crossed her arms as she stared down at me.

I stood up and patted my butt as I smiled at her. "Hello, Saoirse. I think that's none of your concern."

"What is this now? Zhander finally became your boyfriend." She licked her lips and smirked. "Aren't you happy you've gotten your wish?"

"Jealous much~?" I teased.

"At you?" Saoirse pointed her finger at me and laughed. "Oh Estela, Zhander may be your boyfriend, but he sure doesn't treat you like one."

"It's because he loves me."

"Is it now? The way I see it, he treats you like a kid."


"No, he doesn't." I kept my voice even, yet somehow, my anxiousness was apparent on my face.

The smile on Saoirse's lips grew wider. "Then, have you kissed?"

None of your business shit face!

"Of course, we have!" On my forehead, at least.

Saoirse seemed to read my mind as her smile only grew taunting.

"Did you have sex?"

. . . Eh?

". . ."

I could lie, but that's just pathetic.

When I didn't answer, Saoirse continued, "You know, when Zhander and I have gotten together . . . that very same day we made love all night."

She put a finger on her lips and shot me a seductive smile. "It was a wild night. We made love every day since then . . . I love it when Zhander kisses me and inserts his tou––argh!"

I didn't know what happened next when rage took over my mind, and I shot towards Saoirse. She fell on her back while I straddled her, making sure her two hands were under my legs, rendering her immobile.

"Slut! Prepare yourself as I don't do catfights!" I roared and landed my first punch on her nose.


People watch in horror, including Saoirse's friends. But they didn't stop me, afraid to implicate themselves as I punched Saoirse's face, determined to break every bone on her lovely face while the girl screamed in pain.


Before I could even land another black eye on her, I found myself floating in Zhander's embrace.

"What's going on here?!" Zhander released me and got between Saoirse and me.

"Z-Zhander . . . ," Saoirse managed to croak from her bloody mouth.

"The hell Estela! What did you do to her?!"

Zhander went to Saoirse's side and helped her to her feet. When the girl stumbled, apparently, she was still seeing stars, Zhander carried her, and the bitch cried on his chest.

"Z-Zhander . . . it hurts . . ." Tears after tears fell from Saoirse's eyes as she pressed against Zhander.

Rage overcame me again at seeing my man carrying another girl in his arms.

"You slut!"

I rushed to grab the girl away from Zhander when his angry voice stunned me in place.

"Enough, Estela!"

"She started it! She provoked me!"

"ENOUGH! You're clearly in the wrong!"

Every fiber of my being screamed as I couldn't believe Zhander took another girl's side.

He's supposed to be on my side!

I'm supposed to be the woman he loves!

"Why am I the one in the wrong?! Is it because she's crying and I'm not? Is it because she's all bloody, and I'm not?!" I said, voice hissing. An intense, rebellious feeling rose in me.

"Estela, please . . . just . . . stay right there. I'll get Saoirse some medical attention first," Zhander said with a voice exhausted as his face, which only made my blood boil.

Why is he dismissing me like that?! Like he's tired of dealing with me. He'll instead take care of that slut than talk to me?!

Rage clouded my judgment as an intense burning hatred compelled me to take revenge.

"Zhander, don't even think of taking a single step with that slut in your arms," I warned.

Zhander's face darkened as he stared at me like he didn't know me.

"I'm disappointed in you."

Was all he said before he turned his back on me and strode off with Saoirse in his arms, who still managed a smirked despite all her bruises.


My jaw clenched as I gnashed my teeth.

Determined to let Zhander feel what I feel –– I stormed off, kicking sand as I walked.



Zhander maintained his composure even when he was screaming inside to get out of the clinic to be with Estela's side.

He stared at the doctor with a floating mind, who was patching Saoirse up. He cleared his throat to hide the smirk on his lips at the sight of Saoirse's sorry face. Busted lips, broken nose, swelling cheeks, and a panda-like eye.

My Little Apple sure knows how to punch.

Well, it was a given that the Fay's knew how to fight since it was not a secret to him that Hynes Fay came from a long line of powerful military descent. It was also known to him that Lily Fay's ancestors were of mix blood, which came from a long line of mercenaries and assassins in ancient times.

He could only sigh in relief that he made it in time and stopped Estela to do any more damage.

"Mr. Jansen." The doctor turned to him when she finished patching Saoirse up. "Miss Wilson didn't suffer any serious injuries, just a broken nose and a couple of bruises which will recover in days time."

He nodded, and the doctor went outside of the room to give them some privacy.

"Bill me all the necessary medical treatments you'll need."

Was all he said before he turned to leave. He grabbed the handle of the door but was stopped when a pair of hand wrapped his waist.

He frowned and was about to shove Saoirse away, but quickly dismissed the thought when he realized she was injured at the moment.

"Zhander . . . please . . . don't go . . . ," Saoirse managed to squeak despite the numbing pain of her busted lips.

Zhander sighed and tried to unshackle himself from the girl's embrace.

"Saoirse, I'll apologize for what Estela did. You can do whatever surgery you wish to restore your face. I'll shoulder all the cost."

Saoirse's gripped on him only tightened, and his brows furrowed even deeper.

"Zhander, you're not serious about her, are you? I watch how you treat her."

"Enough Saoirse, let me go."

"No! I don't care if you're dating her. I know you're only doing it because she asked you to, and you couldn't say no because she's like a little sister to you, right?"

". . ."

"Zhander, I can be the woman Estela can't be in your life."

". . ."

Saoirse smiled when Zhander remained motionless, not struggling from her embrace.

"Zhander, what do you say? Since your conscience won't allow you to do any sexual acts on her . . . you can do it all to me."

She didn't care if she was going to be the second woman as long as Zhander would give her his attention.

That was all she ever wanted.

His attention.

No matter how small it was, as long as Zhander continued to be in her life.

. . .

. . .

"Saoirse, do you want to know a secret?"

Saoirse loosened her grip on Zhander when a chill rose her fine hairs from his dead voice.

Zhander took the opportunity and faced Saoirse. He reached out and touched her busted lips.

Despite the pain, Saoirse gave him a seductive smile. He smiled back, yet his purple eyes were constricting, burning with malice as he caressed her lips.

"You know . . . your lips are similar to Estela's."

Saoirse froze. Her eyes reddened when Zhander put more pressure on her lips that it went numb from the pain as he continued to look at her with cold eyes.

So cold, it froze her shattering heart.

"All of you are a substitute for Estela. An outlet for my desire for her."

Zhander smiled. Gone was the gentleman and kind façade he portrayed.

This was the first time Saoirse felt fear towards the man she loves. It was like she didn't know him. Her legs gave way, and she fell, butt first on the cold hard floor. All of her energy left her, and what remained was an empty, broken shell of a body.

Zhander left without a word, not giving a second glance at the slumped girl on the ground as he went to find his little Stela.

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