Chapter 100 Small Li Fengjin



"You did well by sending that sl*t and her b*st*rd son out of the school, Mr Principal. I will speak with my husband about increasing the funds we input in the school," Mrs Su smiled triumphantly.

"Yes yes. Thank you, Mrs Su. The school is grateful for your generosity," the principal thanked her. There was no guilt or resentment written in his face to show how he is already used to these kinds of things.

"Very well then. I shall take my leave now. I need to make sure that my son was properly treated and his injury will not cause him any infection whatsoever," she said and left with her son. The principal followed shortly after them.

"Mrs Long, Mrs Xie good afternoon. I am sorry for the inconvenience the school has put you. We just wanted you as their parents to be present while the matter is being solved," the principal apologized to the two parents outside his office.

"Oh, there is no problem. I am glad that my boy could be of help," Mrs Xie said.

"Same here Mr Principal. At least we have rid the school of irrelevant people,9" Mrs Long said. After they talked for a few minutes, they left the school to their various homes.

Meanwhile, Bai Renxiang had walked to a nearby pharmacy she used to see every time she and Shane can Mrs to drop Bai Xiaojin at school. All through the walk, she had not said a word and the same was the case for Bai Xiaojin.

"Stay here. I will be back in a short while. I just need to get something from the pharmacy over there," she pointed at the pharmacy store a little bit far- say like three buildings from where they were.

Bai Xiaojin just nodded his head and his eyes followed her till she was out of his sight. Bai Renxiang had placed him down to sit on a free bench. He just played with the buttons of his uniform as there was nothing left to do.

Unknown to him, there is a pair of light green eyes staring at him from the other side of the street. In a black Maybach car with black tinted windows, Yang Chen's sight caught glimpse of a little boy sitting alone on a bench.

Yang Chen and his assistant, Yi Changying were just coming back from a meeting when he suddenly asked for junk. So Yi Changying had gone into a small cafe to get him the snacks he wanted while he waited for her in the car.

He was staring out the window randomly when he saw the little kid on the other side of the street. Yang Chen could see that the little kid is wearing a uniform, which left him the thought of why the kid is not in school but on the street.

Up until this moment, he had not seen the face of the boy clearly but when he did, he gasped. His eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

" that not Li Fengjin in a kid form?" He mumbled to himself. He could not believe it. Those eyes and face sculpture was the same as his Li Fengjin when they were kids.

Yang Chen quickly fished out his phone and took a picture of the boy. Just then, he saw a lady walk up to the boy and squat in front of the kid.

Bai Renxiang came out from the pharmacy store after a short period of time like she had told Bai Xiaojin. She bought petroleum jelly and some sterile bandages, cotton wool and a bottle of water.

She raised his chin a little to get a better angle of all the injuries on his face. There is one on his forehead, lips, near his right eye and his elbow.

Bai Renxiang sighed and wet the cotton wool with water and used it to clean the dried blood from the injuries. Bai Xiaojin flinched from the pain but he did not cry out.

Noticing his small actions, Bai Renxiang applied a little more pressure on the injury on his forehead and Bai Xiaojin hissed from the sting.

"If it hurts so bad why do you not show it, huh? If you are in pain or trouble why can't you just tell me?" She scolded him. The tears that she had been holding in since they were in school flowed down freely.

"You are just three years old. So stop acting like a man when you are in front of me. You are baby when you are with me do you not get it?" She raised her voice a little higher.

"To think that my son was being bullied in school and he puts up a front when I ask him about his day. What is the use of working so hard when I can't protect my own child?"

Bai Xiaojin had already started sobbing too. Bai Renxiang continued cleaning his injury and applied the petroleum jelly. After that, she placed the sterile bandages on the injuries. After that, she gave him water.

"I wonder what your grandma will say about you being expelled."

"I... I *sob* sorry. I am sorry mummy. I did not want mummy to worry too much about Xiaojin," he apologized between his tears.

Bai Renxiang sighed as she brushed some strands of his hair from his sweaty forehead.

"It's alright. Mummy just felt bad for not taking good care of you, okay? Stop crying. Come on let us go home," Bai Renxiang wiped his face. She carried his lunch box and school bag in her right hand while he was on right. She walked for a while before hailing a cab to take them home.

Meanwhile, Charlie had brought some unexpected and expected news for his boss. He knocked on the door of the old man's study room and patiently waited for his entrance to be granted.

Once he was told to go in, he rushed into the study room. Old man Jiang was reading the report Charlie had given to him about the current happenings of Jiang's Corporation.

"Good afternoon boss. I have brought good news and bad news at the same time," he said.

"Alright. I want to hear the good news first," old man Jiang's gaze raised from what he was reading.

"Ahem. First of all, the doctor called. He said that he has found a suitable drug for you. Secondly, which is the bad news. Boss' great-grandson has been expelled from his kindergarten school this afternoon," Charlie reported.

"Oh! How is my granddaughter taking things so far?"Old man Jiang asked with a slight smile on his face.

"She defended her son quite well but it seems that the case had already been decided even before it started," Charlie informed.

"Hmm. Tell me about the case. What caused my great-grandson's expulsion?"

"Youngest master got into a fight with the little heirs of the Su, the Long and the Xie. They called him a bastard and young miss a slut," Charlie paused for a bit to study his master's face and to his surprise, he did not see any anger or emotion.

It was void.

Unknown to him, Old man Jiang had balled his hands into a fist underneath his desk but on the outside, he put on the best look of calm he could muster.

When he noticed the pause, he knew Charlie was studying him. So his only choice was to push him and make him forget all of this. "Continue, Charlie."

"Oh, yes. Sorry master. In the end, I found out that the children lied to get him punished."

"I see."

"Yes, master. That was what led to his expulsion. So what do you plan to do? Should we get involved in the case and fight it out or..."

"Do not do anything."

"Sir? I mean, master, why?"

"I want to use this to test Bai Renxiang. She is in a dilemma. I need to see if she would come to me and accept the offer I gave or she would watch as her son suffers because of her pride."

"But master, he is your great-grandson," Charlie tried to protest. He did not see why the young master had to suffer because of his mother.

Yes, he admit that she was stubborn but she had suffered and he would have really hoped for the chairman to butt in at a time like this and prove to her that these rich fools needed to be dealt with accordingly and not allow them always have her way.

'If she doesn't want to think of herself, then she should think of her son.' Charlie thought.

Normally Old man Jiang would not want that but now he seemed to have left it all in her hands.

"Just do as I have said."


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