Chapter 99 Partial Judgement



"Has your mother not thought you not to talk when your elders are talking. Such lack of proper home training. But it as expected from a slutty mother," Mrs Su berated him.

"Mind you words Mrs Su. I am no slut and I am not the person teaching my son how to speak such foul words to people," Bai Renxiang bellowed at Mrs Su.

Simply put, Bai Renxiang had proved that Mrs Su is the one who did not properly raise her son.

This hidden meaning cut deep into Mrs Su's bones that she decided to use her other card to make things run in her favour.

"If I am not raising my son properly,bi would have not registered him in a school where I made sure learning facilities and funds are provided for my son and other children's well fare," Mrs Su smiled mockingly at Bai Renxiang.

Meanwhile the principal's palm were already sweaty. Truth be told, Mrs Su really had put big cash into the school and she was the wife of a very wealthy business man.

The Su family is placed at the top of the food chain. They are among the elites of City S. He can not afford to anger them.

"Ahem. Listen Ms. Bai," the principal called their attention. "What your son did is something that the school frowns upon. Fighting is against the rules established but the school had an agreement made by parents," he stated the facts.

"And failure to abide by the rules must be punished severely. Fighting is the highest crime to commit in the school. And failure to adhere to the rules is punishable by expulsion," he dictated.

Bai Renxiang's eyes grew wide in disbelief. Just like that? How can they just pass judgement and dish out punishment just like that? Bai Renxiang knew how hard and how much she put to get Bai Xiaojin into this kindergarten school.

It is the best in City S. She wanted best for her son so she worked to get more than she had budgeted and settled for it and now because he hit a boy who called him and his mother degrading names, he will be expelled.

"But Mr principal the school is already in the examination period. You can not just exoel my son now. Besides, Mrs Su's son also hit my son," she spoke quickly.

"Why did Mrs Su's son not also report to his teacher. I am sure he hit Bai Xiaojin more than once due to the bruises on my son's face. He is the only one amongst the two of them that is not treated. Mrs Su's son should also be expelled."

What Bai Renxiang said is indeed true. The two children did not report to their teacher and fought instead. If Bai Xiaojin is expelled, then Su Quan should also be expelled.

The principal was left speechless for a moment there. He had to admit that Bai Renxiang is right. But he could not say it out loud.

'It is better to offend a nobody like Ms. Bai than to offend the Su family," so is the thought of the principal.

"You are wrong Ms. Bai. Mrs Su's son fought back in defense. So he will not be expelled," he quickly said anything that his brain.

"WHAT? Does that even make any sense? It now that it became clear to Bai Renxiang. The principal was scared of Mrs Su. Or tlrathet he wanted to favour a rich parent over the poor one. This is a matter of the weak being trampled upon by the rich.

"So Ms. Bai collect your son's belongings from his class teacher and please leave the school immediately," the principal gave his final words on the matter.

"Mr principal please think things through. My son can not be expelled from this school," Bai Renxiang pleaded.

"Your son can hit other kids in the future too. He is not a school material worthy to be here. Please, kindly see yourself out," the principal ushered her and her son out of his office so that they could leave his school.

Bai Renxiang's lips could not form any other words to fight a battle she had lost before it even began. It is clear that the school's principal is indeed a partial man. She carried Bai Xiaojin on her arms and walked out of the office.

Teacher Ann who had been waiting outside quickly approached Bai Renxiang.

"Did everything go well? Is Little Jin alright?" She asked worriedly- genuine concern written all over her face.

"Oh, everything went well alright. But not for my son. Nothing can be alright if you are not wealthy enough to make it be. The less wealthy always loose the battle. My son got expelled from the school," Bai Renxiang scoffed at the now closed door of the principal's office.

"Oh my. I am sorry for not taking good care of your ward. If only I was there, this will never happen," Teacher Ann blamed herself.

"There is no need to apologize. You are Bai Xiaojin's teacher and not his caretaker. I appreciate your care though. I guess this is good bye," Bai Renxiang smiled at the teacher.

"Honey will you not say bye to your teacher. You will not be seeing her again," she told Bai Xiaojin who had buried his head in Bai Renxiang's neck.

"Bye Teacher Ann," he said without raising his head. Teacher Ann smiled and patted his head. Poor kid.

"Continue being a good boy to mummy. I know you did not do what they said you did. Good bye Ms. Bai. Goodbye Bai Xiaojin," she said.

"Thank you Teacher Ann. I will be off now," Bai Renxiang collected Bai Xiaojin's backpack containing his books and his lunch box from the Teacher Ann before she left.

While Bai Renxiang was talking to Teacher Ann outside the office, the principal was happy that he managed to make Mrs Su satisfied with his final decision of the matter.

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