One Wild Night

Chapter 941: Hiking

Chapter 941: Hiking

The smell of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon with eggs soon filled the air as the men, championed by Philip, cooked over the campfire, determined to impress their women whose stomachs were growling in anticipation as they set up a picnic table.

"Whatever you do over there, do not let Tom close to the pan," Lucy advised and they all laughed while Tom scowled at her playfully.

"Everything smells amazing," Jade remarked as she took in the breakfast spread. "You guys really went all out."

"Only the best for our ladies," Tom said, giving Lucy a wink.

"You didn't even do much apart from flipping the pancakes," Bryan taunted.

"You flipped the pancakes? I was wondering why they look so delicious," Lucy said, beaming a smile at Tom, and he chuckled while the others looked at them with amusement.

Seated around the picnic table, they enjoyed a hearty breakfast, the conversation flowing easily as they recounted their fishing adventures.

The easy camaraderie of the group made the meal even more enjoyable. And even Harry, who had been in a sour mood just moments before, was laughing and joking with the rest of them. "Everyone did a great job. We've got quite the haul," Philip said with approval.

"Yeah. I didn't think we'd have so many fish," Aurora agreed.

"So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?" Lucy asked, spearing a piece of pancake with her fork.

Philip leaned back in his chair, looking out at the lake. "I was thinking we could go for a hike after breakfast. There's a great trail nearby with some stunning views."

"Count me in," Tom said, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of another adventure.

"Me too!" chirped Sonia.

"But we will have to keep it at a reasonable pace," Bryan said, his hand resting on Sonia's belly.

"We'll take it easy," Aurora assured him. "It's more about enjoying the scenery than racing to the top."

After finishing their meal, Harry and Jade cleaned up and they all got ready for the hike.

They packed water bottles, snacks, leftover pancakes from breakfast, fruits, and a few essentials, making sure everyone was prepared for the trek.

The trail started at the edge of the campsite, winding through the forest with a gentle incline.

The trees provided a canopy of shade, and the air was filled with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves.

They walked in pairs, with Philip and Aurora leading the way. Jade and Harry followed close behind, their earlier disagreement forgotten as they chatted and laughed.

Bryan and Sonia walked hand in hand, their steps slow and steady, and Tom and Lucy brought up the rear so they could keep an eye on Sonia and Bryan.

Each of the couples exchanged smiles and shared little jokes, enjoying the peacefulness of the forest.

As they climbed higher, the trail opened up to a clearing with a stunning viewpoint. Below them, the lake shimmered in the sunlight, surrounded by a sea of green. The group paused to take in the view, snapping photos and admiring the natural beauty.

"Absolutely breathtaking," Sonia said, her voice filled with awe.

"Definitely worth the hike," Bryan agreed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

They spent some time at the viewpoint, enjoying the scenery and catching their breath.

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The ladies spread out the blankets and they all decided to spend some time there for their picnic.

As they ate, they decided to play a few couples' games, their laughter ringing out across the quiet environment.

First up was a game of "Couples Trivia," where they tested how well they knew each other. Philip and Aurora went first, with Philip asking, "What's my favorite movie?"

Aurora scrunched her nose in thought before answering confidently, "The Pursuit Of Happyness."

Philip grinned. "Correct. Your turn."

Aurora asked, "What's my favorite color?"

"Easy. Blue," Philip replied without hesitation.

"There are lots of blue. What kind of blue?" Sonia asked and Philip smiled.

"Sky blue," he said and Aurora clapped.


"How can we be so sure you're both telling the truth and not just saying correct to anything your partner says?" Jade asked suspiciously.

"Yeah. I think Jade has a point," Lucy agreed and Jade scowled at her.

"Finally you agree with me on something after betraying me earlier," she said and Lucy giggled.

"I didn't betray you."

"You broke the girl code," Jade said and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"There's no such thing," she said with a playful smile.

"Of course, there is. If there is a bro code, why can't there be a girl code? You were supposed to take my side. Do you think if the situation was reversed Tom and Harry... nevermind," Jade said with a grin when she noticed how Harry was scowling at her and the others laughed.

"I think Jade and Harry should go next, and instead of them asking each other, we should ask them," Sonia suggested.

"Why don't we do that to Philip and Aurora too?" Jade asked and they all nodded.

"Okay, so let's do it this way, if Jade and Harry are going next, they should be the ones to question us, and then the couple after them will question them, and we will question the last couple. How about that?" Aurora suggested and they all agreed.

"What is the one thing you wish you could change about each other?" Jade asked, and both Philip and Aurora exchanged a look and laughed.

"She never keeps to time. I'm afraid she might even show up late for our wedding," Philip joked and they all laughed.

"I agree. I have experienced her in action," Jade said with a nod.

"What about you, Aura?" Jade asked Aurora.

"Philip likes to mess the whole place up when he cooks. He's a great cook no doubt. But sometimes when I think about the mess he'd make, I just wish we would order takeouts or something," Aurora said and they laughed. freeweɓnovel.cøm

"Do I have to ask you a question too?" Harry asked and they nodded.

"Everyone has to participate," Aurora said, looking at him with interest as she waited to hear

his question.

"What do you love most about getting married to each other?" Harry asked after a while.

Philip smiled, "For me, it's seeing her face first thing every morning and last thing every


"Aww," Aurora said with a wide smile as she leaned in to kiss Philip, "For me, it's having my own person for life. Someone who really gets me and loves me as I want to be loved. And I have you both to thank for it," Aurora said, beaming a smile at Harry and Jade.

"You're welcome," Jade said with a pleased smile as she squeezed Aurora's hand.

"Your turn," Sonia said excitedly. "What is the first gift you gave each other as a couple?" She

asked looking from Jade to Harry and back again.

"Harry's first gift to me was a basket of flowers and chocolates," Jade said with a grin.

"Ah! I remember that," Lucy said with a giggle.

"Me too," Sonia said, giggling as they recalled the event of the morning Harry surprised Jade

with the basket of flowers and chocolate (chapter 525).

"Does that really count? You weren't official then, and that was before the date with Aurora if

I'm not mistaken," Sonia pointed out.

"Yes. You're right," Jade said with a nod.

"So, when you both began to date officially what was the first gift Harry got you?" Sonia

asked and Jade pursed as she looked at Harry who was frowning.

"I don't think I've gotten you anything," he said, and she smiled.

"You have. You made me a bottle of smoothie..."

"That isn't a gift," Harry said, surprised that he had not gotten her anything tangible.

"It is. The value of a gift doesn't have to be judged monetarily. You've done a lot of stuff for me that can't be measured in any human currency. That smoothie represents the time and thought you put into making something special just for me when I was feeling down, and that's what makes it a perfect first gift," Jade said, even though everyone else agreed with her, Harry still didn't like the thought that he was yet to give her anything tangible. "I'll make it up to you," Harry promised, taking Jade's hand and raising it to his lips. "What about you? What was the first gift you received from Jade?" Sonia asked, not wanting

Harry to keep dwelling on it.

"She took me shopping and bought me lots of stuff," Harry said easily.

"Where was your first official date?" Bryan asked, and Jade grinned.

"A rooftop restaurant," Jade said and Harry nodded.

"Your turn, Sony. What is the biggest difference between the both of you?" Lucy asked and

Sonia smiled.

"Hmm. I think that would be, me being a me-person, and Bryan being a we-person. He's

always thinking for two and including me in his plans. But on the other hand, I would have finished thinking of me first before remembering it's a we-thing and not a me-thing. I'm not saying it is right. I'm working on it. But that's what I think is the biggest difference between us," Sonia said and Lucy looked at Bryan.

"Is the answer the same for you?" Lucy asked and Bryan chuckled.

"Well, that and the fact that she's crazy and I'm the sane one," Bryan said and they all

laughed as Sonia jabbed his side with her elbow playfully.

"What is the most important lesson you've learned from each other?" Tom asked and Sonia

pursed her lips.

"Hmm. For me, it's communication," she said and Bryan smiled.

"For me, it's trust," he said and they both smiled at each other. "Finally, I get to ask a question!" Aurora said excitedly and they all laughed.

"What is the biggest challenge you've faced together and how did you overcome it?" Aurora

asked and Tom raised a brow.

"Isn't that two questions?"

"No. It's one," Philip said, defending Aurora.

Lucy considered the question for a moment, "I think it was the issue of Dawn's paternity,"

Lucy said, looking at Tom.

Tom nodded in agreement, "Yeah. It was that for me too."

"How did we overcome it? I don't know. Harry gave me a drink from his fountain of wisdom,"

Lucy joked and they all laughed.

"I chose to let love lead. I think that's how I overcame it," Lucy said with a shrug.

"If I'm not mistaken, you both have been together the longest amongst everyone here, am I

right?" Philip asked, and they both nodded.

"What relationship advice would you give us?" Philip asked, and Lucy laughed.

"I don't think I'm in a position to give anyone relationship advice," she said and Tom raised a


"Why not?"

"I don't know. What am I supposed to say? You know very well that I'm learning on the go with you," she said and he nodded.

"So, what have you learned so far?" Tom asked and she sighed.

"Well, the most important lesson I've learned is to take everything one day at a time. The joy

of today is more important than the mistakes of yesterday and the fears of tomorrow. Don't

be so caught up in your worries about tomorrow that you're not living your best moment today," she said and Tom clapped for her.

"That's profound," Aurora said and Philip nodded as he looked at Tom.

"What about you? What relationship advice would you give?" he asked Tom. "Relationship involves growth, so choose love, patience, and commitment every day," Tom

said, and just like that they continued.

After some time they resumed their hiking and continued along the trail, which looped back

towards the campsite.

By the time they returned, it was late afternoon. They were all tired but happy, their spirits

high from the day's adventure.

They gathered around the campfire and together they all prepared the fish for dinner and shared stories as the sun began to set.

As the sky darkened and the stars came out, the group fell into a comfortable silence. The

crackling of the fire and the distant sound of the lake were the only noises, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

"This has been such a perfect day," Lucy said softly, her eyes reflecting the firelight.

"Yeah. I'm so glad we all came out here," Sonia said with a contented sigh as Bryan pulled her


"Me too," Jade agreed as she leaned into Harry. "It's been amazing."

"I'm glad you all had a nice time. We wanted to enjoy this weekend with you before our

wedding. So, thanks for honoring our invitation," Aurora said as she exchanged a look with Philip, happy at having pulled it off successfully.

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