One Wild Night

Chapter 950: Sounds Like A Plan

Chapter 950: Sounds Like A Plan

After dinner, Tom and Lucy decided to take an evening stroll around the house while they waited for Lucas to arrive.

They walked side by side, their fingers entwined, "It's so funny and sweet that Lucas is in love with Amy," Lucy said, a smile playing on her lips.

"Why is it funny?" Tom asked, and she grinned.

"I remember how defensive he used to get whenever I asked or insinuated that he had feelings for her. I'm glad that he is finally going for it," she said and Tom smiled.

"You don't mind that your brother's girlfriend is your secretary?" Tom asked and Lucy raised a brow.

"Why should I? Amy is wonderful. You know I like her," Lucy said and Tom nodded.

"Yeah, I do. And I like you," Tom said and Lucy rolled her eyes but smiled.

"I want a piggy ride," Lucy said and Tom turned to look at her.

"That's so random," he said as he turned.

"What's so random about wanting my man to carry me on his back when we are taking a stroll?" Lucy asked and Tom grinned.

"Ooh! Your man. I like that," he said, and she giggled.

Tom lowered himself so she could get on his back, and once she hopped on, Tom continued walking again.

They walked in companionable silence for a while and Lucy kissed Tom's cheek, "What are you thinking?"

Tom smiled, "I'm just thinking that I'd like to carry you this way fifty years from now. And I'm wondering if you'd weigh the same or more, or less. And then I'm trying to picture you looking fatter or frail," he said and Lucy smiled.

"I can't picture myself looking fatter. Will you love me less if I gain weight?" she asked and Tom shrugged.

"I will always love you, but I won't let you become fat," he said and she frowned.

"So, you're saying you won't love the fat version of me?"

"I'm saying I won't let that version exist. But I will always love you," Tom said patiently.

"What if you can't prevent it and that version comes into existence?" Lucy insisted.

"Then we will do all we can to get rid of it..."

"Let me down," Lucy said and Tom let her down.

Lucy stood facing him, wanting to see his face, "So, what if after we do everything we still can't get rid of the fat?" She asked and Tom sighed.

"Where is this question going, Jewel? Your mom isn't even fat. I don't think you're ever going

to be fat..."

"What if I become fat by chance? Are you going to leave me for someone else?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Seriously, Lucy, where is this question coming from or going to?" Tom asked, amused.

"From my head, of course. Where else would it be coming from? You could have left your answer at you'd always love me. Why did you have to add the part about not letting me become fat?" She asked with a scowl.

"That's to tell you I care, 'cause being obese isn't good for you. I mean health-wise. I want you to live really long and to be healthy," Tom said reasonably.

"So, you're saying you said that only because you care about my health and not because you'd find me less attractive if I gain excess weight," she said and Tom nodded.

"Of course. I'd love you in any form, shape, or color," he said, and she smiled, satisfied with his response.

"Okay. I want to get back," she said and he raised a brow.

"Get back where?" He asked, lost.

"On your back. Let's keep going," she said, and Tom chuckled, wondering what had come over her.

"Okay. Get on," he said, turning for her to hop on his back.

They walked in companionable silence for a while again and then Lucy broke the silence, "Ace?"

Tom's lips twitched with an amused smile as he wondered what she wanted to ask this time, "Yes?"

"What if we never met?" she asked and Tom chuckled.

"Then I guess I'd be single and lonely for the rest of my life," he said, and she grinned.

"Well, I guess we are both lucky we met else life would have been pretty boring and lonely," she said with a contented sigh.

Tom chuckled. "That, we are. I think Lucas is here," Tom said when he saw the light of a car approaching in the distance.

"Yeah. I see it too," Lucy said as she tapped his arm for him to let her down.

They stood there waiting for him to join them and Lucas' face lit up with a broad grin when he spotted them waiting for him and he parked the car and got out.

"Lucy!" he called out, his voice filled with affection and a hint of amusement.

Lucy dashed forward, meeting her twin brother halfway. She flung her arms around Lucas, hugging him tightly as if she hadn't seen him in years.

"Lucas! I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled against his chest.

Lucas chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground briefly. "I've missed you too," he replied, his tone softening as he held her close.

Tom walked over at a more leisurely pace, a warm smile on his face. "Good to see you, Lucas," he said as he reached them, extending a hand.

Lucas set Lucy back down on her feet and took Tom's hand, shaking it firmly. "Likewise, Tom. It's always good to see you."

They all turned toward the house, walking together as a trio. As they walked into the house, Lucy looped her arm through Lucas's, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"Have you had dinner yet?" she asked, her concern for her brother's well-being evident.

"Yes, I have," he said simply.

"Alright, then let's head out to the patio," Tom suggested, guiding them through the house.

The patio doors were already open, allowing the evening breeze to drift inside, carrying with it the scent of blooming flowers from the garden. String lights were strung above, twinkling softly as they swayed in the gentle wind.

The trio settled into the chairs, the atmosphere easy and relaxed. Lucy was the first to speak, her curiosity getting the better of her. "So, how was your date with Amy?" she asked, her tone casual but her eyes sharp with interest.

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Lucas raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile tugging at his lips. "Why are you asking me that?"

Lucy rolled her eyes, playfully nudging him with her elbow. "Oh, come on, I know I'm only seeing you now because you must have gone on a date with her."

Lucas laughed, leaning back in his chair. "Alright. You got me. Yeah, I spent the day with her."

"I knew it," Lucy said with a grin, "Excuse me while I get us something to drink," Lucy said before walking away.

Alone with Lucas, Tom, who had been quiet, leaned forward slightly, resting his forearms on his knees. "How are you, Lucas? How's everything going with your program?"

Lucas's expression grew a bit more serious as he considered the question. "I'm fine. And the program is going smoothly, actually. I'm done with the first half already, which is a relief. I should be done before the holidays."

"That's great to hear," Tom said with a nod, genuinely pleased to hear that.

There was a brief pause, the comfortable silence filled the distant chirping of crickets as the night settled in around them. The stars began to twinkle overhead, their light faint.

Lucas broke the silence with a sincere look in his eyes as he turned to Tom. "Thanks, for making Lucy so happy," Lucas said, his voice low but filled with gratitude.

Tom met his gaze, a small smile on his lips. "I wonder why you keep telling me that each time we meet. Really, it's Lucy who's making me happy," he replied earnestly. Lucas chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "You're good for each other. It's just... it's really

nice to see her doing so well. I wouldn't be able to move on this way or be happy if she didn't have you. So, I'm really thankful."

Tom nodded, understanding the sentiment behind Lucas's words. "I'm glad you're both fine. That's all that matters. And it's good that your job won't be the only thing you'd be coming back to," Tom said and Lucas chuckled.

"I'm really looking forward to settling here already. Though, I haven't told Amy about it yet,"

Lucas said conversationally.

"Why not? You want to surprise her?" Tom asked and Lucas grinned.

"Yeah. She's awesome," Lucas said, unable to hide his feelings and Tom smiled knowingly.

"I bet she is," Tom said as Lucy returned with a bottle of wine and three glasses.

The conversation flowed easily among them and they talked about Husla, and Tyler and how they were all glad that Mia's issue had been resolved.

They sat in companionable silence for a while and then Lucas spoke, "By the way," he began, glancing between Tom and Lucy, "would it be alright if Amy joined us on the trip to Heden as

my plus one to the reunion?"

Lucy's face lit up at the suggestion, and Tom looked equally enthusiastic. "Of course," Lucy said, her voice bright. "The more, the merrier! Bryan and Sonia will be traveling with us too." Lucas smiled, clearly pleased with their response. "Perfect. I already invited her."

As they talked, Lucy's thoughts drifted to their parents, and she looked at Lucas. "Do Mom and Dad know you're in Ludus?"

Lucas shook his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Nope. I haven't told them


Lucy clapped her hands together, a playful glint in her eyes as she reached for her phone. "Well, we should give them a call."

She quickly brought up their Mom's contact in her phone and initiated a video call. After a few rings, the screen lit up with the familiar faces of Andrew and Janet, their expressions

brightening at the sight of their daughter.

"Darling! We were just talking about you. What a pleasant surprise!" Janet greeted, her smile


"Hey, Princess!" Andrew greeted pleasantly.

Lucy grinned back, barely able to contain her excitement. "Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad! Guess who's freewebnøvel.coɱ

with me?"

Before Andrew and Janet could make a guess, Lucas leaned into the frame, revealing his face with a broad smile. Their parents' reactions were immediate-wide smiles and a burst of laughter.

"Lucas! What are you doing in Ludus?" Andrew asked his tone a mix of surprise and delight.

Lucas shrugged casually, though his parents didn't miss the twinkle in his eye. "I was missing Lucy," he said with a playful smile.

Lucy couldn't resist chirping in, "That's not true. He's here because he got himself a new

girlfriend," she said excitedly, knowing the news would make their parents happy. Lucas shot her a mock glare, though there was no real heat behind it. "Lucy, really?" While Andrew looked at Lucas with interest, Janet, however, was all smiles at the news.

"A new girlfriend, you say? Who is she? Tell us everything!" Janet said happy to know that Lucas was finally moving on.

Lucas rubbed the back of his neck, clearly a bit embarrassed by the sudden attention. "I'll tell

you all about it another time, Mom," he promised.

Andrew, chuckled at his son's discomfort before his gaze shifted back to Lucy, "And how's

Tom doing?"

Lucy quickly turned the camera toward Tom, who had been sitting quietly beside her, and

Tom waved at the screen. "I'm doing well, thank you. How are you doing?" They exchanged pleasantries for a few more minutes, talking about Tom's parents and siblings, the conversation light and filled with warmth. Eventually, they said their goodbyes, and Lucy ended the call, placing her phone back on the table.

"Really, Lucy? You just had to tell them?" Lucas asked and she grinned.

"Yeah. I had to. They're going to see her anyway when we travel together. Is she not coming

home with us?" Lucy asked and Lucas winced.

"I didn't exactly think about taking her home. It didn't occur to me," he said and Lucy raised a


"Did you plan to stay in a hotel?" She asked and he shook his head.

"I actually didn't think or plan anything other than the fact that she would be traveling with me and attending the party with me," Lucas said with a grin and they all laughed. "What's your plan? Are you going to stay at Tom's place or a hotel?" Lucas asked curiously.

Tom and Lucy exchanged a smile, "We will stay at home with Mom and Dad," she said and Lucas smiled.

"That's cool then. We will stay at home too," Lucas said and Lucy let out a content sigh, leaning back in her chair.

"Sounds like a plan," Tom said, looking forward to the weekend with Lucy and her family.

"Mom and Dad are going to be so happy to have a full house. I can imagine their excitement," Lucy said with a grin and Lucas chuckled.

"I think I'm going to head in for the night now. I'm beginning to feel sleepy," Lucy said with a


Tom reached over, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "I'll hang out with Lucas for a bit before

I join you." Lucy smiled, standing up from her seat. She leaned down to kiss Tom goodnight, her lips lingering on his for a moment before she pulled away. "Goodnight, Lucas," she said, giving her brother a pat on the back. "Don't stay up too late, you two." "We won't," Lucas promised with a grin as he watched her walk back into the house.

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