My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

188 Chapter 188

With the number of mana stones that Rezen obtained, he had already reached the 6th fusion rank. However, even power at that level is completely useless against his enemies

Even if he wants to further improve, he couldn’t do it inside the earth realm. The only path forward on this realm is the 7th rank mage path which was not a formal path of power and would forever bind Rezen to the realm, unable to move forward again

From ungraded to the 6th fusion rank, a mage is still considered an apprentice mage. Only by breaching the wall between the 6th and next rank would a mage become a formal mage

That rank is not something that anyone living on the earth realm could possibly reach

“Soon… soon…” Rezen mumbled while clenching his fist. Soon, he would be able to escape this broken realm and the path of magic would once again open for him

With the help of his farm, he would be able to grow faster and stronger

“Master, our destination?” A little fairy which was the system’s personification flew in front of Rezen and asks him

This little fairy is named by Rezen and he named her “Ivy”

Ivy’s intelligence is no different than a human but she still gave Rezen a feeling as if she was merely a congregation of data

Even then, no matter who or what Ivy is, as long as she could help Rezen become stronger and reach the peak, he wouldn’t care

“Just continue hiding. We can’t risk going out now” Rezen replied

He had already aroused the attention of a 7th rank mage and the others might follow suit considering that he was able to escape which was no lifeform below the 7th rank could possibly do

“Understood, Master” the fairy bowed her head and let the farm continue swimming in the folds of space

The farm was still as desolate as before, it doesn’t have anything inside as Rezen was doing everything he could to minimize consumption for as much as possible

The physics law of energy conversion also somehow works on the farm, at the very least as long as it is still weak. Energy could not be created nor destroyed out of thin air

If Rezen planted anything on his farm, the seed would consume whatever form of energy the farm has for it to grow, similar to normal crops that absorb sunlight from the sun and nutrients from the soil

If Rezen wants to preserve his farm’s energy level for as much as possible, he couldn’t be like before that just plant and plant without a care for anything in the world

He would rather live on a simple piece of land devoid of any comfort rather than risk his safety

Even then, Rezen still has many plants that he has not used yet and one of it was a piece of leaf

This piece of leaf was called Messenger Leaf and its use was pretty self-explanatory

It was a plant used to send messages. Since Rezen has to stay inside his Blessed Land, he could only use the Messenger Leaf to contact his friends and also Kacy

Despite the interference of a 7th rank mage, Rezen still intends on gathering enough resources

By now, the other 7th rank mages might have already found out about his farm. And if they cannot find them then they don’t have a choice but to conduct business with Kacy, the perfect ‘bullet vest’ of Rezen

Rezen started writing a letter to his friends before sending them. He also wrote another letter to Kacy to inform him of how they should conduct business from now on

With these matters finished, the only thing that Rezen could do was wait and rest


Time passed just like that. Months passed by and normally, these few months wouldn’t have much effect on the world but right now, it was completely different

Over the course of almost three months, the death toll of the 7th rank mages rose and rose and there was only one person that causes their death. It was none other than Claude Preston!

His name is now famous everywhere. There was almost no one that does not know him

It was to the point that his nickname changes from “Dark Saint” to “Gods’ Slayer”

7th rank mages are basically akin to Gods with their overwhelming power yet Claude killed at least ten of them by now. The nickname “God’s Slayer” could only be given to him

Only the Western, Northern, and Southern Countries suffered casualties. In these three months, the Eastern Country has not suffered any more deaths of their top combatants

As such, the Eastern Country decided to keep quiet. They are not supporting Claude’s killing spree but at the same time they aren’t doing anything about it despite the pressure of the other countries

The only thing they keep saying was that it was Claude’s decision and not theirs though they are the ones receiving the benefits

This type of thing could only happen on the earth realm where the top combatants are akin to nuclear bombs

As long as the countries don’t want their countries to be destroyed, no matter what atrocities the other parties committed, they could only seeth their teeth in anger

This type of scenario would rarely happen and is only possible on the earth realm with its unique state

Currently, at the edge of the world, several people could be seen chasing another person

The way they move was fast, to say the least. They are sometimes flying but sometimes shattering the fabric of space to create a spatial portal to teleport themselves

All of these people are people that normally don’t even show themselves yet currently, there were six of them

Five 7th rank mages were pursuing a single person and that person is none other than Claude Preston

Every movement that they committed would shatter space. If this was not the edge of the world, who knows what happened on the surface of the earth realm already?

At the very front, Claude could be seen with an ashen expression on his face. Around his body was a gray smoke and this smoke was not something that he created himself

It was a trap that he became a victim of and the trapper was the outsider from this realm

It was the Serpentine Empress!

In these almost three months, Claude continued killing the leeches of the earth while the Serpentine Empress lie low

Of course, Claude expected that the Empress would not simply keep her silence. He already expected that she would do something to hinder his plans and actions

Claude just didn’t expect that this would be what the Serpentine Empress will do. It was treacherous, to say the least

The Serpentine Empress uses her items that are not from this realm causing the gray smoke around Claude

The gray smoke itself was not the least bit harmful but it turns Claude into a burning torch in the middle of the dark night

As long as the gray smoke is on his body, all the 7th rank mages would know his position

Since the item that the Serpentine Empress uses was something that breached the limit of this realm, it was not easy to remove this gray smoke even if it was Claude

The only good thing was that the effects and duration of the gray smoke were shortened as a result

Claude doesn’t know just how powerful that item was at its peak but even in a realm with broken laws where the power that surpasses what was allowed would be suppressed, this gray smoke was still deadly

“Damn it…!”

Claude curses as he dodged a sharp metal knife that brushes his skin. The small wound the knife created started to turn his skin into metal and Claude decisively cut and remove the area that was infected to prevent further contamination

“Damn it! Damn it! To think that she would use it when all the Blessed Lands are about to gather at a single point fully!” Claude gritted his teeth

The timing of the Serpentine Empress was simply impeccable. The outsider didn’t do anything else after the first clash with Claude. She instead opted in waiting for the right time not to kill Claude but to hinder him

Whether it be Claude or the Serpentine Empress, they have the same goal and that is the Blessed Lands!

One side would use it to save the realm while the other side would use it to escape the realm even if it means pushing it further to ruin

While Claude is busy dealing with the 7th rank mages that have basically become his mortal enemies, the Serpentine Empress on the other hand could steal the origin energy from the Blessed Lands and finally escape the confinements of this realm

One side was at a disadvantage while the other side could freely move. If this goes on, the winner between Claude and the Serpentine Empress would definitely be the latter

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