Chapter 336 Belongs To You



Just as Li Fengjin had wanted, he succeeded in tiring Bai Renxiang with his hands and lips administration on her body. She did not get to cook anything at the end.

Bai Renxiang got angry at Li Fengjin. She refused to talk to him and even ignored his ball throughout their dinner. Bai Renxiang when went as far as refusing all the food Li Fengjin attempted to pl6ace on her plate.

Mrs Li and Bai Xiaojin were both confused. Mrs Li could not help but wonder what had happened when she was away. She remembered that they were quite lovey-dovey before she left for the supermarket.

What had changed? Or maybe they were having a lovers quarrel? But it does not seem like one seeing as Li Fengjin was all smiles while Bai Renxiang had a faint blush on her angry face.

"Ahem! Renxiang honey, why is your mood sour? Did something happen?" Mrs Li asked.

Bai Renxiang has a look of surprise on her face.

"Your face makes things quite obvious, you know," Mrs Li added.

Bai Renxiang avoided the woman's gaze and stared down at her food. She had thought Mrs Li would not notice anything since she was so into the food and feeding Bai Xiaojin.

"Mummy, did daddy make you mad?" Bai Xiaojin took the reigns of the one-sided discussion by asking.

"Huh? W-Why do you think your daddy made me mad?" Bai Renxiang asked instead of answering.

"Well, I overheard you saying that it was all his fault for not letting you work before grandma came back," Bai Xiaojin answered.

"Work? Were you thinking of going to your company today? But it is already late," Mrs Li said.

"No... No, I was not thinking of going back to the company. It is just that I wanted to at least help in cooking one of the dishes you wanted for dinner. The ingredients and foodstuff were available but Li Fengjin would not let me. He did not even stand up from the kitchen stool," Bai Renxiang reported.

"Jin, why would you do that?" Mrs Li glared at her son.

"In my defence, I wanted her to rest m-"

"That is not true. You just wanted to disturb me. If you had wanted me to rest, you would not have continuously kissed me and touched..." She paused.

'What the hell, Bai Renxiang? You almost spilt the beans. You almost told them about... that. Phew! That was a close call,' she mentally scolded herself.

"And what?" Li Fengjin asked with an amused smirk on his lips.

He propped his right elbow on the table and place his head on his hand as he stared at Bai Renxiang. He wanted to see if she was bold enough to tell his mother and Bai Xiaojin about their intimate act in the kitchen. But he knew she could not so he settled for teasing her.

Mrs Li could read the situation and understood very well the words Bai Renxiang did not say. She just smiled at the couple. She covered her mouth and coughed a little to gain the two lovebirds' attention.

"Renxiang honey, do not mind my son's bad clingy manners. He just wanted attention. As for you, Jin, do not make her sit in one place for too long. What if her legs get numb or her back starts to ache?"

"I got it, sweetheart," Li Fengjin said with a smile.

He understood the hidden meaning behind his mother's words. She wanted h to take things to a more comfortable place like their bedroom or on the couch in the living room if they were, ahem... impatient.

Bai Renxiang's face heated up. Of course, she knew what Mrs Li was referring to. She wanted to die of embarrassment. She quickly left the table with the excuse of wanting to use the bathroom.

Li Fengjin laughed seeing her scurrying away. He shook his head and continued his meal. He knew better than to cause after her. He would definitely tease her more if he did and that was not what Bai Renxiang wanted.

Meanwhile, Bai Xiaojin was still in the dark about things.

'Just because daddy kissed mummy, that was the reason she could not cook? How does that even relate? Adults are so complicated,' Bai Xiaojin thought and shook his head.

After dinner, Bai Xiaojin smartly decided to stay in a separate room leaving his mummy with his daddy. Li Fengjin could not stop praising and thanking the little kid secretly.

Without wasting a single second after put Bai Xiaojin to sleep, he went to his study and back to his room. Bai Renxiang had already changed into her sleepwear and was already sleeping when Li Fengjin came into the room.

He climbed into the bed and covered himself with the thick grey blanket. Upon all his movements, Bai Renxiang did not turn to face him.

"Renxiang," Li Fengjin called but he got to answer.

"My love, are you sleeping or you are just ignoring me?" Ha asked as he moved closer to her and slid his hand from her waist to her stomach.

"Darling, please answer me at least."

Bai Renxiang sighed and turned to face him. She started at him with sleepy eyes.

"Where is Xiaojin?" She asked with furrowed brows.

"He is sleeping in the room opposite ours," Li Fengjin answered.

"Okay. I am tired now. I also want to sleep so, good night," she closed her eyes.

"Are you still mad at me?" Li Fengjin asked after a while of silence.

"Yes, I am," Bai Renxiang said.

"But I got something for you. Will you not open your eyes to see it?"

"Give it to me tomorrow. I want to sleep. You really tired me out."

After that, Bai Renxiang did not hear Li Fengjin say anything else. Instead, she felt him take her left hand something cold slipped into her fourth finger.

When she opened her eyes and looked at the cold object, she gasped.

"Now that you are going to be my wife, this belongs to you."

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