One Wild Night

Chapter 929: First Date

Chapter 929: First Date

The rest of the day flew by in a blur for Amy as she thought about their upcoming virtual date. By the time 8:30 PM rolled around, she had set up her kitchen and was ready with her


They had decided to make something light since it was going to be a late dinner for her, and an early breakfast for Lucas, and they had made their choice based on the ingredients Lucas had at home since it would be easier for Amy to get the ingredients she needed since it was daytime over there in Ludus.

She quickly freshened up, packed back her hair in a bun, and did a little makeup. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she giggled.

It was funny and weird dressing up for a date in her house. And she knew if Miley was here, Miley would frown upon her modest choice of outfit, Amy thought with a pensive smile as she looked down at her outfit- a black halter neck bodycon dress that stopped just below her knees.

"Hey, best girl, I have a virtual date with, Dr Hottie. It's going to be our first date," Amy said with a small smile as she stared back at the mirror.

"What do you think about my dress? Is it good enough or should I wear something sexier?" She asked and laughed when her hairbrush suddenly fell off the edge of the dressing table. "Well, guess what? I don't care whether you like my dress enough or not. If you wanted to have a say you shouldn't have left me the way you did," Amy said with a sigh.

She was startled when her phone suddenly started ringing and she quickly picked it up when she saw it was a video call from Lucas and the time was exactly 9 PM.

As the call connected, Lucas's face appeared on her screen, and she couldn't help but grin. "Hey, there. Good morning," she greeted him.

"Good morning, beautiful," he replied with a warm smile.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked with a soft smile, and he nodded.

"Yeah. Really well. Couldn't wait for morning to come," he said with a wink and Amy giggled.

"I never would have figured you to be this type," she said, and Lucas raised a brow.

"What type?"

Still grinning she shook her head, unable to find the right words to explain it, "I don't know. You just seem really different," she said as she headed for the kitchen and Lucas nodded.

"You still haven't answered my question. How different?"

Amy giggled, "I'm not sure I can find the right words. It's just that you're different. My first impression of you was that you were a..."

"A geek or a dork?" He asked with amusement and she grinned.

"Those aren't the exact words I would have preferred to use, but I think you get the gist," she said and Lucas chuckled.

"Now, why would you think so?" Lucas asked with interest.

"You always looked so calm and I would never have guessed you could even wink at a lady," she said and he laughed out loud.

"You're killing me, Amy," he said as he laughed heartily and she laughed too as she watched him laugh.

"Well, I wouldn't wink or be this way with just anyone. I guess I do it only because I feel comfortable with you," Lucas said after he had settled down and Amy nodded.

"Yeah. I understand. Like the forehead kiss thing," she said and pressed her lips together to keep from laughing when Lucas glared at her playfully as his face flushed with embarrassment.

"Why would you bring that up right now?" He asked and she giggled.

"Because you said you only do that to people you're close to," she said and Lucas shook his head.

"You know what? Let's just go fix our meal," he said and she giggled.

"But we will still need to make conversation while we fix dinner," she pointed out with a teasing smile.

"Sure. Let's focus on you. Let's talk about your day and all you did," Lucas said and Amy grinned.

"Alright," she said, winking at him.

As Lucas stepped out of his bedroom to head for the kitchen, his smile vanished when he saw Tyler standing by the doorway of his room with an amused smile.

"What now? Shouldn't you be sleeping in as usual?" Lucas asked wearily, and Tyler nodded.

"I should. But I couldn't. Why? Because you my dear friend were laughing like a maniac and I needed to be sure you had not gone bonkers," Tyler said with a grin and Amy listened with amusement.

Lucas snorted, "You can go back to bed now that you know I'm sane."

"And let Amy kill you after hearing you say 'you're killing me, Amy'?" Tyler asked, mimicking Lucas' tone and Amy giggled while Lucas scowled at Tyler.

"I want to say hello to Tyler," Amy said and Lucas scowled at her.

"C'mon. Not now. We have to hurry so you can go to bed early. Tomorrow is a work day,"

Lucas reminded her.

"Saying hello for a minute won't change anything," Amy said amused and Lucas glanced from her to Tyler who was still watching him with an I told you so grin.

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"Here. Amy wants to say hello," Lucas said with resignation.

"Amy? Which Amy? Is it the Amy we met in Ludus? Or a new Amy?" Tyler asked dramatically

as he took the phone from Lucas and Amy laughed while Lucas glared at him.

"I will be waiting in the kitchen. Bring it over when you're done. And watch what you say," Lucas warned Tyler before walking away.

Tyler grinned as he looked at Amy with twinkling eyes, "Hello, Amy."

"Hello, Tyler. How have you been?" she asked with a pleasant smile.

"Great! And you?"

"I'm fine too."

"I can see that. I'm glad to see you looking so bright," he said, reminding her that the last time they had seen her she had been looking disheveled.

"Thanks," Amy said and Tyler nodded.

"Thank you, too. It's good to see Lucas this cheerful," Tyler said and Amy laughed.

"I haven't done anything. He has done a lot more for me than I have for him. And I have no idea how to repay him," Amy said and Tyler shrugged.

"Maybe there is nothing to repay. It's good to hear from you, Amy. I should get the phone back to him before he goes crazy," Tyler said and Amy smiled.

"It's nice talking to you too," Amy said and waited as Tyler headed for the kitchen.

As Tyler got close to the kitchen and within earshot of Lucas he winked at Amy, "So, as I was saying, when we were in middle school, Lucas used to..."

"What is wrong with you!" Lucas yelled as he hurried over and snatched the phone from Tyler while both Tyler and Amy laughed.

Lucas glared at Tyler, "Didn't I ask you to watch what you say?" He asked and Tyler raised

both hands.

"I didn't say anything, I promise. I'm going back to the safety of my bedroom," Tyler said with a chuckle as he walked away.

Lucas scowled as he returned his attention to Amy, who was still laughing, "Aren't you enjoying this a little too much?" He asked eyeing her with disapproval.

"I think I am," she admitted and Lucas shook his head but his lips twitched with amusement.

"Ready to cook?"

Amy nodded, "Absolutely."

They chatted and laughed as they prepared the pasta, the distance between them melting

away with each shared moment.

"So, tell me," Lucas said as he stirred his sauce, "what's one thing you've always wanted to

do but haven't yet?"

Amy paused, thinking. "Honestly?" she asked with a shy smile.


"Sex. I'm really curious about it," she said and Lucas raised a brow and when he saw her

blush, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Hold on. If you've never done it how did you plan on being a surrogate?" He asked, and when

she shrugged he shook his head.

"You were crazier than I thought," he said, and she laughed.

In the past she probably would have taken offense at that, but things were different now. "So,

what about you? What have you always wanted to do?" She asked curiously.

Lucas's eyes twinkled. "We are not done talking about you and what you just said. Why

haven't you? What is stopping you?"

Amy shrugged, "Nothing really. Or maybe not nothing. It's just that I've not been in a relationship. And I want my first time to be special sort of. I... this is crazy. Why am I telling you this?" Amy asked, feeling embarrassed and Lucas chuckled.

"Because I asked?" He said rhetorically, "And why are you embarrassed?"

"How can I not be embarrassed discussing something so private with you? And there's the fear of you misunderstanding," Amy said with a shrug.

"Alright. Let's change the subject if you are embarrassed and you don't have to worry, I won't misunderstand. And to answer your question, I've always wanted to vacation on a cruise


"Like the Titanic?" Amy asked and Lucas chuckled.

"Why does everyone bring up the Titanic when I say it? You're not scared of being on a cruise

ship, are you?" Lucas asked and Amy raised a brow.

"Not exactly. Why?"

"Then maybe we can do that together someday?"

Amy's heart fluttered at the thought. "I'd love that."

As they finished cooking, they plated their dishes and moved to their respective bedrooms,

setting up for the movie.

"By the way, have I told you?" Lucas asked as she sat down and she raised a brow.

"Told me what?"

"I love your dress. And you look beautiful," he said with a grin, and she flushed with pleasure.

"Thanks," she said and Lucas' eyes twinkled.

"By the way, It feels good to know that I'm going to be your first boyfriend," he said and she

raised a brow.

"Who said you're going to be my boyfriend?" She asked, her lips twitching with amusement.

"Me. I just told you so," he said with a wink and she giggled.

"So, what are we watching?" Amy asked.

Lucas grinned. "It's a surprise. You'll see," Lucas said as he clicked on his laptop and sent her

the link to share his screen.

Once Amy had done that, Lucas started the movie and Amy was delighted to see it was a rom-


They remained on the video call as they ate and watched the movie both chatting and reacting to the scenes together.

Despite being miles apart, it felt like they were sitting side by side and the distance between them seemed to shrink with each word, each laugh, each shared moment.

As the movie credits rolled and their virtual date came to an end, Amy felt a deep sense of contentment. "This was more fun than I anticipated."

"The feeling is mutual. You should go to bed now, Amy. It's past midnight already."

"Do we have to wait until the weekend to talk again, buddy?" Amy asked hesitantly.

"Do you think I could wait until the weekend to talk to you? Let's just be everyday buddies," fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

Lucas said and Amy's eyes twinkled with delight as she giggled.

"Everyday buddies. I like that. This makes it easier to hang up and go to bed now. Goodnight,

Luca," she said softly.

"Goodnight, Amy. Sweet dreams," he replied.

Amy ended the call, her heart full. This was a perfect first date.

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