Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1120 - Return Blade

Chapter 1120: Return Blade

The surprise in Wu Zonglie and company’s hearts intensified. With Sei Gasakai’s current status overseas, even if those famous devils came, they had to treat him with respect. There was no reason for Sei Gasakai to welcome them.

Now, not only had Sei Gasakai come out to welcome him, but he had even walked as far as half a street. From his looks, if Zhou Wen hadn’t entered Fuji Island, he would probably have directly welcomed him at the dock.

The ordinary disciples on the way didn’t know what had happened. However, when they saw Sei Gasakai appear on the long street, they automatically retreated to the side and stopped to watch.

Soon, Sei Gasakai arrived near Zhou Wen. He had originally wanted to walk in front of Zhou Wen, but he seemed to think of something and stopped a few steps away from him.

“All disciples of the Niten Flying Immortal Sect, listen up,” Sei Gasakai said with a solemn expression. His voice spread throughout the Niten Flying Immortal Palace.

The disciples in the palace looked at Sei Gasakai and respectfully waited for his orders.

“Return Blade,” Sei Gasakai said.

Everyone was taken aback, but they quickly reacted. They sat on the ground in a kneeling posture before unsheathing the blade at their waists. Together with the scabbard, they carefully placed it on the ground in front of them.

Return Blade was a ritual of the Niten Flying Immortal-ryū. Typically, when juniors sought guidance from their seniors, they would respectfully place their blades in front of them to indicate their intentions.

They didn’t know why Sei Gasakai wanted them to perform Blade Return.

However, Sei Gasakai was the creator of the Niten Flying Immortal-ryū. He was a god-like existence in the hearts of his disciples, so no one dared to question his orders. Although they didn’t understand, they did as he said.

On the long street, only Zhou Wen, Ji Moqing, and Sei Gasakai were still standing.

Sei Gasakai also pulled out the two blades attached to his waist. He held them with both hands and offered them to Zhou Wen. “Sir, in front of you, Sei Gasakai doesn’t dare carry a blade. Please accept them.”

With that said, many disciples were shocked beyond words. Sei Gasakai was publicly acknowledged as the number one in the Sword Dao overseas. Although he wasn’t the strongest in terms of level and strength overseas, he was the true number one when it came to swords.

Many famous experts overseas, such as Uesugi Nao, had once consulted Sei Gasakai regarding sword arts and had benefited greatly.

Sei Gasakai was no longer just a single person. He symbolized a spirit. To be recognized as a Sword Sage overseas, his status in the hearts of many overseas experts was obvious.

However, such a person just claimed that he didn’t dare hold a blade in front of Zhou Wen. It was as though it was an insult to the blade. How could they not be alarmed?

Wu Zonglie was dumbfounded. He originally imagined that Zhou Wen and Sei Gasakai were old acquaintances or related by blood. Therefore, Sei Gasakai had made a disciple like Honn Shinsakura treat him as an elder.

However, from the looks of it, that wasn’t the case. Sei Gasakai’s actions were shocking.

This fellow is definitely a super devil… Could he be Jing Daoxian… Ji Moqing was extremely alarmed. Apart from Jing Daoxian, she couldn’t think of anyone else who was worthy of Sei Gasakai’s treatment.

“I haven’t used a weapon for a long time. Put it away,” Zhou Wen said indifferently.

Sei Gasakai bowed slightly before putting away the two blades. However, he didn’t hold them again. Instead, he threw the two blades on the ground and said to the disciples, “Without Mr. Zhou, there wouldn’t be the present me and the Niten Flying Immortal-ryū. In the future, you have to treat him with more respect than you treat me. If there’s any disrespect, I will personally kill you.”

With that said, he led Zhou Wen to his residence.

The disciples knelt on the ground with their blades placed on the ground as they watched Zhou Wen and Sei Gasakai leave in a daze.

Only when the two of them entered Sei Gasakai’s Sword Sage Palace did Honn Shinsakura retract his blade and stand up. Then, he bowed slightly in the direction of Sword Sage Palace before retreating.

Devil… He must be a super devil… Who is he? Could he really be Jing Daoxian? But I heard that Jing Daoxian looks like an old man… Ji Moqing’s mind raced as she felt extremely unlucky. She never expected to encounter such a devil while escaping.

Sei Gasakai was a martial arts fanatic. He discussed swords with Zhou Wen.

It would probably be very difficult for an ordinary person to communicate normally with this elder known as Sword Sage. However, Zhou Wen had been trapped for a hundred years and had already developed the Heart Defying Sword formed by the three thousand sword intents to its limits.

He didn’t dare say anything else, but his cultivation in the Sword Dao was probably inferior to Sei Gasakai’s.

Furthermore, part of the Niten Flying Immortal-ryū created by Sei Gasakai was inspired by Zhou Wen’s Transcendent Flying Immortal. The details Zhou Wen mentioned often enlightened Sei Gasakai.

Zhou Wen didn’t know if he should be happy or sad. He had never expected his Transcendent Flying Immortal to shine overseas.

However, from the looks of it, the conflict between the Federation and overseas was actually nothing. Humans faced too many survival crises, so they couldn’t be bothered with any internal strife.

Sei Gasakai also shared some of his insights and Sword Dao insights, asking Zhou Wen for advice.

Zhou Wen couldn’t help but be impressed with Sei Gasakai when he heard that. He was indeed a sword arts genius. Zhou Wen had only figured out many of the insights Sei Gasakai had mentioned after being trapped for decades.

However, as Zhou Wen needed to cultivate more Essence Energy Arts, he didn’t constantly focus on his sword. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have taken him that long.

Zhou Wen occasionally gave him some pointers, speaking of Sei Gasakai’s innermost thoughts. He hit the nail on the head, making Sei Gasakai treat him like a god.

If what Sei Gasakai had done previously was just to remember his roots and his gratitude towards Zhou Wen, then now, Sei Gasakai was truly convinced. He almost considered himself a disciple.

Their discussion was interrupted only when a train whistle sounded. Just as Zhou Wen was wondering why there was a train here, a disciple rushed over in a panic to report that a dimensional creature that looked like a train was rushing towards Fuji Island.

Zhou Wen was also somewhat curious as he followed Sei Gasakai out to take a look.

Soon, Zhou Wen saw a train outside.

The train looked like an ancient steam train, but the front of it looked like the skull of a bull. As for the train carriages in the back, they looked like huge black coffins.

It chugged across the sea in the dark night; it’s wheels were burning with blue flames, like a ghost train from hell.

Wherever the Ghost Train went, seawater surged over as well, turning into huge waves that slammed into the island. Ordinary waves naturally couldn’t threaten the disciples of the Niten Flying Immortal-ryū, but after the waves passed, the disciples who had been drenched by the waves seemed to lose their minds and they walked towards the Ghost Train. They couldn’t be stopped no matter what.

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