Chapter 337 [Bonus Chapter]Pervert



"Now that you are my wife, this belongs to you," Li Fengjin said.

It was a gold ring with a very pretty diamond embedded in it. Bai Renxiang was awed and speechless as she gazed at the finger that had the ring. It was a perfect fit as if it was meant for her fingers.

"It is my family ring. It has been passed down from my fire fathers to my grandfather to my father and now to me. I was told to give it to the woman that would possess my heart and be with me forever," he took her silence as a chance to explain things.

"This must be very expensive. It is so pretty," Bai Renxiang thought out loud.

"Do you like it? I did not have the ring with me when I, you know... proposed. I wanted to give you after that but I kind of got carried away," Li Fengjin said with a sheepish smile.

"I do not like it. I love it. Do you think your parents will mind me wearing something as precious as this? I mean, this is like a family heirloom. I-"

"It is not an heirloom. It is just a symbol of love that is shown in the Li family's lineage. Well, something like that. Do not mind that. But it is not an heirloom. It is yours now until Xiaojin also finds the woman he loves," he said.

"So, do not reject it or else you are rejecting my heart and love for you," he added.

"I can't reject your heart or your love. I will keep the ring. Thank you so much. It is beautiful. I must say that your ancestors had good taste. It may be simple but it is very eye-catching," Bai Renxiang commented.

"Yeah. My love, promise me that you will never take this ring off except on our wedding day," Li Fengjin said.

"Why on our wedding day?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Silly. It is because I will be giving you 'our' wedding ring. Well, you can choose to wear the two on one finger or wear it on the right. But, you might feel uncomfortable with it," Li Fengjin said.

"I do not think I will feel uncomfortable. This ring is not that heavy or anything. I can wear both or I will just keep this one in a safe-like jewellery box."

"Or you can wear both and after our wedding, you will keep it and just leave the wedding ring on. Anything that sits well with you, my love."

"I think I will do just that. Thank you."

"So, are you still mad at me?" Li Fengjin asked.

"A little. But what is the use? Your mother has already known that we were very busy in the kitchen while she went out," Bai Renxiang emphasized the 'very busy' so that Li Fengjin would get what she meant.

"Sigh. I am sorry. But it is normal for couples to be intimate at almost all places in the house. Mum will understand. Also, if you had not sulked at dinner, nobody would have asked you what happened," Li Fengjin stated.

"So, you are saying this is my fault?" Bai Renxiang cooked a brow at him.

"Well... Sigh. I am sorry. Next time I will disturb you before you decide to cook or after. Which one would you prefer?" Li Fengjin asked.

"When will you stop teasing me?" Bai Renxiang bit his chest.

"Ouch. That hurts a lot, Renxiang," Li Fengjin winced.

'It turned me on too. Why you little innocent seductress... Tsk. What am I going to with you?' He thought.

"It had better hurt. It serves you right for always making fun of me and teasing me," Bai Renxiang said happily.

"You should have smacked my chest instead or flicked my forehead. Biting is unlady-like and damn painful," Li Fengjin said with pitiful eyes.

"Did it really hurt that much? I am sorry. I should not have bitten too hard. Here, let me rub on it for you," Bai Renxiang said before gently rubbing the spot she bit over his muscle shirt.

"Hiss. Do not rub on it. It stings," Li Fengjin stopped her hand with his.

"Then, what can I do to make it stop if it stings if I rub it?"

"You have to let me bite you in the same place too."

Bai Renxiang's eyes widened. The place she bit him was close to his nipples. Will he also...

"Ah! You pervert," she shouted before burying her red face in his neck while repeatedly hitting his shoulder.


The next day, Saturday, Mrs Li got up early to prepare for the little feast they had. Last night, Li Fengjin had asked Wang Tingxiao to get a chef and other workers to Mrs Li with everything she needed.

So this morning, the house was a little lively. Li Fengjin had an important matter to attend to today, so he left early. But he promised to be back as soon as possible since the celebration was in the afternoon.

,m When Bai Renxiang woke up, she went to the kitchen to see what help she could offer. At around thirty minutes past eleven, that morning, Ning Xiaozhi and Yi Changying came to the house.

"Ah! Girl, congratulations," both Ning Xiaozhi and Yi Changying screamed as they hugged Bai Renxiang.

"Hehehe. Thanks, girls."

"Aigoo! You two are finally going to be together forever," Yi Changying said with dreamy eyes.

"I know right? Also, there would be no more boundaries between you guys. Kissing will not be the only thing you get to experience my naive Rennie," Ning Xiaozhi teased.

"Xiaozhi, don't say that out loud," Bai Renxiang blushed as she looked around to see if anyone was near them.

She sighed and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ears. She had begun to think of what transpired between her and Li Fengjin in the kitchen the previous day.

"Ohmo! Is that your engagement ring?"

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