Let Me Game in Peace

Chapter 1121 - Ghost Train

Chapter 1121: Ghost Train

Translator: CKtalon 


With a sword hum tearing through the night sky, Honn Shinsakura slashed at the strange train with his two blades in hand.

Honn Shinsakura held a long blade in one hand and a short blade in the other hand. The two blades flowed with pink flames, and his body looked very strange. He was very different from ordinary humans.

He was wearing armor. It wasn’t Guardian armor, but an ordinary Companion Beast armor.

However, at that moment, the Companion Beast armor was dyed pink by the pink flames flowing out of his body. Furthermore, as the pink flames constantly seeped out, they turned into points of light that resembled scattering snowflakes.

The light seemed to be emitted from his flesh and blood, not his Essence Energy.

Zhou Wen also sensed a powerful dimensional creature’s aura in the flames.

Could this be the Mythical Serum he mentioned? Zhou Wen thought.

Honn Shinsakura slashed at the train like a flying immortal with intense pink flames. Just as the blade in his primary hand was about to slash at the train…


The train’s steam whistle suddenly sounded as it spewed out large amounts of smoke from the exhaust. When Honn Shinsakura’s blade beam collided with the smoke, he was immediately enveloped by it. The pink flames immediately dimmed.

“Oh no, thanks to the effects of the Ghost Parade, the taboo power of Fuji Island is weakening.” Sei Gasakai’s expression changed slightly. He stepped forward and raised his blade above his head. His other hand also grabbed the hilt and swung down with both hands.

The invisible blade beam slashed at the train head, and a large amount of smoke spewed out from the mouth of the ox skeleton head at the train head. After making contact with Sei Gasakai’s invisible blade beam, Sei Gasakai’s invisible blade beam immediately vanished like a rock sinking into the sea.

Sei Gasakai appeared to the left of the train as though he had teleported. He slashed with his blade repeatedly, and with every strike, his figure would switch to another position. His figure flickered, making him look like a ghost.

The continuous blade beams formed an invisible blade net. With the size of the train, it seemed impossible to dodge such blade beams.

The smoke it spewed out was only at the front of the train. The coffin-like carriages behind weren’t enveloped by smoke. Sei Gasakai’s target was those carriages.

Indeed, the train couldn’t dodge Sei Gasakai’s blade beam net. Blade beams slashed at its carriage.

The distant disciples were overjoyed. They believed that Sei Gasakai had succeeded and the train monster would be slain.

However, in the next second, they were alarmed to discover that Sei Gasakai’s Mythical-level blade beams, which he produced with the help of the Guardian armor, struck the train carriage like water entering a sponge. They were instantly absorbed and didn’t leave any marks on the carriage.

Zhou Wen frowned slightly because he could already tell that this train monster was likely a Terror-grade existence.

With a thought, a clown symbol appeared on his Life Wheel. The clown symbol was ghostly and demonic, as though it was an unreal existence in the void. It also seemed very corporeal—the red color on the clown’s face was vivid like blood.

On the other side of the Life Wheel, a Sword Pill appeared, causing Zhou Wen’s sword intent to flourish.

In the next second, Zhou Wen’s figure appeared in front of the train. The Bamboo Blade in his hand slashed through the thick smoke with a terrifying sword beam. He extended his hand and pulled Honn Shinsakura, who was about to be sucked into the train. Before the smoke could envelop them, he teleported out again.

On the other side, Sei Gasakai’s aura had already reached its limits. His entire body and Guardian armor emitted a powerful aura.

The originally invisible blade beam condensed into something corporeal in his hand, turning into two blades—one long, one short.

The blades were filled with vitality. Under the influence of the long blade, the flowers and plants in the nearby area quickly bloomed.

As for the short blade in his other hand, it had a deathly aura. Any creature that came into contact with that aura immediately withered.

The dual blades in Sei Gasakai’s hand danced as they matched his body that seemed to be spirited away. He constantly appeared in different spots around the train. As he dodged the smoke, he released blade beams of life and death at the train.

The blade beams of life and death slashed at the train carriage, scuffing it. However, the scuffs were too shallow. Furthermore, the carriage seemed to have self-healing abilities. In an instant, the scuffs vanished.

Sei Gasakai seemed to have expected this situation. His expression remained unchanged as the two blades fused into one in his hand, turning into a saber.

The saber had life and death coexisting, as though it had some fateful power of reincarnation, causing all life in the surroundings to turn upside down.

The withered grass regained its vitality once again. The tree that was originally filled with vitality instantly withered. In the same area, it was as though Death and the Goddess of Life had simultaneously released their divine powers. The power of life and death constantly intertwined.

Finally, Sei Gasakai raised his saber high and slashed down.

A single strike separates the path of life and death. Destiny is not in the hands of humans. What a powerful will of life and death. It’s no wonder Sei Gasakai can be called a Sword Sage. Just this strike alone makes him worthy of the title. Zhou Wen marveled inwardly, but he didn’t believe that this strike could seriously injure the train monster.

As the terrifying saber beam slashed down, the train’s steam whistle sounded again. However, this time, what spewed out wasn’t smoke, but blue spectral flames.

The spectral flames instantly spread across the entire train. When the raging blue flames had enveloped the entire train, it made the strange train even more illusory. The carriages seemed to have turned into blue flames, allowing one to see straight through the carriage.

Sei Gasakai’s Life-and-Death Saber Beam failed to injure the train. The saber beam passed through the train’s body as though the train was only an illusion and not a real existence.


The train suddenly accelerated and slammed into the disciples of the Niten Flying Immortal-ryū lineage. After the disciples were hit, they didn’t fly out with tragic cries. Instead, they vanished as though they had been devoured by the Ghost Train. It also made people realize that the train wasn’t an illusion, but a real Terror creature.

“A true Terror-grade dimensional creature; retreat immediately to the valley.” Sei Gasakai’s face was somewhat pale as he ordered all the disciples to retreat.

He was known as a half-step Terror which meant that his realm of thought had reached the Terror grade. However, his true strength and level weren’t at the necessary level. It was impossible for him to fight a Terror-grade creature.

Surprisingly, the disciples of the Niten Flying Immortal-ryū didn’t panic. They retreated in an orderly manner, but their speed of retreat was far inferior to the train. They watched as the train roared and charged forward again.

The eyes of the disciples at the back were filled with horror, but they didn’t scatter in random directions. Instead, they turned around and charged at the train with blades in hand. Their faces were filled with determination as though they wanted to use their bodies to buy time for their companions to escape.

However, Zhou Wen knew very well that their actions were no different from courting death.

With a thought, Zhou Wen’s Wheel of Destiny changed again.

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