One Wild Night

Chapter 930: It’s Contagious

Chapter 930: It’s Contagious

Amy woke up with a sense of exhilaration that she hadn't felt in a long time when her alarm went off on Monday morning.

Her first thought was of Lucas, and she quickly grabbed her phone from the nightstand.

She smiled when she saw that Lucas had sent her a text, [Good morning, beautiful] Lucas's text read.

Her fingers danced over the keyboard, sending back a quick reply. [Hey, Luca. I had a wonderful time last night.]

Lucas responded almost immediately, [Me too. I can't wait for our next date. Have a fantastic day, Amy.]

[Not so fast, doc. Let's talk.] Amy texted and immediately dialed Lucas' line.

"Won't you be late?" Lucas asked the moment he received the call.

Amy placed the call on speaker, "Talking to you for a minute won't make me late. How was your day?" she asked with a smile as she got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

"It was okay. Did you wake up tired?" Lucas asked with concern.

Amy placed the phone by the sink and picked up her toothbrush and paste. "Nope. I'm fine," Amy said, assuming he had asked because she had gone to bed late.

"That's good then. I thought you'd wake up tired considering the fact that you've been running about in my mind all day," he said, and Amy burst out laughing.

"Jeez! What sort of a line is that?" She asked and Lucas chuckled.

"Heard it somewhere. Wanted to try it out on you because I thought it was funny," he said and she giggled.

"By the way, I keep forgetting to ask, why did you prank me the last time? I mean the whole spa guy prank," he asked and she smiled.

"I sort of wanted to gauge our friendship. I mean, I couldn't outrightly ask you if you thought of me as more than a friend considering all you've told me before then. I wanted to know if I should let myself feel what I was feeling or sign up on a dating app," she said before brushing her teeth.

"A dating app? You wanted to sign up on one?" He asked, surprised.

She spat out before responding, "Yes. I thought I should meet other people and stuff. I didn't want to be a bother to you," she explained.

"I see. I'm glad you did that then. As much as I didn't like it, it helped me put things in perspective..."

"Yeah. Took you two whole weeks to figure out what you wanted," Amy said grudgingly.

"It's not like you're ready to date anyway," Lucas said defensively. "So, did you sign up on the app while I was away?" He asked curiously.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I have my first date this weekend..."

"AMY!" Lucas called, and she giggled.

"Just kidding. I couldn't. I just kept putting it off. And I really wasn't in the mood to meet anyone," she said and Lucas relaxed.

"That's good then. Amy, you're going to be late to work if we keep talking. Go get ready. Don't forget to send me a picture," he said and she grinned.

"Alright. Sweet dreams, Luca. Try not to wake up too tired since I know you'd be running around my mind all day," she said and Lucas chuckled.

"Enjoy your day," Lucas said before hanging up.

Smiling, got ready for work. She quickly went through her morning routine, her mind replaying the details of their virtual date.

A feeling of warmth spread through her at the memory of his laughter and the way he looked at her through the screen.

By the time she arrived at the office, Amy was practically floating. She greeted everyone she walked past cheerfully, the moodiness of the last week replaced with a sparkling smile.

Amy found herself lost in thoughts of Lucas, a constant smile playing on her lips as she organized Lucy's desk while humming a happy tune.

"Someone looks happy today," Lucy observed with a smile, catching sight of Amy's radiant expression as she walked into her office.

Amy blushed, "Good morning. I just had a really good weekend, that's all."

"The weekend must have been really good seeing as you seem to be in an exceptionally good mood today," Lucy observed with a smile.

"Yes, it was," Amy admitted, the blush creeping up her cheeks.

"By the way, how are things with Lucas? Have you heard from him yet?" Lucy asked before Amy could leave since she had deduced from Amy's question the past week that something was wrong between her and Lucas.

Amy hesitated for a moment, feeling a slight flutter of nerves. But the excitement of sharing her news with someone was too much to contain. Amy nodded, her smile widening as she took the seat opposite Lucy. "Yes. I had a virtual date with Lucas last night."

Lucy raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued as she leaned back in her chair, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Is that why you look so happy today? Last week you seemed really moody, but now... it's like you're a completely different person."

Amy bobbed her head eagerly. "Yes, it was amazing. We cooked together and watched a movie. It felt so real like he was right there with me."

Lucy chuckled, her expression softening. "I'm glad to hear that, Amy. It sounds like you both had a great time."

"We did," Amy said, then her smile faltered slightly as she looked at Lucy, her eyes searching for any sign of discomfort. "Are you sure you're okay with this? With me being involved with

your brother?"

Lucy reached across the desk, placing a reassuring hand on Amy's. "You have my full blessing, Amy. You don't have to worry about anything."

Relief washed over Amy, and she squeezed Lucy's hand gratefully. "Thank you, Lucy. That means a lot to me."

Lucy smiled warmly. "Now, go on. Enjoy your day and keep that happiness shining. It's contagious."

As Amy left Lucy's office, she felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She practically skipped back to her desk, her heart full of joy and excitement. Lucy watched her go, a grin spreading across

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her face.

Lucy leaned back in her chair, tapping her pen thoughtfully against the desk. She couldn't help but wonder when Lucas planned to tell her about his relationship with Amy.

The thought of her brother finding happiness filled her with a sense of contentment. She knew Lucas deserved to be with someone as kind and wonderful as Amy.

Away from there, as Andy stirred from sleep that morning, the very first thought on her mind was that Cassidy was gone.

Somehow she didn't need to open her eyes to know it. She could feel it in the emptiness and silence she felt all around.

As if to confirm it, she reached out, her fingers trailing over the space, her heart sinking a little when she felt the coolness of the sheets which had been warm with Cassidy's body. Sitting up, she glanced around the room, still hoping to catch a glimpse of him. But the room was silent and still, with only the soft morning light filtering through the curtains.

She slid out of bed, wrapping herself in her robe, and padded barefoot around the house, searching for any sign of him.

Her heart ached with each empty room she checked, her mind racing with thoughts of not seeing him again. When she reached the dining room, she stopped in her tracks, a smile spreading across her face.

The table was set for breakfast. A plate of French toast with scrambled eggs and bacon, and a pot of coffee waited for her. Beside the plate, a note was propped up, Cassidy's neat handwriting bringing tears to her eyes.

[I had to leave early and didn't want to wake you because I hate saying goodbye to you. I'll call you as soon as I arrive, and I promise to visit again this time next month. I love you and will miss you terribly. Please enjoy the breakfast I made for you. Love, Alex.]

Andy smiled through her tears, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. She was relieved that she didn't have to worry about not seeing him again. And she was glad that he had not left without a word and had left her a note.

She sat down, taking a deep breath before picking up a fork and digging into the French toast. They were still warm, crispy, and delicious. She savored each bite, her mind drifting back to

their time together.

While she was still eating, the doorbell rang, pulling her out of her thoughts. She frowned, wondering who could be visiting so early. Wiping her mouth, she stood and walked to the

door, her curiosity piqued.

Opening the door, she was surprised to see Harry and Jade standing there, looking concerned.

"Good morning," Jade greeted with a bright smile.

"Harry? Jade? Come in. What are you doing here so early?" Andy asked, her surprise evident in

her voice.

Harry glanced at Jade before answering, "Candace has been trying to reach you since

yesterday. She was worried when she couldn't get through, so we came to check on you.

Needed to make sure you are fine."

Andy's heart warmed at their concern. "I'm fine. I just needed some time alone. I'm sorry for worrying you all," she said, not wanting to tell them about Cassidy's visit yet.

She wanted to relish the memory before sharing it with anyone else. Apart from Candace though. Cause she couldn't wait to share it with Candace.

Harry's brow furrowed, "Some time alone? Is everything okay?" He asked, and she nodded. Although Harry wasn't convinced, he nodded. "We're just glad you're okay."

Jade, however, was eyeing Andy closely. "Do you mind if I borrow a scarf from your closet,

Andy? Can you help me out upstairs?"

Andy nodded, slightly confused but willing to help. "Sure, come on."

She led Jade upstairs to her bedroom, closing the door behind them. As soon as the door

clicked shut, Jade turned to Andy with a mischievous grin.

"Was Cassidy here to visit you?" Jade asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Andy's eyes widened in surprise. "How did you know?"

Jade chuckled and led Andy to the mirror. "Look at your neck. The scarf I'm borrowing is for

your neck."

Andy glanced at her reflection, a giggle escaping her lips when she saw the hickey. "It could have been anyone," she said with a roll of her eyes.

Jade raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile on her lips. "Anyone else wouldn't make you glow

this way or look this happy. And we both know you wouldn't have turned off your phone for

just anyone."

Andy's cheeks flushed, and she nodded. "Okay, fine. Cassidy was here. But you have to keep it

a secret, Jade."

Jade winked. "Your secret is safe with me." freeweɓnovel.cѳm

Andy's smile faded slightly when she remembered something, "You won't try to get him

arrested or something, right?"

Jade smiled, "As long as he treats you well and doesn't cause any trouble, I have no reason to

get a dead man arrested."

Andy nodded, "He won't cause any trouble, I promise."

Jade nodded, her expression softening. "Good. Now, I have to get to work, but I hope to hear some nice details later," she said with a wink.

Andy giggled, shaking her head. "I'm not sharing any details."

Jade laughed, "We'll see about that. Now let's go down before Harry comes up here to find

us," Jade said and they returned downstairs.

"You didn't beg the scarf?" Harry asked and Jade shook her head.

"She doesn't have what I want. Let's leave else we will be later than we already are. Unlike you, I have superiors to answer to," Jade said and Harry nodded.

"Why are you both here together? Who is harboring who in who's house?" she asked with a


"I spent the weekend at Jade's. Got to go. And I hope you haven't forgotten you're coming in

today to meet with the CEO of the record label you're signing with?" Harry asked and Andy


"Sure. The meeting is at eleven. I'll be there," she said and Harry gave her a quick hug. "See you later, Andy," he said and Jade winked at Andy.

"Don't forget to stop by my office for a quick chat," she said and Andy giggled.

"See you later then," she said, and after seeing them off, Andy returned inside and turned her

phone back.

She dialed Candace's line and as soon as Candace picked up, her worried voice filled the line.

"Andy! Where have you been? We've been trying to reach you! And Dad has been sick with


Andy couldn't help but laugh. "Calm down, Candace. I will call Dad. Besides, it was just for one day." "You call twenty-four hours JUST? How could you be so irrespo..."

"Cassidy was here," Andy said, cutting her off.

There was a moment of stunned silence before Candace screeched happily, making Andy

laugh even harder.

"Your plan worked? Tell me everything! How did you both meet? Was it at the club? Did he

come to the house? What did he say? Don't leave out anything. Well, maybe you can censor some parts," she said and Andy giggled.

Andy took a deep breath and started to recount everything from the moment she walked in

and felt his presence in the dark hour, her heart full as she shared her happiness with her sister and best friend.

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