
Chapter 145 - [Cheated] [I'm Sorry]

Chapter 145 – [Cheated] [I’m Sorry]


"What are you doing here? Where's Leanna?"

Four approached Eight and Thirteen with a frown on her face. The teachers called her to discuss the schedule of the trip and she reluctantly left Leanna at the hands of these two. However, when she returned she found Leanna nowhere to be seen while the two were chatting away.

"Four, Leanna is still inside the store. Don't worry. She's together with young miss Estela." Thirteen jabbed a finger to a well-kept store across the narrow street which sells snacks and other items. She was confident that nothing happened to Leanna since young miss Estela was with her.

Four stared daggers at the two. She didn't like it that the two were lax at Leanna's security just because young miss Estela was with her. If young master Cain heard about this . . .

"Didn't I tell you not to lose your eyes on her?" Four spat and she didn't let the two women retort back as she crossed the tapered street and entered the store with all haste.

Four saw little young miss Estela together with Zoe Collin, arguing about something while holding different snacks in their hands. She roamed her eyes, and her heart tightened when she couldn't find Leanna anywhere. 

With all haste, she searched every nook and cranny of the store but couldn't find Leanna anywhere.

"Where's Leanna?" Four asked the two bickering girls while keeping herself calm amidst the hard pounding of her heart.

"She's at the counter." Estela didn't even glance at Four as she continued arguing with Zoe about their favorite flavors.

Four bolted in the direction of the counter and found a desolate and empty area.

She brought out her phone and entered a code.

Leanna's tracking device was moving.


Four zoomed into the narrow street, not minding the curious glances thrown her way. She didn't know if it was luck or heaven's helping hand that a motorbike happened to stumble her view.

The motorbike was running fast against the green light. Her hand extended, grabbing the handle when the bike zoomed in front of her. The opposing force caused the rider to lose his grip and flew in the air before he landed on the ground.

Four rode the momentum of the force as the motorcycle bounced to the ground before she extended her leg and regained control.

"Four, what's going on?" Estela asked, suppressing the panic in her voice.

"Contact young master!" was all Four said before she accelerated the motorbike to max.

"Estela, what's going on?" Zoe's expression was thick with anxiety when she saw Estela's pale face.

Estela ignored her and dialed Cain's number.

"Brother, Leanna's been kidnapped," she whispered as to try not to attract any attention, yet her voice quaked as her heart thump in her throat.

I was right there, but I didn't notice . . . If something happens to her . . . Estela bit her lip, blinking away the tears in her eyes.


"Get ready the chopper. Contact the government not to let anyone leave the island."

Russell nodded and did all Cain's orders without wasting any second.

He knew that face and the dark smog covering his young master. He thought he would never see it again –– those calm dead eyes and dark, chilling air that froze anyone within a meter radius.

It could only mean one thing –– his young master is going to kill someone.


Saber looked at the pretty girl lying unconscious on the bundle of leaves. Meters away from her, four men huddled together, arguing who was first to fuck her.

Saber closed his eyes and shook his head, trying to get off the uncomfortable feeling that kept bugging him. When they were in the van and on their way to a secluded forest, he called Holley Goldwood as planned. He didn't hide his surprise when she ordered him to scan any tracking devices on Leanna Lee.

He felt cheated because clearly, Holley Goldwood made it look like that Leanna Lee was just an ordinary country girl who had done something unforgivable to her.

But it turned out, there was more to it than that!

Damn rotten spoiled rich kid!

It was too late now, so he did as she commanded.

He always had a scanning device on him since it was necessary for his trade, but he never used it on Leanna Lee because he thought she was just an ordinary woman.

He was not ignorant of the faces of high society because of his job. He made sure to be extra careful not to aggravate someone belonging to the rich and powerful. Leanna Lee's face was foreign to him, so he thought she was from a not well-known family just as Holley Goldwood proclaimed.

Now, he was unsure when he scanned and found a tracking device on her watch. Clearly, she was not just any typical girl that happened to have a tracking device on her.

She must be important.


He should have checked the girl's information first before he acted.

Thinking it was too late now, he commanded one of them to led the tracking device in the opposite direction.

Too late to back out now.


[Leanna's POV]

[I'm Sorry]

I regained consciousness from all the noises. I was about to open my eyes but found that I couldn't move my body. Something was tying my hands behind my back.

My brain did a swift ran through of information and warned me that I was in a severe predicament. I heard noises coming from men. I took a quick peek and spot four ragged men hurdled together, arguing about something. Not far from them, there was a tall, lean man sitting on a tree root, looking at his phone.

It didn't take a genius to realize I got kidnapped.


My mind froze while my heart panicked. This was the first time that I was in this kind of predicament. Never in my wildest dreams that I would find myself in this situation.


Calm made its way into my system as the cold man's face flashed in my mind. I formulated plans on how to escape. I didn't know if it was luck, negligence, or that they were underestimating me and left my legs unbound.

Clearly, they didn't plan to kill me –– yet.

Is this a kidnap for ransom?

I hope it was and nothing more.

But to my horror, I heard them arguing on who to do me first.

My body turned limp as fear took hold of my limbs. Without thinking, I shot to my feet and dashed with all my strength.

"The fuck?!"

"After her!"

I ran and ran until there was no air left in my lungs. I didn't know how many times I stumbled and fell –– face first.

Running with your hands tied behind your back proved to be a difficult ordeal. But even so, the will to preserve my dignity became a powerful source of energy that kept me going.

My mind blanked out when, even after all the running, I still found myself surrounded by the same men. One of them crept behind me, circling his disgusting hands on my waist.


I screamed as far as my voice could scream as I struggled from his hold. My head hurled back and it smacked straight on the man's nose. He released me from the shock as he howled in pain.



A resounding slap boomed through the dense forest.

My brain must have shaken inside my head for everything turned dark as I hit the ground. My vision was hazy while the numbing pain in my cheek kept me conscious. I tasted the blood on my busted lips, and hot thick liquid dripped from my nose.

"Augh . . ."

They took advantage of my weakened state and started their assault.

"Let go!"

I screamed despite the pain when one of them straddled me while the others tried to hold my kicking legs.

"Shut up!"

I gasped when another slap numbed my skull. The ringing in my ears made me dizzy and nauseous.

All of them just laughed while I continued to struggle from their hold and fight to stay conscious.

They were stronger than me, and not before long, they managed to pin my legs on the ground, and I was helpless to stop them.


My mind screamed to bit my tongue to death when the man on top of me ripped my shirt, exposing my bra and the musical locket together with the pink diamond ring as it dangled on my neck.


"With a body like this, you must be seducing every man left and right."

They all laughed.

The one who straddled me wiped off the drool on his mouth while his lustful eyes ogled at my heaving breasts.

I bit my tongue. I'd already made up my mind.

Cain, I'm sorry. If I'm given another chance, I wish to meet you all over again.


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