One Wild Night

Chapter 939: Campsite

Chapter 939: Campsite

Aurora stood on the porch of Philip's cabin, the evening air carrying the faint scent of pine and earth.

She smoothed her plaid flannel shirt and peered down the gravel path, waiting for their

friends to arrive. The cabin was nestled among towering trees, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze.

The sky was a warm orange, promising perfect weather for their weekend fishing trip and camping adventure.

"Do you think they will like it?" Aurora asked, turning to Philip, who was getting out their fishing gear from the car.

Philip smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he turned to her. "You've been the calm one this whole time, why are you suddenly nervous?" He asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know. I've never hosted something like this before. And I know how important this is to you..."

"To us," Philip said as held out a hand to her and Aurora sighed as she went to him.

"You've told me how you've always wanted to be friends with Tom and Harry. I'm just saying I want everything to be perfect," she said and he kissed her forehead.

"They'll love it. It's the perfect getaway," he assured her.

As if on cue, the sound of tires crunching on gravel announced the first arrival. Tom's SUV came into view, followed closely by Harry's and Bryan's cars.

Aurora's heart lifted with excitement. Her worries forgotten, she waved enthusiastically as the vehicles parked, their occupants emerging with smiles and laughter.

"I told you I was going to beat you two. You both owe me a grand each," Tom said since they had all been in a car race from their meeting point.

"I only slowed down because I didn't want Sonia and Ryso to be sick," Bryan said defensively since he came last.

"Yeah, right," Jade snorted.

"And I slowed down because I was carrying a lawyer. I don't want her to go against the law she is meant to uphold," Harry said and Jade nodded in agreement.

"I guess we are the irresponsible ones," Lucy said and everyone laughed as they approached Aurora and Philip who were beaming at them happily.

"Hey, you two!" Tom called, giving Philip a friendly clap on the back.

Lucy hugged Aurora. "It's beautiful here. We've been looking forward to this all week."

Next were Harry and Jade. With Harry's arm around Jade's shoulders. "This place is amazing, Phil!"

Jade's eyes sparkled with excitement, "This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait to get out on the lake," Jade said, her voice brimming with anticipation as she embraced Aurora.

Bryan and Sonia followed with Bryan carrying a cooler as he helped Sonia up the steps to greet Aurora.

"Thanks for extending the invitation to us," Bryan said as he shook Philip's hand.

While Sonia embraced Aurora, her eyes bright. "I really needed a break from the city. Thanks for this."

Philip and Aurora exchanged pleased glances. The cabin, with its rustic charm and proximity to the lake, was indeed the perfect spot for their weekend adventure.

Aurora and Philip led them inside and showed them to their rooms, and once everyone had settled in, they gathered on the porch for a quick briefing.

Aurora laid out the plans for the weekend, detailing the fishing spots and the best areas for camping.

"We've got everything set up at the campsite already," Aurora explained. "Tonight, there will be no fishing. We'll all relax since it's been a busy week and a long day for us all. We will have a campfire and roast marshmallows." The group cheered at the mention of marshmallows.

"So, we will go over to the campsite to have dinner now and just relax and play games," Aurora concluded.

"We will leave our cars here and head over there with our fishing gear. We have to wake up at Dawn to fish..."

"Shouldn't we have a car there in the case of an emergency?" Bryan asked, and the others nodded in agreement.

"There is nothing to worry about. A truck is there on the site," Aurora assured them and they all relaxed.

With a chorus of excited chatter, they began to unpack their gears from their cars.

The path to the lake was a short walk through the forest, the evening sun filtering through the leaves. They all chatted animatedly as they moved together with Philip, Tom, and Harry in front, while Aurora, Lucy, Jade, and Sonia followed and Bryan trailed behind.

The guys carried their fishing rods while the ladies carried baskets and coolers containing their food and drinks.

"So, how well do you fish?" Sonia asked Aurora with interest.

Aurora giggled when Philip turned at the question, "That was the scam of the century. My darling loves the idea of fishing but she can't exactly fish."

"What? She can't fish?" Harry asked in disbelief since he remembered how the whole idea of a fishing trip had sprung up (chapter 576).

"That's not a fair thing to say, babe," Aurora chided with an embarrassed giggle, "Besides, I caught a fish the last time we went fishing, didn't I?" She asked with a pout and Philip grinned as he walked over to her.

"Yeah. You caught that tiny fish and acted like it was a trophy catch," Philip said with a laugh. Aurora grinned sheepishly. "Hey, a catch is a catch. Besides, this time I'm aiming for the big ones."

"So, you wanted us to come fishing with you when you don't even know how to fish?" Jade asked with an amused chuckle.

"To be fair, Harry I did tell you that the last time I went fishing was with my late dad. My dad died when I was eight. I loved going fishing with him but you certainly don't expect me to be a pro at the age, especially seeing how I haven't had any practice," she said defensively.

"Well, luckily you snagged yourself a good fisherman. You might not know how to catch big fishes, but you do know how to catch a fisherman," Sonia joked and they all laughed.

"You're right. I got myself an amazing fisherman," Aurora said as she leaned in and kissed Philip.

"Get a room," Jade said with a playful roll of her eyes when they deepened their kiss.

And they both laughed as they separated, "Don't worry, y'all. I'm going to teach you to fish like experts," Philip promised and Aurora rolled her eyes playfully.

"Show off," she said and Philip chuckled as he slipped his arm around her and they continued walking.

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Just like that the walking arrangement changed and they walked in pairs with Harry and Jade following behind and Tom and Lucy following next leaving Sonia to fall back with Bryan.

"So, will we be fishing in pairs like a competition or are we just going to be doing our thing?"

Lucy asked curiously.

"It will be more fun if it's a competition. But Philip and Aurora are not part of the competition. The rest of us who aren't pros like them can contest, while they catch the fish we

are to eat," Jade suggested.

"I agree with that," Sonia said with a nod.

"Don't worry, I read up on the best lures to use here," Harry said, showing her a small box of colorful lures. "I think we'll do well."

Jade smiled up at him. "I'm just happy to be here with you. The fish is a bonus," she said with

a wink and Harry grinned.

"This will be our first camping trip together," Sonia said and Bryan smiled.

"It will be my first camping trip ever," he admitted.

"Really? That's nice," Sonia said excitedly.

"Lu, do you remember that time we went to summer camp?" Sonia asked and Lucy giggled.

"Of course. How could I forget?" she asked with a nostalgic sigh.

"Remember when Tyler tried to set up the tent by himself because he was trying to impress you?" Sonia asked and they both laughed as they told the group about their summer camp adventure and the others shared theirs as well.

Although the campsite was a short hike from the cabin, because of their discussions and the frequency of their stops to laugh and joke, the sky was dark by the time they arrived.

The campsite was nestled in a clearing surrounded by tall trees. Just like they said, Philip and

Aurora had already set up the bright-colored tents that contrasted with the natural


A truck was parked at the edge of the campsite, and a fire pit occupied the center of the clearing, ready for the evening's festivities.

Philip and Aurora, exchanged amused glances as they watched the others excitedly hurry to pick their tent. They were both happy that everyone was excited.

"Everyone grab some wood," Philip instructed after they were done choosing their tents.

"We'll get the fire going."

Tom, Harry, and Bryan set about building the fire, arranging the logs, and kindling with practiced efficiency. Aurora and Jade unpacked the coolers, setting out ingredients for dinner. Lucy and Sonia gathered around the fire pit, chatting animatedly as they watched the flames


Once the fire was crackling, the group settled into their camping chairs, the warmth of the flames warding off the evening chill. The sky above was a deepening blue, stars beginning to

twinkle into view.

Dinner was a simple affair of steak and roasted vegetables, and an assortment of side dishes which consisted of what they had all brought with them.

The meal was punctuated by laughter and stories of College, shared by Tom, Harry, and Philip- the group's bond growing stronger with each shared memory.

After dinner, they roasted marshmallows, the sweet, sticky treats a hit with everyone. Aurora

passed around hot chocolate, the mugs warming their hands as the night air grew cooler.

"By the way, I signed an endorsement deal with Quinn Enterprise today," Bryan informed freeweɓnovel.cѳm

Tom and Harry after they had settled down. "Really? That's great!" Jade said excitedly and they all congratulated him.

"Why don't you ladies entertain us with a song?" Philip suggested and Lucy exchanged a look

with Tom as she giggled.

"Tom will represent me," she said and Tom chuckled.

"I will dance while Harry sings on my behalf," Jade said and Sonia grinned.

"I guess the guys should sing while we dance then," Sonia suggested and they all agreed.

The next problem became finding the right danceable song to sing. When they couldn't figure out one, they decided to do a freestyle since they wanted to sing instead of playing music.

"Can anyone play a guitar?" Philip asked and Bryan nodded.

"I can."

"Good thing I bought one today," Philip said as he rose to go get it from the truck. Bryan played the guitar while the guys free-styled and the ladies danced. They all laughed at

the ridiculousness of what they were doing, and Harry captured the moment with his camera.

As the fire burned low, the group fell into a comfortable silence, the crackling of the flames and the distant hoot of an owl the only sounds.

Still holding the guitar, Bryan strummed a few chords before launching into a soft, melodic tune. Sonia's voice joined his, their harmony filling the night air.

Tom and Lucy leaned against each other, Lucy's head on Tom's shoulder. Harry and Jade were

similarly cozy, Jade's fingers entwined with Harry's. Philip had an arm around Aurora, her head resting on his chest.

The music wove through the night, creating a sense of peace and contentment. The weekend was off to a perfect start, and as they gazed up at the star-studded sky, they knew this was a memory they would all cherish forever.

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