Chapter 435 End of Second Stage

Chapter 435 End of Second Stage

‘So he wants to end the battle in the open and not in the confinement of the domain,’ Alex thought as he watched the sphere of twisting elements collapse, leaving behind three figures.

After the final exchange, Alex was in no condition to continue the battle as he did not have the means to heal himself before he was killed, so he was forced to stop using Monarch Aura even though he could keep using it for two more minutes, and then use Chrono Sanctuary to recover back to full recovery.

At the same time, patriarch Galatan had also completed the preparation, making the once dull core shine with blinding illumination and seeing that Daenal threw away Alex and rushed with his hands pulsing with misty dark flames.

The flames burned his flesh, leaving behind just murky dark, bony hands that ripped into the barrier within moments, and the moment Daenal was inside, he used his domain, only dragging patriarch Galatan into it.

But he was a bit too late as the golem came to life and instantly casted his own artificial domain, making it a 2v1 battle, and mere moments later, the overlapping domain collapsed, leaving behind three figures.

“I WILL NOT LOSE, NOT EVEN IF IT MEANS I WILL NEED TO BURN MY LIFE TO GET MY REVENGE,” Daenal roared, as the intensity of the misty dark flames grew multiple times, spreading to his arms, legs, torso, and face.

“Brother, you have fallen beyond recovery, so I will end your life and bring you peace,” Galatan spoke as his aura welled out before he issued the command to the golem by his side.

The towering golem moved like a blur, catching Daenal’s ablaze figure and vanishing into the path they had created to enter the chamber, and after giving him a head nod, Galatan also followed their lead, his figure turning into a beam of light.

‘This round was very mentally taxing, but things turned out fine,’ Alex thought as he rose to his feet, ignoring the mental and physical drain, and began moving toward the front lines.

Alex was certain that victory was theirs to enjoy and that his hard work would grant him great benefits, but he had one last thing to do before he could rest, and that was making a contract with Vorinax.

Alex reached the frontline and began looking for Vorinax, ignoring the cheering roars of defenders as they saw the ancient weapon and patriarch Galatan dominating the fallen Seraphian, who was now no more a skeleton veiled in a dense shroud of murky death energy, having lost his nobility and sanity.

After locating Vorinax, Alex stopped using Ruler Pride and Dragon Might to gain every bit of advantage he could to impress Vorinax so he would agree to be his summon.

Alex entered the area where the injured were being treated and arrived next to Vorinax, who opened his eyes as he sensed his presence, while the six individuals treating him didn’t even look at him as they were busy trying to stabilize his situation with clear panic in their voices.

“Summoner, they can’t understand my tongue, so tell them they can’t treat me, and I will be fine,” Vorinax said, his voice slow and broken, like he was on his last breath.

“You guys can’t heal him, so you should leave and help someone else,” Alex said as he placed his hand over the shoulder of the Seraphian elder in the lead.

“You ungrateful vermin want to let the hero die?” The Seraphian elder roared as he turned around with a backhand swing.

“Hero, well, that is the correct title for him, but It is his words that I am relaying to you,” Alex said as he avoided the fist.

“HE–HE—-HERO,” The Seraphian elder roared once he saw Alex.

“I apologize for my rude words,” He followed with his head down before he and his companion swiftly left the area.

“You have my gratitude for your immense help because, without you, the results of this battle would have been much different,” Alex said, genuinely appreciating the help.

“Summoner, you surprise me once more with your strength,” Vorinax said, a slight smile appearing on his cold face as he sensed Alex’s base strength without any buffs.

“It is a great compliment coming from the man who tore through an Elemental Domain, a feat that should be nearly impossible to achieve at your strength,” Alex said, knowing the real hero of the battle was Vorinax.

“Vorinax, I want you to become my permanent summon,” Alex said, hoping for the best but ready to accept a denial.

“You can not expect me to heed your call every time, and if you are alright with that, then I will become you’re permanent summon,” Vorinax said without any delay, and hearing that, a broad smile broke on his face.

“I will only summon you in the direst of situations,” Alex said as he gave the system command, and in an instant, Vorinax was successfully marked with a law mark as both parties were in agreement.

“I will see you again,” Alex said before he canceled the summon.

Alex jumped on a nearby roof and began watching the ongoing battle between the Elemental Ruler, which was close to its conclusion.

Alex was extremely happy with how things went, as now he cared little about what reward he would receive because, from his battle against Daenal, he not only earned a valuable aid but also grew stronger and sharper.

The intense feelings he had in battle were gone, being replaced with pain and fatigue, yet Alex could easily sense he had improved compared to when he entered the battle.

The mastery of the darkness concept grew from 17% to 21%, a massive jump, while his mana body, stuck at 91%, also grew to 96%, pushing him ever so closer to meeting the requirements of the Fifth Rank.

Alex also knew that his reaction time and combat ability had improved, and so did his ability to monitor the void, raising his overall strength by a great deal.

‘After this is over, I am going to log out and take a cold shower and a nap,’ Alex thought as he saw the golem beating the living daylight of Daenal while patriarch Galatan was busy dealing with the wrath specters, arch lich, and the large army of the undead. 𝙡𝓲𝙗𝙧𝓮𝒂𝒅.𝙘𝓸𝒎

It took just a few more minutes before the golem ripped out Daenal crown and followed it by ripping his body apart, even though he was dead the moment the crown was taken.

The Golem and the patriarch spent the following few minutes cleaning the battlefield as they killed every creature present in a matter of moments, and with the death of the last creature, Alex and every player present in the city began receiving multiple notifications.


System Notifications:

Congratulations to all teams. The city of Skypolis has been successfully defended for seven days, and for the efforts of each team, they will receive a reward.

Calculation of each team’s contribution to the city’s survival:

Team A: [Ruler, Rosalba, Nereus, – – -] 87%

Team B: 6%

Team C: 4%

Team B: 6%

Team C: 4%

Team D: 3%

The total reward pool for defending the city of Skypolis is 100 million event points.

Team A: 87 million points

Team B: 6 million points 𝒍𝙞𝙗𝓻𝙚𝒂𝓭.𝒄𝙤𝙢



Individual Reward:

Due to Player Ruler’s exceptional contribution to the city’s survival, he will receive 50 million individual points and the mythical crown, the Aszor Desire, as his personal reward.


‘What?’ Alex thought, opening his eyes in shock as he read the personal reward, as not only did he receive a bonus of 50 million points, a tremendous sum of points, but also the crown that made the fallen Seraphian the monster he was.

Alex looked at the final calculation and couldn’t help but smile, seeing that he had received 70.2 million points from the second stage, which was good and even removed the bad taste of sharing the fruit of his hard work with his team.


Alex decided to check the crown present in his inventory next but was blocked by the system, which told him that he would retrieve it once he was out of the event area, yet he could yet check its details.

‘I got excited over nothing,’ Alex thought after he saw the details that were all ??? and what was available was just basic info about the item.

‘So it is a (SSS) legacy item and does didn’t belong to a Monarch, and here I pondered I use it myself or give it to a summon who would wield it,’ Alex thought, a bit disappointed but yet happy with the new legacy of a necromancer.

Alex received messages from the four members of the team, appreciating his work and offering their help if he or the organization ever needed it.

Moments after the battle outside ended, patriarch Galatan arrived, tanking him for his work and saving the city and its people, and even offered a reward, but that appeared to be the last thing Alex heard before he was teleported into the space chamber overlooking the mythical island.

The source of this content is 𝓵𝙞𝒃𝓻𝓮𝙖𝓭.𝙘𝓸𝓶

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