One Wild Night

Chapter 951: Lucy Fierce

Chapter 951: Lucy Fierce

The next day as Lucy sat in her office going through her emails, she lifted her head when her office door was pushed open and a smile spread across her face when Jade stepped inside.

"I can't believe we work under the same roof yet we barely see each other," Jade remarked, her tone teasing as she walked in holding a steaming cup of coffee in a styrofoam cup. Her dark hair framed her face, and her eyes twinkled with the usual mix of mischief and warmth.

Lucy leaned back in her chair, chuckling softly. "Well, that goes to show that we are both busy people. And maybe if our offices were on the same floor it would have been easier to bump into each other more often."

Jade shook her head in playful disagreement as she took a seat on the edge of Lucy's desk, crossing one leg over the other. "That doesn't explain why you haven't been to my office yet." Lucy sighed and smiled sheepishly. "I've actually thought about it a couple of times. I would have stopped by, but I wasn't sure if you'd be cool with it, you know?" Lucy admitted.

"Why wouldn't I be cool with it?" Jade asked, her brows furrowed in genuine confusion.

"You know how I am. I like to be careful," Lucy said with a slight shrug, her voice carrying a hint of self-awareness.

Jade rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. She knew Lucy could be overly cautious at times, especially when it came to respecting boundaries, but she thought they were past this stage already.

"You're always overthinking, Lu. If you're not too busy right now, why don't you come with me? I'll show you to my office."

"Sure, why not? I could use a break." Lucy said as she glanced at her computer screen, where she had been in the middle of reading a lengthy mail. She minimized the window and stood up, smoothing the creases from her dress.

As they walked out of the office together, Jade turned to Lucy. "So, how's everything going? And how's Lucas doing? Harry mentioned that Lucas is around," Jade said, and Lucy raised a brow.

"How did Harry know?" She asked, and Jade rolled her eyes in that familiar, endearing way of hers.

"You haven't forgotten that Harry is your cousin, right? Lucas called him. And apart from that, if Tom knows, don't you think Harry would know too?" Jade asked and Lucy laughed, shaking her head at her silly question.

"Yeah. You're right. Well, everything is great. We are looking forward to the trip this weekend," Lucy said as they stepped into the elevator.

"Well, Harry wants us to surprise his family this weekend. I think he misses being with them all," Jade said and Lucy smiled.

"I miss Jamal," she said, thinking that if Tom was able to organize the trip to visit Dawn, they would take Jamal along with them.

The elevator doors slid open with a soft ding, and they stepped out onto Jade's floor. Lucy couldn't help noticing that the atmosphere here felt slightly different from hers.

It felt more relaxed, yet buzzing with the energy of a team that clearly worked well together. As they walked past Jade's colleagues, several of them paused to greet Lucy politely, recognizing her as the boss' girlfriend.

"Wasn't that the guy with Candace at the anniversary party?" Lucy asked, nodding subtly toward Samson who passed them in the hallway.

"Yeah, that's Samson. He's a pretty cool guy," Jade replied, leading the way toward her office door.

She pushed it open and gestured dramatically with a flourish, "Welcome to my office."

Lucy stepped inside, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. The space was a perfect blend of professional and personal, and the furniture was softened by touches of pink and warm accents. It felt distinctly like Jade- elegant, yet approachable.

Before Lucy could comment, a familiar face spun around from behind the desk. "Sony!" Lucy exclaimed, her voice rising with delight when she saw Sonia, who was grinning widely from the swivel chair.

Sonia giggled, rising to her feet and walking around the desk to greet Lucy with a warm hug. "I decided to drop in and say hello to Jade today. When she mentioned you've never been to her office, I suggested she go get you."

Lucy laughed as she pulled back from the hug to look around the office again while Sonia received the coffee from Jade which she had asked her to get.

"Wow, Jade, your office looks chic. I love what you've done with it."

"Thanks," Jade said, her tone filled with pride as she took in the room. "It was looking too cold and boring, so I had to give it a little personal touch."

"You've done a great job," Lucy agreed, still taking in some of the details- the plush pink throw on the couch, the carefully chosen art on the walls, and the small potted plant on the windowsill.

"Lu, your office needs a personal touch too," Sonia chimed in, taking a sip of the coffee Jade had brought her.

Lucy nodded, sinking into one of the comfortable chairs. "Yep. I didn't realize how ordinary my office looked until I got here. You know, I've never been to this floor," Lucy said and Jade shook her head in amusement.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" she asked dryly.

"Me neither," Sonia agreed.

"Why doesn't it?" Lucy asked and Jade m shrugged.

"No offense, Lu, but you're a one-dimensional person, and even though Tom has done a good job in bringing you out of your shell, you're not all the way out yet. You do not like to explore or try out new things. As long as you're comfortable, nothing else matters," Jade said and

Lucy tried not to wince.

"That's not true..."

"It is. I mean, you've been living with Tom for months now and it only occurred to you to check out the rest of the rooms in the house a week ago. Do you know how that sounded? I mean, it's not even my man's place yet I've been to almost every nook and cranny," Sonia said and Lucy shrugged.

"We all can't be the same. I like to focus on my business," Lucy said with a defensive edge to

her voice.

"It's not a bad thing thing, Lu," Jade said softly, "it's just an observation. And I'm only saying this because you asked why I'm not surprised that you've never been to this floor," Jade

assured her.

"And the truth is, you've really come a long way from the way you were. You've changed so much in the last couple of months, and I can only imagine how much more transformation you're going to undergo," Sonia said and Lucy laughed.

"I suppose so. Can you believe I'm thinking of going to a strip club with Tom?" She asked and

Jade's eyes widened while Sonia laughed.

"Really? Whose idea is it? Yours or his?" she asked and Jade nodded.

"Yes, I'm curious. Was it your idea?" Jade asked and Lucy shook her head.

"No. It was Tom's. But I agreed to it. I never would have imagined doing something like that. The idea of watching other ladies naked with Tom present makes me feel a sort of way, but I don't know. I'm willing to give it a try," she said and Jade nodded.

"I don't think I'm ever going to give that a try. No matter how secure or healed I am, I still don't want to see Harry staring at another naked lady," Jade said and Sonia grinned. "So, during your vacation, there were no ladies in bikinis and the like at the beach or pool?" She asked and Jade rolled her eyes.

"Of course, there were. But that's different," she said defensively.

"The only thing I think is different is that the ladies are paid to dress or rather, undress. It's

their profession. People see naked people all the time even in movies and stuff. It's not a big deal. And don't forget that Candace and Andy were strippers too," Sonia said and Lucy nodded

in agreement.

"Yeah. I thought about that too."

Jade pouted, "I have nothing against strippers. I'm just saying the only naked lady I want

Harry's gaze to be on, is me."

"Lucy, while you're at it you should get someone to give Tom a lap dance," Sonia suggested

with a wink.

"I will pass. That I'm willing to try out crazy things with Tom doesn't mean I'm crazy like you," Lucy said with a shake of her head.

"How about a lap dance for yourself? It would be a turn-on for both you and Tom," Sonia


"No. I'm not you. I'm not attracted to females in any way," Lucy said, and Sonia scowled at


"That was a one-time thing. And please don't remind me about it," Sonia said with a

disgusted expression.

Jade raised a brow. "You were a lesbian?"

"For Christ's sake, Jade! Being with a girl once doesn't make me a lesbian!" Sonia cried and

Lucy giggled.

"I will just cover up more around you," Jade said with a grin and Lucy laughed while Sonia

rolled her eyes.

"So, why did Bryan let you out today? Is he busy?" Lucy asked changing the subject.

Sonia glanced at Jade who was still grinning before shifting her attention to Lucy. "For real?

Did you just ask why Bryan let me out like I'm some house pet that has just been let out of the yard to pee?" she asked, making both Lucy and Jade laugh.

"Don't be so dramatic," Lucy said dryly, "We all know that Bryan never lets you out of his sight unless he can't help it," Lucy said and Sonia rolled her eyes.

"He has just been worried and scared since the miscarriage scare," Sonia said defensively.

"I never said I didn't understand or that it was wrong. You're the one interpreting what I said negatively," Lucy said with a shrug.

Sonia rolled her eyes, though her lips quirked into a smile. "I can bet my last dime that Tom would be worst. You wait until you get pregnant."

Jade raised a brow, glancing between the two women. "Have you changed your mind about that?" she asked, looking pointedly at Lucy.

"I'm just saying if she were to get pregnant, Tom would be more protective than Bryan is,"

Sonia corrected.

Jade laughed, nodding in agreement, "I think so too. But I guess we will find out, right?"

Lucy, eager to change the subject, turned to Sonia, who was sipping from her coffee. "So, back

to my question. Did you just come over for a casual hangout?"

Sonia scowled, though it was clear from her expression that she wasn't truly upset. "Why are

you asking me that like I need to have a reason to come over?"

"You know what? Forget it," Lucy said with a shake of her head. "Anyway, Bryan came over to handle some legal details and I tagged along," Sonia said and

Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Don't care. Don't want to know," Lucy said covering her ears with both hands.

"Jade, how is the wedding preparation coming?" Lucy asked, and Sonia raised a brow.

"Is Jade preparing to get married?" She asked making Lucy and Jade laugh.

"Don't be silly. I'm referring to Aurora's wedding," Lucy corrected. "The wedding preparation is going smoothly. I think Aurora's excitement seems to be

growing with each passing day," Jade said with an amused smile.

"I can picture her smile," Lucy said with a grin.

"Speaking of Aurora, Bryan and I had our couple dinner at the restaurant last night. It was so

perfect," Sonia said with a dreamy smile.

"I saw the pictures on Instagram," Jade said and Lucy nodded.

"Me too. Sometimes I forget that Bryan is a celebrity until I see news of him on blogs. I can

only imagine how the reunion will be if he has fans there," Lucy said with an amused smile. "I'm sure they're all old enough to behave. When will Lucas be flying down? Or is he going

directly to Heden? I'm sure he will need to come to see his girlfriend," Sonia said and Lucy grinned.

"He came around already. They went on a date yesterday," Lucy said and Sonia clapped


"Lucas has a girlfriend now?" Jade asked, wondering what they were talking about.

"Yeah. Lucy's Secretary. Last time I was in her office he had a package delivered to her," Sonia said and Jade smiled.

"That sounds really sweet," Jade said, and Lucy nodded.

"Do you know what's sweeter? She's coming with him as his plus one to the reunion," Lucy

said with a grin.

"That sounds wonderful. It would be nice to see them together," Sonia said excitedly.

"Yeah. And we will all be staying at our place. My parents will be so happy," Lucy said, thinking about the surprise they plan to pull on their parents.

"Sonia where will you and Bryan be staying? At the house?" Jade asked, since they would be

alone at home now that Evelyn and Desmond were away.

Sonia grinned, "We plan to stay at the hotel we met. As a matter of fact, we already booked

the suite where we spent our first night together. Coincidentally, the reunion is taking place at the event hall within the hotel."

"That's so sweet," Jade said, then paused when something occurred to her. "Sorry to bring up an unpleasant subject, but wasn't Rachel your classmate?" Jade asked and both Sonia and Lucy scowled at the mention of her name.

"Yeah. And she's dead so she won't be there. Why?" Sonia asked with displeasure.

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Jade shrugged. "I just think considering the suicide note she left, people might speak ill of

Lucas and Amy if he shows up at the reunion with a girl so soon."

"They can think it, but they better not utter a word of it to his hearing or mine, 'cause I won't

let it slide if anyone does. People should learn to mind their business," Lucy said and Sonia


"That's my girl! Lucy fierce," Sonia hailed, and they all laughed.

"I mean it," Lucy said and Sonia nodded.

"I'm sure they know better than to do that."

"Well, I hope they don't say anything unpleasant. Especially for Amy's sake." Jade murmured.

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