Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1113 - Mount Fangzhang  

Chapter 1113: Mount Fangzhang

Translator: CKtalon 

“Mount Fangzhang… Could this be the legendary Mount Fangzhang…” A woman stood on the back of a huge sea turtle, her eyes staring straight ahead as her voice trembled.

Not far from the sea turtle was an island with a mountain on it.

The island and mountain didn’t look very big, but for some reason, they couldn’t see the top of the mountain. The mountain passed through the clouds as though there was no end.

The sea turtle quickly approached the island. The woman jumped off the sea turtle’s back and happily climbed up the mountain.

The woman wasn’t old. At most, she looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. She looked rather delicate and pretty. She crawled up the mountain with her hands and feet.

Mount Fangzhang was one of the three legendary immortal mountains. In the past, the First Emperor of Qin had sent people out to sea to search for the Elixir of Immortality. Their main search was for Mount Fangzhang.

Among the three immortal mountains overseas, it was said that immortal grass and spirit herbs were everywhere on Penglai Mountain. So why wasn’t the First Emperor of Qin looking for Penglai Mountain, but Mount Fangzhang that wasn’t famous for immortal herbs and spirit herbs?

This was because it was said that the top of Mount Fangzhang was where immortals lived. Furthermore, the word “Fangzhang” didn’t refer to a monk, but a pill chamber.

Therefore, the First Emperor of Qin wanted the Elixir of Immortality, not the immortal grass and spirit herbs from Penglai Mountain, but the finished elixir refined by immortals.

If one erroneously ate the wrong immortal grass and spirit herbs, not only would they not gain immortality, but they might even lose their lives. If one really wanted to become immortal, they had to obtain the pills refined by immortals.

Ji Moqing was only seventeen this year. She was still in her youth and wasn’t at the age to worry about longevity.

The reason she had come to Mount Fangzhang wasn’t because she had taken the initiative to search for the immortal mountain, nor was it because she wanted to live forever.

Ji Moqing’s appearance here was completely an accident. She was originally from the Federation, but not long ago, she had been captured by the overseas faction. It could be considered a kidnapping.

Thankfully, Ji Moqing was smart and had Companion Beasts that could be used at sea. Furthermore, she looked young and weak, so people weren’t wary of her. This had given her an opportunity to escape.

Ji Moqing now regretted escaping. This was because she had already been out at sea for nearly half a month. Although no one had caught up to her, she didn’t know how to navigate at all, much less where to go to reach land. Therefore, in this half a month, Ji Moqing hadn’t even drunk a drop of water. If this continued, she would definitely die of thirst.

She was so excited to see Mount Fangzhang not because she felt that she could find the Elixir of Immortality, but because she felt that she might find water and food here.

However, Ji Moqing was quickly disappointed. This place, which was suspected to be the legendary Mount Fangzhang, was completely bare. There was not even a single weed, much less water.

Ji Moqing refused to give up. She wanted to climb to the top of the mountain to take a look. Even if there was no water source, eating an immortal pill if it existed would be of some use.

However, after climbing for a long time, to the point of making her hands bleed, Ji Moqing looked up and saw the peak that seemed to extend infinitely as though there was no end to it.

What f*cked-up mountain is this? I’ve been climbing for so long. I should have reached the top long ago. Why can’t I see the end of it? Ji Moqing was puzzled, but she knew that it was too late for regrets.

Her body would no longer allow her to go to other islands to find water sources, so Ji Moqing could only pin her hopes of reaching the top of Mount Fangzhang before she died of thirst. She wanted to see if there was any Elixir of Immortality that could quench her thirst.

Even if there was no Elixir of Immortality, it was fine to find some water. Ji Moqing didn’t ask for much.

However, after Ji Moqing climbed for a long time, the mountain still didn’t seem to have a top. No matter how hard she climbed, she couldn’t reach the top.

I can’t take it anymore. I really can’t crawl anymore. I might as well die of thirst. Ji Moqing crawled to a protruding part of a mountain rock and sat on it, panting heavily. Now, she didn’t have any strength left.

She also knew that if this was really Mount Fangzhang, there was definitely something odd about it. It was impossible for her to easily climb to the top.

Ji Moqing’s desire to live was very strong. She had only said those words in a fit of anger. When she sat there to rest, her eyes were still sizing up her surroundings, hoping to find a way to scale Mount Fangzhang.

After watching for a while, Ji Moqing’s eyes suddenly lit up as though she had discovered something.

The mountain was extremely steep, and there were no obvious protrusions on the mountain wall. Only the spot where she was sitting had such a stone protruding out. Furthermore, the texture of the stone was somewhat odd.

Ji Moqing observed carefully and realized that the protruding rock was not fundamentally different from the rocks on the mountain wall beside it.

Although the stone was the same, Ji Moqing realized that the texture of the stone did not match the texture of the stone beside it.

If such a steep mountain wall had a crack, it should have fallen very quickly. This protruding rock didn’t fall, but its texture doesn’t match the nearby rock patterns. There must be something wrong with it. The more Ji Moqing thought about it, the more she felt that she was right. She seemed to gain some strength in her body as she summoned a companion short sword. Then, she grabbed the short sword and used the tip of the sword to dig out the spot where the rock connected to the mountain wall.

She slowly dug out a space in the rocks. These rocks didn’t seem to be as hard as she imagined. They were easily dug out by her short sword.

Strange. Even if this isn’t Mount Fangzhang, it should be a dimensional zone. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t be so easy to dig through it. After all, this is only a Mortal Companion Beast sword… Ji Moqing thought to herself as she continued digging with the short sword in her hand.

She was just too tired and didn’t have much strength left. To be able to last until now was testament to her extremely strong desire to live.


Suddenly, when Ji Moqing dug down again, the short sword seemed to touch something and snapped.

On a careful look, a blade-like object was revealed in the dug up rock. Her short sword had been snapped by the blade.

What a loss. Ji Moqing was somewhat depressed. Although her Companion Beast, the short sword, was only at the Mortal stage, a Mortal Companion Beast was sometimes more expensive than an Epic Companion Beast. This Companion Beast had been bought by her family for a large sum of money, but now, it had snapped.

Ji Moqing touched the blade embedded in the rock and felt an extremely cold feeling, as though it was made of cold metal. However, only a part of the blade was revealed.

Ji Moqing extended her fingers and carefully pinched the sides of the blade before shaking it. To her surprise, this shake made the blade move.

She carefully rocked it as she drew it out. After a while, she finally drew out the sharp blade. Ji Moqing immediately realized that it was a saber. It had a straight blade. The blade was cold and looked like it was made of Essence Gold.

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