
Chapter 144 - [Seducing] [Trap]

Chapter 144 – [Seducing] [Trap]


Cain poured the milk honey bubble bath into the lukewarm water. He bought this specially crafted scented bubble bath from a renowned perfumer in Paris. The scent was proven to relax and soothe tired muscles as well as a secret aphrodisiac, invigorating sexual desires.

He smirked.

This was supposed to be reserved for their marriage. But ever since he found out that he could do all these naughty things to his wife without breaking the last step, he was accumulating dirty plans for them to try while making sure he was still within the boundary of his promises.

He could only blame himself for not thinking about it sooner. All those wasted days made him want to hit himself in the head.

Since his lust and desire were sleeping in his puberty and was jolted awake without warning when he met her, they were determined to make him feel the sweet torturous agony of the intoxicating pleasure of wanting to make love to her that he lost track of how many times it had been that he was in the borderline of his sanity.

But he realized that he could still have his way with her without actually making love to her.

His line of thoughts was interrupted when Leanna got back from her tree-planting activities. He welcomed her with a kiss before he went straight to the bathroom to ready the bath for them.

I can finally have her for myself!

He planned to share a bath with her. It was still within the range of his promise, but it was not his fault if 'accidental' groping and touching here and there would come into play. After all . . .

The bathtub is small . . . He concluded.

He fumbled to unbutton his shirt and just wanted to rip the darn thing off. He unbuckled his belt and removed his pants together with his boxer and briefs. Then he put on his robe.

He brushed his teeth and gargled a mint-scented mouthwash. After making sure that even his saliva tasted like mint, he applied a lemon and honey faced foam that woke any woman's desire at the refreshing scent before he carefully but hurriedly shaved. To finish everything, he wet and fixed his hair.

He was like a woman who was about to seduce his husband.

Satisfied, he walked out from the bathroom, emanating with desire and sexiness, ready to seduce his wife –– only to find the heartless vixen snoring, dead tired on the bed.

. . .

. . .

Wake her up! His devil whispered to him.

No! . . . His angel protested . . . At least wait for a minute before waking her up.

. . .

. . .

He sighed and shook them away from his head as he went to his wife. He sat beside her on the bed and stared at her tired face. He tucked some of her hair behind her ears and gently stroked her cheek. He didn't notice that he was already smiling while his whole person emanated warmth just by staring at her sleeping form.

He got to his feet and went inside the bathroom. He returned, holding a towel and a bucket of warm water. He then removed piece after piece of Leanna's clothing with the utmost care until she was completely naked.

He closed his eyes tight when his cock hardened, ready for some action –– only to throbbed in disappointment when he took deep breathes to calm himself.

Her body always never failed to arouse the beast inside him!

When he somewhat regained control, he wiped her skin –– making sure to grope and massage here and there while he was at it, causing his already hardened penis to throbbed even more as it spurted pre-cum from its swollen tip.

It was not until Leanna sneezed and shivered that he finished sponging her body and naughtily just put his oversize shirt on her.

He covered her with a blanket and tucked her in a comfortable position. He kissed her forehead and stared at her face for some time before he made his way into the bathroom to release his frustration.

The bathroom became like a second home to him ever since she came into his life. He even thought of moving his office in the bathroom by how many times he jerked himself by just imagining her.

He was like a hormonal teenager!



Saber was bored as he observed the pretty girl together with her charming classmates, enjoying picking out souvenirs at his shop. 

It was not really his shop. He just . . . 'took over' for a while.

It was an ordinary scene where university students had a school trip and buying souvenirs to take home. The atmosphere was festive and light and if not for Saber's dark thoughts and mission, he might had enjoyed the scenery.

Leanna Lee.

He didn't understand why the young miss Goldwood wanted her raped and be animal fodder in the wilds. She looked amiable and kind. Though looks could be deceiving.

I can just kill her and be done and over with it. No need for such tortures for such a young age.

But the Goldwood's young miss strictly said not to kill her –– yet.

She should be shamed and tortured before becoming animal fodder. That was her strict orders. It was even written in the contract down to the last details of her death.

He couldn't fathom how Holley Goldwood, who was still in her teens, could be so cruel to a pretty innocent looking girl. 

Well, not my problem. I guess she was still not happy with all the money in the world and being the daughter of one of the riches family. She could have just enjoyed her wealth. Go shopping. Touring. Do what little rich spoiled girls would do. Or at least do what teenagers normally do like chasing boys and gossip with girls.

But no. She wanted to dirty her hands and kill a fellow woman her age. A schoolmate at that. 

It must be due to her young age and her family's backing that she could act so brazenly without even fearing for the consequences. The mental trauma and guilt after her first kill would surely hunt her forever.

That is . . . if she had some conscience left in her.

Saber didn't like raping women. As much as possible, he wanted women and children to have a painless death. If not for him needing a hefty amount of money to pay off his gambling debts, he wouldn't take the job. Since he couldn't bring himself to rape women, the Goldwood's young miss hired more others like him to do the work.

He let out a sigh.

I don't know who you are, but this is nothing personal. Blame yourself for infuriating someone you shouldn't have.

Usually, Saber did a background check of all his victims. But since it was an abrupt assignment and the Goldwood specifically placed the request, he didn't bother about the specifics since he was confident that the Goldwood's have his back.

The world's richest usually respected one another and made sure to stay at an arm's length at each other's business, so Saber was confident that Leanna Lee didn't belong to high society, given that the Goldwood targeted her.

Only if Saber knew that the Fay's have Leanna Lee's back, he wouldn't even dream of harming a single hair on her even if the Goldwood's would offer him their whole fortune.


[Leanna's POV]

"Oh~ this looks yummy. I wonder if Zhander will like this? What do you think, Leanna?"

Estela dangled a chocolate-coated snack in front of us.

"I think Zhander will love anything you'd bought him. Anyway, do you think Cain will like this?" It was my turn to grabbed a whole box of different flavored snacks and showed it to her.

"My brother will love anything you give him," Estela repeated what I said.

Zoe rolled her eyes and took a flavored peach biscuit.

"Zoe, do you think you'll like this? Well, yes. I'd love anything you'd buy for me, myself."

"Oh~ you don't have to be so jealous. Help me find something Zhander will love." Estela shifted her attention to the snacks while Zoe helped her point out the snacks she loves instead.

"I'll go and pay this to the counter," I excused myself and head towards the inner corner of the room.

There were other students here who were buying souvenirs and exotic snacks. I even saw Emery carrying mountains of food as she lost herself in her own world.

But oddly enough, there was no one near the five-meter radius of the counter. I paid it no mind and made my way towards the deserted table. My whole attention was on the empty desk that I didn't even have time to be shocked when I felt a prick on my neck, and the next thing I knew; I was losing consciousness, unable to utter a sound as I fell into a man's arms.


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