Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2101 - Can't Lose Face

Chapter 2101: Can’t Lose Face

“Forget it, mom! There was no spark!”

Wandou’s mother was furious when she heard that. “What do you mean there’s no spark? Didn’t you two have a great time last night? His mother saw it! You still want to deny it? Don’t say anything else. The Luo family is so well-to-do. It’s hard to find someone like him! It’s already very lucky that a boy is willing to give you a second chance to meet him. Quickly pack up. That young master of the Luo family will come and find pick you up tonight.”

“No, Mom, I…”

Beep Beep Beep…

Wandou stared at the phone and felt depressed. Why did her mother dislike a daughter who could not get married?

She could not wait to send her to the man’s house!

Even though she had lost her job, her family never asked about it. They only cared about the person she was set up with.

Wandou tossed her phone aside and went back to sleep.

Probably because Mu Chenguang had tortured her too much last night, she slept until evening.

If it wasn’t for the fact that she was hungry, she wouldn’t even want to get up!

The phone rang again. Wandou picked up the phone and saw that it was Fang Xiaocheng.

“Hello, Sister Orange!”

“Wandou, where are you? I’ve sent you the address of the hotel. See it? Do you want me to pick you up?”

It was only then that Wandou remembered that she had to go to the hotel for dinner. “Oh, no, no. I’ll be there soon.”

She said she would be there soon, but in fact, she had not left the bed since morning.

She jumped off the bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She thought that if she saw Mu Chenguang again, she would definitely not let him off.

That damn man! He already had a girlfriend and he still wanted to exploit her. He had obviously taken advantage of her last night. If she did not teach him a lesson tonight, she would not be called Wan Xiaodou!

When she thought of the beautiful woman who had dinner with Mu Chenguang last night, Wan Dou felt that although she was not as pretty as him, she could not lose face.

Wandou put on some light makeup and went out.

Just as she left the neighborhood, she saw a super flashy sports car parked outside.

Many passers-by turned to look at him. Wandou could not help but be curious. She peeked her head out and saw a wild and handsome man getting out of the car.

Wandou was stunned for a moment. Eh? Isn’t that Luo Fanchuan, the person who went on a blind date last night?

“Hi, Doudou!”

Luo Fanchuan walked straight towards her and greeted her as if they were close friends. He called her “Doudou” affectionately. “I don’t want to. I’ll get goosebumps just listening to it!”

“Um… Young Master Luo, why are you here?” Wandou could not avoid him and could only greet him.

“Auntie told me your address. I came here specially to wait for you. Come on, get in the car!”

Luo Fanchuan grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his sports car.

Wandou finally realized that the “auntie” he was talking about should be her mother who could not stay idle all day long. She cursed silently at her mother who had actually given away her address to someone else.

When they arrived at the sports car, Wandou refused to get into the car. “I’m sorry, but I have an appointment with a friend tonight. I’m going to eat at the Imperial Court Hotel, so you…”

“What a coincidence. I’m going to the Imperial Court Hotel too. It’s on the way. Let’s go together.”

Wandou :”…”

Just like that, she got into Luo Fanchuan’s car and drove straight to the Imperial Court Hotel.

On the way there, Wandou felt that it was not good to continue like this, so she told Luo Fanchuan frankly, “Young Master Luo, actually, we’ve already made everything clear last night, right? You just have to deal with your mother, and I with mine. The blind date we had can be written off completely.”

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