My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

187 Chapter 187

Even if the recovery pills don’t have the ability to increase the power of a person, it was still a lifesaver

In this world and perhaps in any other world, keeping one’s life would always be more important than obtaining power

After all, what is the use of power if you couldn’t keep your life? Power is useless to the dead

The recovery pills could be considered the pill of life and healing. Even if there are thousands of them in the market, it would never be enough

Since Rezen only asks for any form of resources as long as they contain mana, who wouldn’t want to give him what he wants for the sake of what the other people want?

It was not only Daydream that scraped the resources that they have. Even other forces did the same as they don’t want to miss out

Just imagine two mages fighting each other to death and right before they kill each other, one of them consumed a recovery pill that brought them back to their peak condition

The recovery pills could break the balance between opposing sides if they ever started a full-blown war with each other

Since these pills could only be obtained through the middleman which was Daydream, these organizations went into a frenzy to scrape their own resources

The rate of turnover of the resources to Rezen already reaches the peak, it was almost impossible to speed things up by this point

Rezen is not dumb enough to not understand this fact and he just nodded his head

He waved his hand, throwing a small bag of recovery pills to Kacy. With his business concluded, Rezen was about to retreat and hide once more but the mana inside the office room was suddenly controlled by someone

The space was locked without any warning and no person from the office room could escape from it

The hidden guards of Kacy sensed the movement of mana and they showed themselves, ready to protect their employer from any threat

Even Kacy was not idle. A full-body metal armor suddenly appeared and latched on his body

This armor is a Mystic Item imbued with the power of a 7th rank mage. It could withstand at least five spells at the 6th rank

However, no matter how many of such items he possesses, it seems like it would all be for nothing after the culprit for locking the space appeared

“Greetings, Sir Inzelore” Kacy greeted as soon as he saw the appearance of this mage

As the Chairman of Daydream that is backed by 7th rank mages, Kacy knew most of the 7th rank mages not just of the Eastern Country but also of the other countries

These mages are people that could never be offended by a mortal. If not, who knows exactly how they would die?

7th rank mages couldn’t protect a mortal 24/7 while their means could only be foiled by a mage at the same rank as them

Once a mortal was targeted by a 7th rank mage, that mortal almost has no chance of survival except if they started to live inside a friendly mage’s Blessed Land

As such, there is a need to memorize the faces of these mages as to prevent offending them in any way

However, while Kacy was respectful on the outside, he was actually quite nervous inside

Inzelore is a mage with one quality that everyone is aware of and that is greed! Greed for special and valuable things to be specific

Rezen’s recovery pills were definitely out of this world and he was the only one that could supply it. It wouldn’t be a surprise if a mage such as Inzelore would personally make a move for it

“You, give all your recovery pills to me” Inzelore ordered

His tone was casual and don’t even have a hint of arrogant but his order was something that usually only arrogant people would say

However, after considering the kind of person he is, his words wouldn’t be seen in that way

After all, when does a 7th rank mage has to care about a mortal’s feelings? They could literally kill all the mortals in this realm if they wish to and no mage at the same rank tries to stop them

To these mortals, letting them keep their lives is already virtuous enough of them

Inzelore was not the least bit similar to Space Monarch that at least cares for the mortals

He completely disregarded them without caring whether Rezen would be furious or not with his words

Rezen is a mortal after all. Even if he explodes from anger so what? What could he do?

Even if there are hundreds of thousands of Rezen, he would always be an ant in front of the power that a 7th rank mage possesses

The only fortunate thing was that Rezen met this mage when his farm is already upgraded at the 6th level. That means that he doesn’t have to fear any 7th rank mage anymore

The only person in this world that could make him feel fearful is none other than Claude Preston, the realm’s chosen

Rezen’s cold eyes stared at Inzelore and that offended the mage sitting at the pedestal

“You dare to look at me like that?” Inzelore said coldly, his mood stirring the mana in the surroundings causing them to almost screech loudly

Cold sweat formed on Kacy’s forehead and he was about to urge Rezen to flee when the man did something that none of them would have expected

The fabric of space suddenly twisted and along with it, Rezen vanishes

With Inzelore locking space, spatial spells would be something that could not be cast. However, Inzelore and the others just witnessed Rezen vanishing and the way he did it was through the manipulation of space

A mortal actually ‘fooled’ a 7th rank mage like that?

“Escape? Do you think that you could escape?!” Inzelore’s voice darkened as he waved his hand

He reopened the space which Rezen uses to escape and tried to find him

The only fortunate thing was that the way he did it was not the forceful way that would cause a spatial storm. If not, not to mention the office room and all mortals inside it, the entire capital might have been erased from the map of the earth

Despite Inzelore trying to find traces of Rezen, he failed to do so and his cheeks flushed red in anger

He didn’t expect that a mortal could actually escape from him. This is a humiliation that no other 7th rank mage has ever experienced

The foul mood he was in affected his surroundings and all mages except for Kacy passed out

In fact, if not for the Mystic Items that Kacy was using, he wouldn’t be any different than his guard

Fortunately, before he could die all because of a person’s mood, the locked space was forcefully open apart, revealing another mage at the 7th rank

“Inzelore, that is enough. Don’t you know that even just the change of our mood could cause devastating supernatural phenomena?”

7th rank mages possessed origin energy that is the foundation of any realm. It’s like they are a small world

They are like mother nature, their mood could dictate when a storm would happen or when a volcano would erupt

Their mood could be reflected in their surroundings and more often than not, it was deadly to lifeforms below the 7th rank

“I know! No need to nag me, Eudora” Inzelore replied before unlocking the space and vanishing from his original position

If not for Eudora that is tasked to protect Daydream from 7th rank mages, the entire capital might have been erased already


Inside Rezen’s farm that was swimming in the fabric of space, he could be seen with a face red from anger

Over and over again, he was always reminded of how weak he was. It was like a never-ending cycle

He would grow a bit stronger just to face people that could literally kill him with just a thought

These encounters and the emotions they brought to him were extremely horrible. It was the same emotions he had when his parents were killed

If possible, Rezen doesn’t want to experience a similar experience but it still always happens to him

The only thing he could do was to flee and rely on borrowed power. The farm might be his but it is still an external power. Who knows if the system could take it from him if it wishes to?

Rezen’s thirst for power continues to grow and he can’t wait to finally escape this realm

His path to magic was basically blocked as long as he is still in the earth realm. Only when he entered another realm with complete and intact laws could he continue his cultivation in hopes that one day, he would be able to reach the top and no one else could make him despair from his own weakness

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