Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1112 - It's to Let You Die

Chapter 1112: It’s to Let You Die

“You should worry about yourself first. You killed Di Tian’s Body Cleansing Stone clone. Do you think the monarchs of the Octokind will let you off?” Wang Mingyuan said.

“Body Cleansing Stone clone?” Zhou Wen was slightly taken aback. He imagined that he had killed the real Di Tian.

“When dimensional creatures descend onto Earth, they will be restricted by the rules. Di Tian was naturally no exception. Of course, it would have been impossible for him to descend with his true body. Therefore, he only descended with a Body Cleansing Stone clone. With the power of the Body Cleansing Stone, he could avoid the rejection of Earth’s rules and retain his Calamity-grade strength,” Wang Mingyuan said.

“Since it was only a clone and I didn’t obtain the Dimensional Wheel, is there a need to use all means to kill me?” Zhou Wen was puzzled.

“If you had only killed the Body Cleansing Stone clone, they wouldn’t have to insist on killing you. But since you killed Di Tian, things are naturally different.” Wang Mingyuan’s words left Zhou Wen somewhat confused.

“Didn’t you say that I only killed the Body Cleansing Stone clone?” Zhou Wen asked in puzzlement.

“It’s true you only killed the Body Cleansing Stone clone, but Di Tian’s true body has already been simultaneously killed by me. Unfortunately, no one knows that I was the one who killed him. They will naturally think that you used some kind of power to kill the true body when you killed the clone. After all, the power displayed by your sword was so powerful. Even the monarchs of the various races will probably think so,” Wang Mingyuan said casually.

Zhou Wen was immediately rendered speechless as he looked at Wang Mingyuan, at a loss for words.

“Furthermore, even without the matter regarding Di Tian, humans like you are already enough to influence the plans of the dimension’s monarchs. They definitely won’t let you off. If they know that you advanced to the Mythical stage with a human body, they will be bent on killing you. There will be more than one Apocalypse-grade powerhouse who wants to kill you. Even if you were on Earth, you probably wouldn’t be able to live comfortably,” Wang Mingyuan added.

“They probably won’t recognize me, right?” Zhou Wen thought for a moment and realized that he hadn’t exposed his identity.

“Finding you isn’t as difficult as you imagine. For example, there’s a monarch in the dimension who’s proficient in the art of the Heavenly Eye. He can see through the karma that has already happened. Furthermore, you were only wearing a helmet. As long as he personally enters Earth, it will be easy for him to find you.”

Wang Mingyuan paused for a moment before saying, “Even if that monarch doesn’t come personally, there are plenty of Calamity-grade creatures with similar abilities. Although they aren’t as strong as that monarch, it won’t be difficult to figure out your identity.”

“Teacher, do you have a solution?” Zhou Wen knew that if Wang Mingyuan didn’t have a solution, he wouldn’t waste his time talking to him.

“I’ve already thought of a solution for you,” Wang Mingyuan said with a smile.

“What is it?” Zhou Wen asked in delight.

“It’s to let you die.” With that said, Wang Mingyuan pressed down on Zhou Wen’s head with all his might. Before Zhou Wen could react, he felt his vision turn black as he immediately lost consciousness.

The battle between Zhou Wen and Di Tian had a huge impact on the Federation and even overseas.

People were guessing the origins of Human and who it was.

They made all sorts of guesses. Some people even guessed that Human might be a real human and not a half-human who had fused with a Guardian. Otherwise, why would he be named Human?

Human was a miracle to begin with. It wouldn’t be surprising if there were more miracles. Why couldn’t he be a pure human?

However, another group of people believed that Human couldn’t be pure human. After all, pure humans couldn’t advance to the Mythical stage.

Both sides held their own views and kept arguing. No one could convince the other.

However, there was one thing that everyone acknowledged. Human’s contributions to humanity were indelible.

The most famous self-media, Federation Freedom Investigation Bureau, even called Zhou Wen by the name of Human Sovereign.

Of course, this was because the Federation Freedom Investigation Bureau was a supporter of the theory that Human Sovereign was pure human.

And the reason why they used the word ‘Sovereign’ was because the dimension had called first place ‘King of Earth.’ Using the word ‘Sovereign’ instead of ‘King’ meant that they didn’t acknowledge the so-called King of Earth.

There had been no King of Earth in the past, nor would there be in the future. There would only be a sovereign of humanity.

Even if there were cube ranking battles in the future and a new King of Earth was to be chosen, humans wouldn’t acknowledge it. The only person acknowledged was Human Sovereign.

Regardless of whether Human Sovereign was half-human or whether he agreed with this title, the various media outlets started using this title, and it was gradually acknowledged after people got used to it.

Everyone kept arguing about everything regarding Human Sovereign, but they never came to a conclusion.

As for the strike that Zhou Wen had used to kill Di Tian, it was also a compulsory lesson for the various human colleges. Many colleges even had statues of Zhou Wen drawing his sword and slashing at the sky.

Zhou Wen naturally didn’t know any of this. This was because when he woke up, he realized that his vision was pitch-black. Furthermore, he couldn’t move his body at all. It was as though he had been imprisoned by something. He couldn’t even move his fingers.

What happened? Where am I? Zhou Wen was puzzled as he slowly recalled what had happened. He knew that Wang Mingyuan had knocked him unconscious.

Zhou Wen didn’t know what Wang Mingyuan was up to, nor did he know where he was. He didn’t even know if he was alive.

He attempted to summon his Companion Beasts, but he realized that none of them reacted as though all of them had vanished.

However, Zhou Wen’s Essence Energy seemed to circulate normally again. He could even draw different Essence Energy Arts on the Wheel of Destiny.

The various Essence Energy Arts were normal, but he couldn’t move. It was as though he was sealed in infinite darkness.

Time ticked by. With Zhou Wen’s ability, it wasn’t difficult for him to calculate the time even without a watch. As time passed, he realized that he didn’t feel hungry at all.

Mythical bodies were very powerful, but no matter how powerful they were, it was impossible for them to not eat or drink. Zhou Wen had already kept track of time for more than a month, but he didn’t feel hungry at all. This was extremely abnormal.

Could it be that I’m really dead? Zhou Wen was very puzzled. Apart from being dead, he really couldn’t figure out why he didn’t feel hungry after such a long period of time.

Zhou Wen tried many methods, but he couldn’t escape. Since he had nothing to do, he decided to constantly circulate the Lost Immortal Sutra and draw all sorts of Essence Energy Arts to comprehend the profundity within.

After experiencing the matter of a scripture appearing for the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder, Zhou Wen could engrave the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder together with the scriptures.

This allowed the Heaven-Opening Scripture of the Highest Elder to be maintained for a much longer period of time. As for the other Essence Energy Arts that were engraved, the duration was still very short.

Since Zhou Wen had nothing to do, he constantly studied carving. As his insights deepened, his carving speed increased.

Many times, Zhou Wen felt that he was dead or that he was just dreaming. According to his calculations, more than a year had passed, but he still didn’t feel hungry.

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