Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2100 - There Is No Way Out

Chapter 2100: There Is No Way Out

The phone in Wandou’s bag rang, but Mu Chenguang ignored it.

The call was from Fang Xiaocheng. She wanted to ask if her blind date was over and how the situation was, but no one picked up.

Forget it. Fang Xiaocheng decided to ask Wandou about it the next time they met.

After dinner, Fang Xiaocheng and Yi Xiao took Yi Bei back to Shengshi Yujing.

Little Yibei was finally home. He was very happy to have his father and mother at home.

Yi Xiao took his son and put him down. But Yi Bei also wanted his mother to carry him. Yi Xiao pulled the child over and said to him seriously, “Beibei, you can’t let Mommy carry you anymore!”


“Because Mommy has a baby in her belly now. Soon, you will have a little brother or little sister. So from now on, you are a big brother and a man. You have to protect Mommy and the baby with Daddy, understand?”

Yi Xiao explained patiently to his son.

Yi Bei was confused. He looked at his mother’s flat belly and came over to touch it. He asked, “Mommy, is there really a baby inside?”

“Yes!” Fang Xiaocheng nodded.

“Will they respond if I call them?” Yi Bei asked innocently.

“Haha… Baby is still young and can’t talk. Let’s wait a little longer!”

“Okay. I’ll play with little sis or bro when they come out.”

“Beibei is so sensible.”

Fang Xiaocheng patted her son’s head and kissed his little face.

After settling down and putting their son to bed, the couple began to discuss who they should treat tomorrow.

They chatted until it was late.

Wandou woke up the next morning and realized that Mu Chenguang had already left.

Wandou could not help but curse when she saw the bruises all over her body. “Damn you, Mu Chenguang!”

They had already broken up for so long and she had heard that he was about to get engaged. Why was he still harassing her?

She gritted through the pain as she dragged her sore body out of bed. She tidied herself up and found the bag that she had dropped last night. She took out her phone and saw that there was a missed call.

It was Fang Xiaocheng. Wandou called her back. “Hello, Sister Orange! You called me?”

Fang Xiaocheng’s voice came from the other side of the phone. “Yeah, I wanted to ask you how your blind date went yesterday.”

“Hehe, not bad.”

Wandou said against her will. She couldn’t tell Fang Xiaocheng that she had failed her blind date last night and had gotten together with Mu Chenguang again, right?

“Then why don’t you bring him over for dinner tonight? Let us meet him and help you get some experience,” Fang Xiaocheng said.

“Huh? I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t even know him well.”

Wandou did not even ask for Luo Fanchuan’s number. Moreover, they had no intention of continuing their relationship. Now that Fang Xiaocheng had invited her, she could not possibly agree to it.

“It’s okay. It’s because you haven’t gotten to know him well enough. Bring him here! And let me tell you, Chenguang is coming too. He will bring his girlfriend. You have to bring a male companion to help you out. It’s settled!”

“No, Sister Orange, I…”

Wandou wanted to say something more, but Fang Xiaocheng had already hung up.

This is bad. Where am I supposed to find a male partner now?

As the saying goes, there is always a way out. Wandou was worried that President. Yi and his wife would treat her to dinner tonight. She wondered if she should go or if she should just find an excuse to not go. In the end, her mother called her considerately and said that the Luo family, who had a blind date last night, had a good impression of her and wanted Luo Fanchuan to continue developing his relationship with her.

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