One Wild Night

Chapter 942: That Should Change.

Chapter 942: That Should Change.

The Sunday morning sun filtered gently through the trees, casting light across the cabin and stirring the group from their deep, restful sleep.

The previous day's hike had taken a toll on everyone, and they had all collapsed into their beds the night before, exhausted but exhilarated.

Tom was the first to wake, his body protesting the early hour but his mind already replaying the adventures of the weekend. He rolled over and watched Lucy sleep for a moment, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

She looked peaceful, her face relaxed, and he couldn't help but think about how she had defended their course against Jade the previous day. The thought of it made him grin.

His feisty little lady.

She had changed so much from shying away from confrontations to facing them head-on and refusing to back down.

"What are you smiling for?" Lucy asked without opening her eyes, but a smile played on her lips.

"When did you wake up?" Tom asked, surprised that she was awake.

"While you were grinning," she said as she opened her eyes.

"My body feels as though a train ran over it," Lucy complained.

"Yeah. Mine too. I think it's a result of the hiking. It's been a while since I did such exercise," Tom said and Lucy yawned.

"I'm hungry."

"I don't think the others are awake yet. Let's go see what is in the kitchen," Tom suggested as he got off the bed, Lucy rose as well, and together they made their way to the kitchen.

Not wanting to rouse the others, they both tried to be as quiet as possible as they ransacked the cupboards and refrigerator for snacks.

Lucy settled for a pack of cookies and two apples, while Tom took a pack of potato chips. As they returned to their room, they froze when they heard a door opening upstairs, and immediately sprinted for their room on tiptoes not wanting to be caught.

The moment they got into their bedroom and shut the door behind them they both burst into a peal of laughter as they fell on their bed.

"Why did we run like thieves?" Lucy asked as she bit into her apple and Tom chuckled.

"I have no idea," he said and she giggled.

"When are we leaving?" Lucy asked and Tom raised a brow as he tore open his pack of chips.

"Why? Are you tired already?" He asked and she shook her head.

"Nah. I just wanted to know if there are any other activities planned out for today," she said as she bit into her apple.

"I don't know yet. But I'm sure they will tell us when everyone eventually wakes up."

"If we feel this way tired, I wonder how Sonia feels," Lucy said thoughtfully. "Perhaps I should go check on her?" she asked Tom.

"You are going to disturb her sleep. Do you think if she wasn't okay we would all sleep for this long? Bryan would have raised everyone," Tom said and Lucy giggled.

"You have a point. Bryan is very protective of Sonia and Ryso," she said with an amused smile. "I'd be too if I were him," Tom said and Lucy grinned but said nothing.

They both ate their snacks silently for a while until Tom broke the silence, "So, are Lucas and Tyler coming for the reunion?" Tom asked and Lucy grinned.

"Yeah. I'm surprised they are coming though. I think Lucas is coming mainly because he wants to see Amy," Lucy said with a giggle as she remembered Amy's joy when she received the package from Lucas.

"And Tyler is coming because he wants to see you?" Tom joked and Lucy giggled.

"He's coming because it's our class reunion and he doesn't want to miss out on all the fun. My parents are going to be so happy to have Lucas and me at home," she said with a grin,

thinking of the surprise they planned to pull on their parents.

Away from there, Philip and Aurora who had freshened up, moved around in the kitchen together preparing breakfast for their exhausted guests.

Eventually, the scent of coffee brewing and all the noise they were making as they cooked roused the others.

One by one, they emerged from their rooms, yawning and stretching, still feeling the pleasant ache of muscles well-used.

Tom and Lucy were the last to step out, both yawning and stretching too as though they had just woken up.

"Did you just wake up?" Sonia asked, eyeing Lucy and Tom with interest.

"Yes. Why?"

"You look too bright-eyed for someone who just woke up," Jade observed.

"And there are crumbs of cookies on your shirt. Were you eating in your sleep?" Sonia asked,

and Lucy exchanged a look with Tom, who was now chuckling.

"It's probably from dinner last night," Lucy said easily as Tom wiped off the crumbs.

"This wasn't what you wore when we had dinner..."

"Hmm. What's that smell? Aura, what are you making? It smells wonderful," Lucy said, walking past Sonia into the kitchen to escape the interrogation and Tom chuckled as he followed her.

"You're such a bad influence on Lucy," Harry said with a shake of his head as Tom walked past him.

"What makes you think she isn't the one influencing me?" Tom asked with a chuckle as they gathered in the kitchen area each grabbing a cup of coffee while Tom handed Lucy a cup of yogurt instead.

The atmosphere was relaxed and intimate, as the group savored breakfast and the simple pleasure of each other's company.

As they ate, the conversation flowed easily, everyone recounting their favorite moments from the weekend.

Harry and Jade shared a laugh over their impromptu race to the top, while Sonia and Bryan talked about the breathtaking view from the clearing.

Tom and Lucy chimed in with their own anecdotes, Tom joking about how he nearly tripped over a tree root while trying to impress Lucy with his hiking skills.

"Remember how Philip almost lost his footing at the edge of the clearing?" Jade laughed, recalling the moment vividly.

Philip grinned sheepishly. "Hey, it was a tricky spot! But the view was worth it."

After breakfast, they settled into the plush sofas in the living room for a movie.

The cabin's large screen flickered to life as they debated which film to watch. They finally settled on a classic comedy, one that had them all laughing out loud within minutes.

The hours slipped by in a blur of laughter and shared jokes, the kind of morning that felt both unhurried and cherished.

As the movie ended and the afternoon light began to slant through the windows, casting a golden glow, Philip stood up and stretched. "Alright, everyone. To wrap up this amazing weekend, my darling and I have decided to host y'all at the restaurant for dinner."

A chorus of cheers and applause met his announcement. They all knew Philip's restaurant was

a culinary gem, and the promise of a delicious meal was the perfect way to end their trip.

They spent the next hour packing up their belongings and tidying the cabin, each couple handling a different task with ease and efficiency. By late afternoon, they were ready to head to the restaurant.

The setting sun painted the sky in hues of pink and orange as they took their seats at a long, beautifully set table on the rooftop of the restaurant.

The meal was nothing short of spectacular. Philip had pulled out all the stops, presenting them with a multi-course feast that showcased his culinary talents.

From delicate appetizers to sumptuous main courses and decadent desserts, each dish was a testament to his skill and passion for food.

As they dined, they continued to reminisce about the weekend, their laughter mingling with the gentle sounds of nature around them.

Philip and Aurora shared more about their plans for the wedding, while Sonia and Bryan

talked excitedly about their upcoming arrival.

Tom and Lucy, content and happy, exchanged glances, each thinking about their plan to surprise the other with a proposal.

Harry and Jade simply relaxed, feeling the warmth of their friends' company envelop them.

"Here's to more weekends like this," Tom said, raising his glass in a toast.

"To friendship, love, and unforgettable memories," Jade added, her eyes sparkling with emotion as they clinked their glasses together.

When the meal ended, they lingered for a while, not wanting the evening to end. But

eventually, it was time to say their goodbyes.

Hugs and promises to meet again soon were exchanged, and then they all went their separate


Tom and Lucy's drive home was filled with quiet reflections and occasional bursts of laughter

as they recounted their favorite moments from the trip.

By the time they pulled into their driveway, the sky was a deep, velvety blue, dotted with stars. Adolf came out to carry their bags inside and took them up to their bedroom.

As they walked inside, the house felt welcoming and familiar, but also a little too quiet after the lively weekend with their friends.

Tom flopped onto the couch with a satisfied sigh. "I can't remember the last time I had such a

noisy weekend."

Lucy sat beside him, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Me neither. To be honest, as much as I

was looking forward to spending time with everyone, I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy it this


"Me too," Tom admitted.

Lucy sat up after a moment of silence and glanced at Tom, "You know what just occurred to



The 𝘮ost uptodat𝑒 novels are pub𝙡ished on freeweɓnovēl.coɱ.

"I think this is the first time we are both just sitting here in the living room this way," she said

and Tom raised a brow.

"For real?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yes. I think we mostly just stay in the room and eat in the dining. We only stay in the Den when we have company," she said thoughtfully.

"And we've been to the pool," he reminded her with a grin.

"Yeah. But my point is, we are either going out or staying in the bedroom. We don't really

explore the house. For instance, there are rooms I haven't been into in here," she said and Tom raised a brow.

"Really? What room?" He asked curiously.

"I've never been to the gym, I don't know what the staff quarters look like, I've never been to the wine cellar, the home theater and the game room," she listed and Tom chuckled. "Will you believe me if I told you I often don't remember I have such rooms in this house?"

He asked, and she giggled.

"Well, that should change," she said, thinking that it was time to begin to make the place her home and not just a house she lived in with Tom.

"Okay. So, do you have any plans?" He asked and she nodded.

"Yes. Every day of this week I'm going to visit one of the rooms after work, and then by the

weekend I'm going to look around the whole place. When the family comes around for

Christmas we will make a list of activities for everyone to participate in so we can put the

whole place in use," she said and Tom grinned.

"I like the sound of that..."

"But before then, we will put the gym into use. I think we both need to exercise more after

that hiking experience," she said and Tom nodded.

"Okay, ma'am. Your wish is my command," Tom said before rising.

"Let's go to the bedroom, else I just might put this living room into use now by dozing off

here on the couch," he said and she giggled as she rose and together they went upstairs to

their bedroom.

After unpacking and freshening up, they got into bed, ready to call it a night. As Tom wrapped

his arm around Lucy and pulled her close, she sighed with contentment.

"You know what I'm most grateful for about the weekend?" she asked with a yawn.


"I'm glad we have such a group of friends like them," she said softly.

"Well, I'm even more glad I have you," Tom said, his voice thick with sleep.

Lucy smiled, "Me too, love. I'm glad I have you too. I love you," she said with a yawn.

"I love you so much more," Tom said before dozing off.


Quick Announcement. I'm sorry, every one. Contrary to what I planned, I've been adviced by fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm

my editor to start Jamal's story as a stand-alone and fresh story. OWN will be ending at chapter 1000. I'm going to start Jamal's story immediately it ends. I hope you support me and add it up in your library. Thanks.

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