No Where To Run: Trapped With My Archenemy

Chapter 82 - The Veil Of Darkness

"My father owns a bank. I can get you some funds to start a new business," Han Ze Min, who had no intention to keep himself quiet, insisted on helping Ming Yue in the middle of the lunch.

Watching this awkward conversation, the rest of the eagle team, who was only familiar with Han Ze Min's gentle and playful side, couldn't believe that he was one hell of a persistent guy.

Nobody even dared to interrupt him as they all worried how would he react,

However, Wan Yi Jun, who clearly understood that Han Ze Min was trying hard to impress and thus take Ming Yue away from him, couldn't help but let out a mocking snigger at his cousin's desperate efforts to win the girl.

"Speak for yourself," Wan Yi Jun added in a mocking tone when he heard Han Ze Min, who never boasted his prestigious family background, dragging his father's wealth into the conversation. 

"Do you think your father who gives loans for corporate giants would actually invest, Nah... does he even listen to a rookie small business owner?"

"Hush!!!! That burns." Even Shen Junru, who normally sits down as a silent spectator, couldn't even control his words when he heard Wan Yi Jun's sarcastic remarks.

"Totally!!!! All I want is popcorn," Bing Wen agreed in a lowered voice as he watched the drama unfolding over his eyes. 

Though he had heard from others that Wan Yi Jun and Han Ze Min won't get well together, he didn't expect them to this worse.

However, instead of breaking before everyone, Han Ze Min placed his chopsticks down while a radiant smile gleamed on his proud face. Even before everyone could understand what was happening, he extended his palm towards Ming Yue for a handshake.

"Han Ze Min, CEO in line for HK corporation."

"What?" Even Ming Yue's voice cracked a little when she heard the sudden confession. 

He is the next CEO of HK corporation? How's that even possible? What about his While everyone's mind plummeted into queries career in the police force, 

"Currently working in the imperial police force, but I will be resigning very soon." He cockily lifted his left eyebrow and urged Ming Yue to return the handshake, 

"Oh, I'm sorry," He retracted his arm as if he got reminded of something else and took out a visiting card from his wallet. 

"I may be a police officer right now, but it won't be the case after a month or two. You can call me whenever you want, and I will be glad to help you," He extended the card towards Ming Yue, who sat there with a shocked expression on her face. 

"Why? Why are you taking charge of that Kill Monger's corporation?" Various questions rippled in her mind as she robotically accepted the card.

"Are you resigning, officer Han? You are an asset to the department." Bing Wen in a surprised voice. Even though he heard that this would be Han Ze Min's last mission, he didn't expect an experienced officer like him would quit his career and turn into the family business.

"Oh, thanks for those encouraging words, Xiao Bing. But dear, one of us has to step into the family business. My uncle and father are getting older since someone is not interested in taking up the family business, I had to go for a career change." Han Ze Min said while giving a deprecating look at his elder cousin, who was supposed to be the first choice for leading the HK corporation. 

"So Miss Ming, please feel free to contact me when you require funds," He generously reminded her. "I would love to be the first customer of your restuarant,"

For a moment, Ming Yue doesn't know how to reply to his offer. Well, she had no plan to stay in this city or start a restuarant. Even her identity as an orphan had only the span of very few days, something that she had to keep until her mission gets completed. 

Does he know that he is offering to help one of the most wanted criminals in the country?

"Thank you, officer Han," Ming Yue spoke after a long minute of silence and gave a sidelong glance at Wan Yi Jun, who sat there without any change in his austere face. 


"Even if I get funds, it is too much for me to start a restuarant. Since I'm new to this city, I don't really have any contacts nor experience." She paused for a moment and looked directly into Han Ze Min's hopeful eyes.

"Thanks for offering me your help, but I don't think I will be able to accept your offer at the moment," She politely turned down his offer with no second thoughts.

"I'm not saying that you need to accept it right now, maybe in the future, once you got fed up with this job, you can-"

Han Ze Min tried to explain, but Ming Yue interrupted him with a faint smile,


"I don't hate this job, officer Han. I have done things, worked in places where I wasn't even considered a human being. What to say more, this is the first place where I'm allowed to sit down at a dining table."

She smilingly said as if she was telling someone else's story, leaving everyone in startlement.

"Young master Wan didn't ask me to become his maid. Well, truth to be told, he recommended me to work somewhere else in a better job, but I was the one who turned down his offer."

"But, miss Ming...if you have given opportunities, then why don't you use them for a better life?"

  "I'm having a much better life here, and I don't feel that I'm working as a maid, I feel like I'm doing something I a hobby..." The moment those words echoed in the room, Wan Yi Jun's lips unknowingly curled up into a sunny smile.

"And where would you find an employer who is willing to look after his maid? Also, who is hellbound on encouraging my hobbies and interests?"

Though Ming Yue said with a poker face, the words she spoke, the look on her eyes, was doused with loyalty towards her master.

He always thought that he wasn't doing enough for Ming Yue, but little did he know that she was already grateful with whatever he did for her.

While everyone was elated to hear Ming Yue's side of the story, Han Ze Min was on the other hand felt an emotion mixed with pain and anger. His jealous self always made sure to keep his rivalry towards his cousin alive all the time and he didn't want the other to feel peace even for a minute.

No matter how many years have passed, he didn't want to forgive Wan Yi Jun for the crime that he committed fifteen years ago.

The hatred in his mind has always made Han Ze Min to ruin every single happiness in Wan Yi Jun's life, he wished to do the same here.

But just as he tried to give a reply to Ming Yue, Fei Yan who foresaw his intentions, meddled in.

"I'm glad that you give importance to Miss Ming's hobbies and interests, Captain," Fei Yan, who sat there silently all the time, finally opened his mouth and commented, "As we grew up, we forget to take care of things that had made us happy once. Just look at us, how many of you still continue your childhood hobby or even thinks about it?"

He stopped and picked up Han Ze Min who was left on pins and needles to change  the topic, before the conversation ascends to something else.

"Tell me, officer Han, what was your childhood hobby and what's the reason for you to start it and why did you ended it?"

"I like shooting." Han Ze Min said as his sharp eyes focused on Wan Yi Jun who still hasn't got over from the sweetness of Ming Yue's words.

"Oh please, officer Han. We all know that you are sniper. So tell something else," Bing Wen who understood Fei Yan's intentions tried his best to drag Han Ze Min into the conversation,

"I'm telling the truth. My favourite hobby was and is shooting. I used to practice at least four hours when I started it.  And the reason to ," He gently shifted his eyes to Ming Yue who was all ears to his words and gave her a lofty smug,

"I wanted to impress my crush and for some reason I felt that people with guns seemed more powerful and strong at that age. Well, I won't say the same now...but luckily the time has proven that a man with weapon is indeed powerful,"

Though Han Ze Min sounded bit arrogant, no one could deny the fact that whatever he said was true. The world revolves around people with power and a man with weapon was considered as powerful.

"What about you captain, what was your favourite hobby?" Fei Yan directed the question to Wan Yi Jun who sat with downcast eyes as if he was pretending to be not interested in Han Ze Min's words.

"I liked to play piano." He stated without even lifting his eyes from his bowl, 

"There was someone who liked to see my play," He raised his gaze, while a bitter smile blooming in his face,

"I stopped playing when she left."

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