One Wild Night

Chapter 940 Winners And Losers

Chapter 940 Winners And Losers

The morning sun peeked through the canopy of trees, casting a warm, golden light across the campsite. Birds chirped cheerfully, welcoming the new day.

Lucy stirred, blinking her eyes open and smiling as she found herself nestled in Tom's arms. The previous night's laughter and camaraderie still lingered in the air, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and joy.

She nudged Tom gently, whispering, "Time to wake up, sleepyhead. We have fish to catch."

Tom groaned softly, but his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, pulling her closer for a quick kiss. "Ready to catch some fish?"

"Absolutely," Lucy replied, her excitement bubbling over. They slipped out of the sleeping bag and began to gather their fishing gear, their movements brisk and efficient.

Around the campsite, the others were also beginning to stir. Harry and Jade emerged from their tent, stretching and yawning as they exchanged sleepy smiles.

Bryan helped a still-groggy Sonia out of their tent, his hand resting protectively on her growing belly.

"Good morning, everyone," Aurora called out cheerfully. "Who's ready to catch some fish?"

The group responded with varying degrees of enthusiasm, their faces lighting up at the prospect of the day's adventure.

They quickly got ready, grabbed their fishing rods and tackle boxes, and made their way down to the lake.

The lake's surface shimmered in the early morning light, its calm waters reflecting the surrounding trees and the clear blue sky.

Philip led the way to a spot he knew was perfect for fishing, a quiet area with a small dock jutting out into the water.

"Alright, everyone," Philip announced, setting his gear down. "Let's see the couple that can catch the biggest fish today!"

"What's the prize?" Sonia asked with a yawn.

"A romantic date at the Golden Lotus," he said and they all clapped happily even though they all knew every one of them there could easily afford it.

"And… a couple spa session," Aurora added with a grin, and this time the ladies chattered excitedly as the group spread out along the dock.

"Any prize for Lucy and Tom when they catch the smallest fish?" Sonia joked, and everyone laughed.

"You wish," Lucy told Sonia.

"The couple that catches the smallest fish will have to handle the dishes after we eat," Philip said and Sonia scowled.

"I don't think I like that one," she said and Jade giggled.

"Why? You don't have enough confidence in you and Bryan?" She teased.

"Can we just get started? All this back and forth is going to alert the fishes of our presence and then no one will catch anything," Tom said and they all laughed as they cast their lines into the water with varying levels of expertise.

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Aurora turned to Jade, who was sitting comfortably on a camping chair, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"So, do you have any tips for a beginner?" Jade asked, glancing at Aurora's fishing rod.

Aurora grinned. "Patience is key. And don't be afraid to ask for help. Phil is the expert here."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jade said with a grin, eager to beat the others.

Nearby, Tom and Lucy were in their own little world, their laughter and whispered conversations creating a bubble of happiness around them as they engaged in a playful competition, each determined to out-fish the other.

"You're going down, Tom," Lucy teased, her eyes twinkling.

"We'll see about that," Tom replied, his grin widening as he cast his line with a flourish.

"Shouldn't you both be working together instead of having your own little competition?" Sonia asked with an amused smile.

"Mind your business, Sony, else you're not going to catch anything talk more of the smallest fish," Lucy said, and Sonia laughed, her hand resting on her belly.

"I'm pretty sure we're going to catch the biggest fish," Bryan declared confidently, his eyes never leaving the water.

Sonia chuckled. "I like your optimism. Let's make it happen for Ryso."

Time passed in a delightful blur of laughter and gentle ribbing. Philip moved from person to person, offering tips and encouragement. Aurora watched him with a fond smile, her heart swelling with pride.

Just as the sun climbed higher in the sky, Bryan let out an excited shout. "I've got something!"

Everyone turned to watch as Bryan reeled in his line, the rod bending under the weight of his catch. A moment later, a sizable fish broke the surface, its scales glistening in the sunlight.

On seeing the fish, Sonia broke into a happy victorious dance which made every one of them laugh.

"Nice catch!" Philip called out, clapping Bryan on the back as he brought the fish to shore.

Jade pouted playfully. "Looks like we are losing this round."

Bryan grinned, holding up the fish for everyone to see. "Looks like it."

"I knew we were going to get it," Sonia said with a smug smile.

"Don't be so confident, Sony. It's not over until it is over," Lucy said and Sonia stuck out her tongue making everyone laugh.

The friendly competition continued, with most of them catching their share of fish. Aurora managed to catch a decent-sized trout, her face lighting up with triumph as she held it up for Philip to see.

"See? I'm not completely hopeless," she teased, earning a laugh from Philip.

As the morning wore on, they decided to call it a day and everyone laughed and made fun of Tom and Harry seeing as Tom caught the smallest fish and Harry caught nothing at all.

"Don't worry, love. You can't be so good at everything. God is not so unfair as to make you that perfect," Jade said and Harry chuckled.

"Are you comforting me or making fun of me?" He asked and she giggled.


"You realize you are both doing the dishes, right?" Sonia asked and Jade shook her head.

"Nope. Tom and Lucy are doing the dishes, not us," Jade said and Tom and Lucy turned to her.

"Why us? We both caught something. Harry didn't catch anything," Lucy said defensively.

"Exactly. He didn't catch anything. The rule was, the couple that catches the smallest fish, not the couple that didn't catch anything," Jade said with a shrug and Harry chuckled.

"God, how I love you," Harry said, and Tom looked from Jade and Harry to Philip incredulously.

"She's not being serious, is she?" He asked, and Aurora giggled.

"Jade, your argument doesn't hold water. Harry caught something so small that it was invisible. You are both doing the dishes," Lucy argued.

"No. It's not our fault that there was a loophole in the rules. No one asked about not catching anything. Sonia specifically asked about the biggest fish and the smallest fish. We can take this case to any court and we will win," she argued and Sonia nodded.

"Jade has a point," she said and Lucy glared at her.

"No. No one I'm going to let Jade use all that legal jargon to outsmart us. It said the couple that caught the smallest fish, not the individual, right? Good. Now I caught a fish, and Tom caught a fish. Jade caught a fish but Harry caught nothing. Why don't we compare the size of our fishes to Jade's? That's how to decide the couple that caught the smallest fish," Lucy argued and Tom grinned while Jade scowled at Lucy.

"Why don't you go back to school to study, Law?" Tom suggested, pleased with Lucy's fast thinking.

Sonia giggled, "Lu has a point."

"Shut up, Sony," Lucy and Jade said in unison and she giggled again.

Bryan, Aurora, and Philip watched the scene before them with amused smiles.

Lucy and Jade both folded their arms in front of each other as they stared down the other, neither of them willing to give in.

"Esquire, don't give in to Lucy," Harry encouraged as he smirked at Tom.

"I have an idea," Jade said finally.

"What?" Lucy asked, narrowing her eyes.

"We don't have to fight for them. Since they are best buddies, why don't they do the dishes together since one caught nothing and the other caught the smallest fish?" Jade asked with a playful smile and Lucy pursed her lips as she considered it.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked in disbelief as he eyed Jade, unable to believe the betrayal, while Sonia and the others laughed at the funny turn of events.

"Jewel, you can't possibly listen to Jade. She's only suggesting that to save herself because she knows you are right and we won," Tom said, and everyone looked at Lucy, waiting for her to make her decision.

Seeing that they were all waiting for her, Lucy cleared her throat, "Well, the rules said couples. Tom and Harry are not a couple. You and Harry are a couple. So, I insist that we measure the size of the fishes and determine who is doing the dishes. So, whether we win or lose, I'm with Tom," Lucy said and Tom beamed happily as he swept her off her feet making her laugh while Harry eyed Jade with disapproval.

"I know you don't like doing dishes, but I can't believe you just did that," he said and she pouted.

"It was just for fun," she said and he shook his head as he walked away while she ran after him, trying to jump on his back.

"If the reverse was the case and I did that, how would you feel?" Harry asked, turning to face her.

"I would have laughed over it…"

"Well, I didn't find it funny. If anything, I feel embarrassed. I would have done the dishes myself without asking you to join me," he said and she sighed.

"Alright. I'm sorry. I really only did it for fun. I didn't mean it. Don't you think as a lawyer I understood very well that the rule said couple? I really was only joking, I promise," Jade said, and Harry held her gaze for a moment and when she smiled and nodded, he sighed.

"Fine," he said and she grinned as she linked her arm with his and they both headed back to the campsite to join the others.

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