One Wild Night

Chapter 952: Making A Statement

Chapter 952: Making A Statement

The anticipation of the weekend hung in the air and as the clock ticked closer to the end of the workday on Friday, Lucas pulled into the parking lot of I-Global.

Although it was still thirty minutes before the official close of work, Lucas couldn't wait to see Amy and start their weekend together.

All through the week, he had tried his best to limit the frequency and duration of his visits despite her protests, and he had missed spending quality time with her.

The moment the time struck 5 p.m., Lucas got out of the car and strode to the entrance of the building, which was already seeing a trickle of employees ready to call it a day.

Leaning casually against the wall, Lucas waited, not wanting to enter the company. His presence was hard to miss- not just because of his tall, and nice physique, but because of the single red rose that was playfully tucked between his lips.

It added a touch of whimsy to his usual composed demeanor. Every now and then, he'd adjust the collar of his navy blue shirt or run a hand through his dark hair, a small smile playing on his lips as he thought of Amy.

As employees began to leave the building, Lucas attracted more than a few curious glances. Women smiled appreciatively, while men nodded in acknowledgment, all intrigued by the sight of a handsome man with a flower. Whispers passed between them.

"Who do you think he's waiting for?" one of the women asked her colleague as they passed by.

"Must be someone special," the other replied, her eyes lingering on the rose. "He's definitely making a statement."

The suspense didn't last long. Just as the crowd began to thin, Amy emerged from the building, her laughter carrying through the air as she chatted with two of her colleagues.

Her hair bounced with each step, and the sunlight seemed to catch the spark of her joy. But as soon as she saw Lucas, her eyes widened with delight, and a playful giggle escaped her lips.

"Luca!" she called out, breaking away from her group as she walked towards him. "What are you doing here? And why didn't you come inside?"

Lucas, the rose still tucked between his lips, gave her a lopsided grin. "Thought I'd make a grand gesture," he mumbled around the flower, his voice slightly muffled.

Amy couldn't help but laugh, her heart swelling with affection. She reached out, gently taking the rose from his lips and twirling it between her fingers. "A grand gesture, huh? And here I thought you were just trying to get all the females here to notice you." she teased.

One of Amy's female colleagues, who had followed her outside, glanced between them with a knowing smile. "Is this your boyfriend, Amy?" she asked, her tone full of curiosity.

"Is he the reason you've been smiling so much lately?" The other, a male, asked with a teasing smile.

Lucas raised an eyebrow and turned to Amy, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, Amy, how about you answer that?"

Amy's cheeks flushed a soft pink, but she didn't shy away. Instead, she gave her colleague a radiant smile. "Yes, this is Lucas," she said, her voice filled with warmth. "And yes, he's the reason for the smiles."

Her colleague's eyes widened slightly as she looked Lucas up and down. "He's handsome and romantic," she commented, genuinely impressed. "You've got a good one, Amy."

"Thank you," Lucas responded with a charming smile, making the women giggle before they bid their goodbyes and headed off to their cars.

Lucas held out his arm, a playful gesture that made Amy chuckle as she looped her own through his. They walked in sync towards the car, the familiarity between them making each step feel effortless.

Lucas turned to Amy when he felt her gaze on him, "Why are you grinning?" He asked with a curious smile when he caught her staring at him with a wide smile.

"You know, I've always imagined having a boyfriend who would do stuff like this. People always said it was silly and Miley once said the era of such guys had passed, and I started to believe it. And then you just did it, and it just made me really happy," she said, tears gathering in her eyes.

Lucas' expression softened. One thing he had come to learn about Amy was that she was easily touched by everything and cried at the slightest. "What other silly thing did you imagine your boyfriend doing?" He asked as they got to the car.

She laughed softly. "I'd rather not say. How long did you stand there?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Not long. I came to drive you home so we can spend some time together before we have to join the others," he explained, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

They had all agreed to meet at Tom's place on Friday evening so they could leave for Heden that night and arrive early enough to spend time with Aaron and Janet before the reunion.

Amy nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That sounds perfect."

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Lucas, ever the gentleman, opened the door for her with a small bow, eliciting another giggle from Amy as she slid into the passenger seat.

As Lucas settled into the driver's seat and started the car, Amy glanced at him, her thoughts turning over something that had been on her mind for a while.

She hesitated for a moment, chewing on her bottom lip before deciding to speak up. "Lucas," she began, her tone curious, "can I ask you something?"

He glanced at her, sensing the shift in her mood. "Of course. What's on your mind?"

Amy took a deep breath, her gaze focused on the passing scenery outside the window. "Why have you never tried to spend the night at my place? And... why haven't you, you know, initiated anything more intimate?"

Lucas blinked, caught off guard by her directness. He glanced at her, "I... I didn't want to rush you," he admitted, his voice sincere. "I'm okay with taking things slow. I thought you might appreciate that."

Amy turned to him fully now, her expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. "What if I don't want to take things slow in that aspect?" she asked, her voice teasing, but there was a serious undertone that Lucas didn't miss, especially seeing the earnestness in her eyes

despite her light tone.

Lucas laughed softly, though a hint of surprise lingered in his eyes. "Why the hurry, Amy?" he asked, his tone light as he tried to understand her sudden urgency.

She shrugged, her fingers tracing patterns on the rose petals she still held. "Because I know you're leaving soon," she confessed. "And I don't know when you'll be back again. I can't take time off work to come see you because I already used up my leave, so..."

Lucas felt a pang in his chest at her words. He hadn't realized how much the thought of his impending departure weighed on her. "I get it," he said softly, his mind already working through the implications.

He didn't say anything more, but his thoughts drifted to how he could make their time together as meaningful as possible.

When Amy noticed his silence, she frowned slightly. "Why are you suddenly quiet?"

Lucas glanced at her, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I was just thinking about how you're not shy at all to talk to me about this."

Amy burst into laughter, the sound filling the car with warmth. "Why should I be shy? It's you I'm talking to not some random person. And you're my boyfriend so I should be able to talk to

you about stuff like this, right?"

Her easy confidence brought a smile to Lucas's face as well. He reached over, taking her hand in his and squeezing it gently. "Right."

They were both silent for some time and then Lucas turned to her, his expression suddenly serious. "I know I've asked you this already, but I'm going to ask again. Are you sure you will be okay staying at my parents' place?" he asked. "I know it might be a little uncomfortable..." Amy smiled, shaking her head. "It's fine, Luca. Really, it is. You know I'd tell you if I wasn't okay. Ordinarily, I'd be uncomfortable if it was someone else," she admitted. "But I've met your parents before, remember? I know they are nice people. And even if I had never met them, I know anyone who raised you and Lucy would be wonderful."

Lucas let out a relieved breath, "Your personality is so refreshing, Amy."

"Yeah. I'm wonderful like that," she said, and he chuckled.

Lucas couldn't help but marvel at how naturally things were progressing between them. "I

can't believe we've only been dating for a week and you're already meeting my family," he said with a chuckle. "Or, well, re-meeting them, I guess."

Amy smirked playfully. "Technically, I met them before I started dating you, so you could say

I'm just continuing where we left off."

When they arrived at Amy's apartment, Lucas parked the car and leaned back in his seat, a

teasing glint in his eyes. "Why don't we go in and pack your bag? I don't mind helping you

pack your undies," he said with a grin.

Amy gasped in mock horror, swatting his arm. "Pervert! No way."

Lucas pouted, feigning disappointment. "You're no fun."

Amy laughed, shaking her head as she got out of the car. "You'll just have to deal with it.

Besides, I've already packed."

Lucas got out of the car and followed her into the house. Amy quickly changed into a more comfortable outfit for the journey, then returned to find Lucas waiting patiently by the door, a

playful smile on his lips.

"You ready?" he asked, taking her bag from her and slinging it over his shoulder.

"All set," she confirmed, locking the door behind her.

As they walked back to the car, hand in hand, Amy felt a deep sense of contentment. She was

happy- happy with Lucas, happy with their plans for the weekend, and happy with the way things were unfolding between them.

As Lucas opened the car door for her once more, he couldn't help but think that maybe, just

maybe, this was the start of something truly special.


Quick Announcement. I'm sorry, every one. Contrary to what I planned, I've been adviced by my editor to start Jamal's story as a stand-alone and fresh story. OWN will be ending at chapter 1000. I'm going to start Jamal's story immediately it ends. I hope you support me and add it up in your library. Thanks.

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