One Wild Night

Chapter 931: Shawn Rosewood

Chapter 931: Shawn Rosewood

Two days later, Diana paced around the living room, her nerves on edge as she glanced at the clock for the umpteenth time.

The walls of the room seemed to close in on her, echoing with her footsteps. She had meticulously set everything up. The drugs were strategically placed, Henry had been staged in the car accident waiting to be discovered, and now all that remained was the arrival of his lawyer.

She wanted him to be here with her when they received a call from the hospital that Henry was involved in an accident.

Her heart raced as she heard the distant sound of a car door shutting. She hurried to the door, her fingers trembling as she pulled it open before the lawyer could knock.

"Thank God you're here, Mr. Cage," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with genuine worry as she ushered him inside. Her eyes darted around, making sure everything appeared as it should.

Mr. Alfred Cage, a tall man with graying hair and a furrowed brow, stepped into the house, his briefcase clutched tightly.

He looked at Diana with a mix of concern and confusion. "What is going on? You mean Mr. Rosewood is still not back yet?" he asked, his frown deepening.

Diana wrung her hands, her eyes meeting his gaze. "He's not. He's been away mostly for two weeks, rarely spending any time here at home. But this is different," she said, her voice wavering slightly.

"Two weeks?" The lawyer's brow arched. "Why has he been away and how is this different?"

Diana's shoulders slumped as she looked down at her hands, her fingers fidgeting. "Because he was mad at me," she admitted softly.

"Mad at you?" The lawyer's confusion grew. He knew how much Henry adored Diana, especially after Henry had confided in him about Diana's pregnancy.

"Yes. We sort of had a misunderstanding. It was my fault. I shouldn't have done what I did. I was jealous and I acted out foolishly," Diana said, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Mr. Cage wanted to ask what had happened but was more concerned with Henry's disappearance. "So, why do you think this is different? Maybe he's still avoiding you."

"At first, I thought he was staying away because he was still mad at me, but no one else has been in contact with him. You told me yourself that you haven't been able to reach him since you last spoke with him a couple of days ago when he asked you to come get the divorce papers. His secretary called yesterday to find out why he hasn't been to the office in two days. After hearing that, I've been trying to reach him but he's still not taking his calls, and now his line isn't even going through anymore," Diana said, her voice rising with a mix of frustration and fear.

Mr. Cage rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Do you have anywhere in mind you think he could have gone to?"

"If I did, wouldn't I have gone in search of him without bothering you?" Diana snapped, her frustration spilling over before she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I'm just so worried."

"Have you reported to the police?" the lawyer asked, his tone gentle.

Diana shook her head vehemently. "No. I'm afraid to report to the police. You know how Henry is. What if he's just taking some time off and I report and bring him unnecessary attention? I've annoyed him enough already. I don't want to add to it. That was why I decided to call you. I thought you'd know what to do."

Mr. Cage sighed deeply. "And his family? Have you reached out to them?"

"They don't exactly know about me yet. He was going to engage me and introduce me to his family before Vanessa showed up. I didn't know what I would say to them or how to introduce myself to them," Diana explained, her voice trembling.

The lawyer nodded, understanding her predicament. He had been the Rosewood family lawyer for years and he knew they would want to hear of this before the police were involved.

"I will give his brother a call now," he said, pulling out his phone and dialing Shawn, Henry's brother.

The call connected on the fifth ring. "Alfred, why are you calling me?" Shawn Rosewood's voice was laced with displeasure.

"Your brother is missing," the lawyer said, cutting straight to the point, knowing Shawn didn't like to beat around the bush.

"Henry is missing?" Shawn's voice held a note of disbelief, followed by a disbelieving laugh. "Is this supposed to be a joke? A prank maybe?"

"I'm quite serious, sir. No one has seen nor heard from Mr. Rosewood since Saturday when I last spoke with him and today is Wednesday. He hasn't been to his place or his office," Mr. Cage replied, his tone grave.

Shawn's laughter died abruptly, replaced by a tense silence. "This better not be a joke, Alfred."

"It's not. I'm standing in his living room right now with Diana. She's just as worried," Mr. Cage assured him.

"Diana? Who is that? And where is Vanessa in all of this?" Shawn asked in confusion.

The lawyer sighed, "I think it's best I explain the situation to you in person."

Shawn took a deep breath, his impatience palpable even over the phone. "I'll be there as soon as I can. Don't do anything until I arrive," he said, his voice now filled with urgency.

Mr. Cage ended the call and turned to Diana, his expression softening slightly. "He's coming. We'll figure this out," he said, offering her a reassuring smile, though worry still etched his features. Diana nodded, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum.

Thirty minutes later, Shawn arrived. As he stepped through the door, his imposing presence filled the room. His eyes narrowed as they landed on Diana, his expression hardening. "Who are you? And where is Vanessa?" he demanded, his gaze shifting between Diana and the


"She is Diana Locke, Mr. Rosewood's..." Mr. Cage began, trying to keep his tone calm. "Can you stop calling him Mr. Rosewood in front of me? I am Mr. Rosewood too. I've told you to use his name when addressing me," Shawn cut in, his voice sharp. ƒгeewebnovё

"My apologies. She is his..." The lawyer hesitated, unsure of the best way to introduce Diana.

"I am Henry's mistress," Diana interjected, forcing a smile as she met Shawn's cold gaze. "I'm sorry we are meeting under such circum-"

"Henry's mistress?" Shawn repeated, his voice laced with disbelief as he turned from the lawyer to Diana and then back again. "Henry has a mistress? What is she doing under his roof

when he has a wife?"

"Well, his..." Diana attempted to explain.

"I wasn't asking you," Shawn cut her off coldly, his eyes never leaving Diana.

"He is processing his divorce..." Mr. Cage explained.

"A divorce? Henry is divorcing Vanessa?" Shawn asked incredulously, his disbelief turning to anger. "I don't know what's going on here, but all you're saying doesn't sound like Henry," Shawn said as he sat down, the weight of his presence pressing on the room.

Diana exchanged a worried look with the lawyer before sitting down, her mind racing for the right words. "I've been in Henry's life for the past two years. He was going to introduce me to you and the rest of the family before Vanessa showed up. As a matter of fact, I'm pregnant with his child," Diana said, despite Shawn's earlier interruption, her voice steady but her eyes

betraying her anxiety.

Shawn's green eyes pierced into hers, as though he could see straight through her. His lips curled into a smirk. "I won't talk to you or comment on anything you say until I see Henry and hear from him myself," he declared, pulling out his phone when it buzzed.

He answered the call, his demeanor shifting as he listened intently. "That was the hospital. Henry seems to have been involved in an accident. I have to go," he said, his gaze turning suspiciously towards Diana as he rose.

"Can I come with you?" Diana asked, rising to her feet, her face etched with genuine concern.

"No, you can't. I don't know who you are or what your game is. The only woman I recognize in Henry's life is his wife, Vanessa, and until I hear what is going on directly from Henry, I won't acknowledge you," Shawn said, his tone final.

He glanced at the lawyer, his eyes cold. "You should be ashamed of yourself, Alfred. You've worked for our family all these years yet you didn't deem it fit to inform us of whatever Henry was up to," he added with a shake of his head before walking away.

"Why did the hospital call him and not me? And why is he so doubtful?" Diana asked the


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"The Rosewoods do not trust people easily. They are each other's emergency contact," Alfred


"What do you suggest I do now?" Diana asked the lawyer, her voice small and desperate.

"Wait and hope that Mr. Rosewood is fine. I have to go to the hospital," he said, turning to


"Can I come with you?" Diana asked hopefully, her eyes pleading.

"You heard him. He won't want to see you anywhere near Henry until he confirms

everything," the lawyer said, his tone sympathetic but firm.

Diana took a deep breath, nodding. "Please let me know how Henry is doing. And let him

know I'm worried about him," she pleaded.

"Sure. I will," the lawyer promised as he headed for the door, Diana following him with heavy


As Diana watched Shawn and the lawyer's car disappear down the driveway, a chill ran down her spine. Shawn's skepticism was a significant obstacle, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he would pose a serious threat to her plans. She needed everything to go perfectly, but with Shawn involved, nothing was certain.

She closed the door behind her, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on her chest. As she paced the living room, she couldn't help but feel the walls closing in. She needed to stay calm, to think clearly. Her entire plan depended on it.

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