
Chapter 131 - [Angry] [Sweet Time]

Chapter 131 – [Angry] [Sweet Time]

[Estela's POV]


When my rage decapitated, I found myself in a bar with a tequila in hand surrounded by drunk men who I didn't know.

I blinked and recalled what happened.

I was walking in anger when these group of men barged my way and invited me to have a drink with them. I must have been walking until on the other side of the island because these men didn't have recognition in their eyes when they look at me.

In my burning desire to get revenge at Zhander, I agreed.

However, now that my brain could think again, I felt so stupid to lose myself like that.

I was not easy to provoke . . . it was just . . . that bitch knew where to attack me. She knew where to hit my weak spots and rattle me.

Oh, no! Zhander!

I was so childish to be mad at him. Childish and self centered. I was never the jealous or the insecure type. It just so happened that this was the first time that he admitted his feelings for me after years and years of waiting. And I was afraid that all of this was a misunderstanding. That he would suddenly revoked what he said and decided to stay as friends because Soarsie and her friends talked him out to it.

But this was no time to be thinking about me.

I have to go back and say sorry.

"Sweet girl, where are you going? The fun has just started."

My pupils constricted, and I gave out an air of killing intent when one of the men, ricking of alcohol, placed his hand on my shoulder.

Ah . . . why did I came with these disgusting guys again? I must really be an idiot and blinded by rage.

"Sorry~ I remembered an urgent matter I needed to do."

Lame excuse, I know.

"Come on! It's Hawaii! There's nothing urgent in here!"

"That's right! You should relax and drink with us!"

The men cheered, edging the stinky man, who grabbed my shoulder, on.

"Come with me, sweetie. I'll make sure you'll forget your urgent matter." The disgusting man licked his lips and leaned into my neck. My skin erupted in hives.

I was ready to unleash hell if this revolting man would move even an inch closer to me. However, before my fist could land on his sickening face, he was yanked by the collar and flew away from me.


I blinked, and the scary face of Zhander stumbled my view, looking down at me with constricting pupils.


Zhander grabbed my hand and pulled me from the bar. I winced from the pain of his tight hold on my wrist. Even when his back was facing me, I sensed the murderous intent oozing from him.

He's angry!

"Z-Zhander . . . I . . . t-this . . ."

I tried to explain, but the words wouldn't come out. No matter how you saw it, I was the one at fault here. I already have a boyfriend, yet I still went out drinking with other men. And worse, my boyfriend was just meters away!

It felt like I was cheating right in front of him. I could only imagine what Zhander might feel about it. If it was me, I might have gone berserk and slap him left and right senseless.

It wasn't my intention! I was planning to leave before he could even find out.

We were now at the beach outside the resto-bar and found ourselves circled by four ragged tipsy men. Zhander's grip tightened on my wrist as he shielded me when those drunk men blocked our way.

Even though Zhander was angry at me, he still protected me from harm that made me want to cry in guilt.

  "Dude! You're asking for trouble!"

"Hand over the girl! We saw her first!"

"Don't think because you have a pretty face, you can do whatever you want!"

"We'll smash your face to pieces. Let's see if you can still be so arrogant then."

Zhander remained quiet.

I couldn't see his face, but I knew his expression was cold as he exerted his supremacy at the four ugly men in front of us.


[Estela's POV]

[Sweet Time]

My hands turned cold as droplets of sweat broke out from my skin. My stomach was curling like my intestines' were twisting and rubbing against each other.

The four men were far way bigger and older than Zhander.

I knew Zhander could protect himself, but I never actually saw him fight before.

Zhander released my hand as he relaxed his tense muscles, readying himself for a fight while making sure his body shielded mine from any harm.

Like crappy p*** that I'll let these men hurt him!

"Don't interfere!"

But Zhander's angry voice stopped me from unleashing any war against them.

I almost slumped on the sand when he glanced at me. His eyes were scary as his face while his whole person gave off a hostile air.

I couldn't stand to look at him being angry at me like that.

I lowered my head and bit my lip while my body heeded his command, afraid to make him angry at me more than he already was.

I was like an obedient little bunny on the side, cowering before a black wolf.

The four men laughed, and one by one, they made their assault.

My pupils constricted and focused on Zhander while I was readying myself to flung to his aide the moment these ugly men land even a single graze on him –– damn his feelings!

No one hurts my man!

But Zhander was much quicker than the four combined. He seemed to have an extra pair of eyes, which allows him to see all corners of his surroundings as he smoothly evaded blows after blows while skillfully landing critical punches that rendered his opponent unconscious.

I was struck dumbfounded at the awesomeness displayed in front of me that my mind wonder in wonderland.

In a matter of seconds, four men laid motionless on the ground.

He's sooooo cooool.

I was mesmerized at the approaching male God that I didn't notice that extra man, who grabbed my shoulder a while ago, who I thought was still unconscious after Zhander practically trashed him away from me.

"Zhander, behind you!"

Too late.

Zhander turned and was greeted by a fist connected to his right cheek.

My body shot like a catapult, twirling in mid-air as I gained momentum and landed a kick to the stinking man's disgusting face, determined to break his skull. With a slight tap of my feet against the ground, my body spun once more for the second kick.

However, all my limb touched was air as the man already slumped on the ground –– unconscious.

Unsatisfied with the outcome, I was about to straddle him and break every bone of his repulsive face when Zhander's pained voice stopped me.


My eyes and body flew towards him without knowing it.

I paused a meter in front of him when I noticed his face was full of complicated emotions as his eyes didn't meet mine, looking dejected on the ground while the back of his knuckles covered his mouth. His cheeks were red. I didn't know if it was from anger. Besides that, I saw pain and . . .

. . . shame?

The pain on his expression didn't seem to come from his bruise.

That's right! He's injured!

"Zhander, y-your lips!"

Zhander just wiped the blood from his busted lower lip.

My body heated with rage. I glanced at the unconscious drunk man lying on the ground, ready to rip his soul apart. I was about to pull out the needles hidden in my swimsuit when Zhander turned, back facing me.

"Let's go."

Was all he said before he walked away.

"Z-Zhander, w-wait!"

I went after him when he didn't pause as he continued to walk away.

He's very angry . . .

Why do I feel that he is not only angry at me but also ashamed to look at me?

Did I do something wrong again?

Since Zhander's legs were long, I had trouble catching up with him and had to jog in order not to lose him in the crowds.

"Zhander, I'm sorry!" I blurted when he continued to take long strides away from me, ignoring my plight.

He still didn't stop, but I noticed his long strides have somehow shortened as he walked slowly so I could caught to him. I took the opportunity to catch up to him, and without a word, pulled all my courage and grabbed his hand.

Zhander was taken aback as he paused, but he quickly resumed walking while our hands intertwined.

My tears fell (true tears by the way) when Zhander, despite his anger, didn't shake his hand from mine. He even slowed his pace to match mine.

Like that, a tall, handsome man, holding a sobbing short girl, slowly took their sweet time walking on the beach.



But Privilege for mass release ^^

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