Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 70: Stubborn Shelter captain

Chapter 70: Stubborn Shelter captain

It was long past midnight when Shane arrived at the shelter with his dirty and muddied appearance, which attracted the guards’ attention.

Weirdly enough, the same two young guards were on patrol, like a few days ago when Shane barely arrived within the shelter.

Upon seeing Shane, they were astonished about his appearance, as they couldn’t distinguish him from some foreign bipedal races.

The only thing which seemed familiar was the one-meter-long black snake on Shane, causing the two young guards to look at him in surprise.

Still fully on guard, they ordered him from quite a distance away

“Stop there! If you’re a human, please store away your weapon and come closer with your hands on the back of your head!”

Even though they estimate that the muddy bipedal being they saw was Shane, who they brought into an Inn, less than two days ago, it was better to be safe than dead.

Shane followed their instructions, as it was easier than running them over needlessly, as he sensed a familiarity from the young guards

“Oh! Are both of you the guards who took me to the inn?” Shane asked out loud.

Seeing the expressions on the guards’ faces while walking towards them with his hands positioned as ordered, he immediately knew that he was right.

He was relieved and decided to talk to them for a few minutes, once he showed them his ID from the system, with his human race written down.

These guards were at most 20 years old and at the Expert stage with a mana purity of over 60%.

They were most likely accumulating funds to purchase higher manuals or use the occupational benefits as guards, as they protected humanity.

This alone would mean that they received resources to cultivate and combat training, which benefited many poor youths, luring them into becoming shelter guards.

Both youths were nice and kind while they talked with him, but unfortunately, they rejected his proposal to give them something as thanks once he accumulated a small fortune, which left Shane somewhat dejected.

But even so, he reported them the information about a possible beast war nearby the shelter, with purple furred wolves and most likely scaled lizards.

However, the latter was rather unofficial and not really proven by him.

This shocked the two young guards, and they wanted to report it to the shelter captain immediately.

Shane however, held them back, while he nodded in approval

`These two are really kind!` he thought, saying

“I`m going to report everything I saw to the shelter captain. You guys are still on duty!” He chuckled lightly to avoid the two young guards becoming embarrassed before he added

“Everything will be fine, just message the shelter captain that a muddied youth is searching for him.”

With his last sentence, Shane tried to ease the shortly accumulated tension of the two guards in front of him, which partially worked, as the two guards seemed to relax slightly.

They even forgot that they were on duty as Shane reported to them about the possibility of a beast war, which could end up devastating if they left their position.

Thanking Shane for the short lesson, they felt slightly embarrassed, as a youth seemed to think further than them.

Saying goodbye to each other, Shane tried to remember their names, as he wouldn’t forget their kindness which was a rare sight.

Everyone could be kind on the outside, but he knew that the two guards were genuinely kind from their heart and Shane didn’t want to bear their deaths as a beast war could devastate a recently established shelter without much effort.

The biggest difference between a recently constructed shelter and a shelter that has been built for years was simple yet it made a big difference in combat prowess.

Recently constructed shelters have the same innate combat prowess as older shelters because they have the same defensive mechanics due to their same construction plan, as long as they were constructed on a flat landscape and roughly the same number of guards positioned.

However, the RadiantRing shelter for example didn’t have many inns yet, a market, and other important buildings, old shelters provided in order to attract hunters from all kinds of stages.

Without a flourishing marketplace and crowds of merchants, hunters, and other humans, living up the shelter, the RadiantRing shelter’s combat prowess will never be comparable to other old shelters.

Estimating that more than 200+ Expert guards resided within each Shelter with hundreds of Apprentices as new guards in order to replace older guards that wanted to ascend into the Intermediate Primordial Dimensions, Radiant Shelter had only these guards to defend them.

Older Shelters had more hunters than guards, who would additionally defend the shelter if a beast tide occurred in front of them because the rewards provided by the government were extremely generous in such times.

As such, Shane was completely aware of RadiantRing’s current situation which didn’t look that good.

Sprinting towards the center area, where a large shelter hall was situated, Shane hoped to meet the shelter captain, as he was one of the only ones with enough authority he could currently search for in order to gear up the shelter defenses in a short period.

Even asking for reinforcement wouldn’t be bad and Shane hoped that the Shelter captain would listen to him, because he heard more than enough stories about captains calling out for reinforcement, only to notice that nothing happened.

This would still be better than disregarding a possible threat only to be overwhelmed by a beast horde.

In the end, Shane could only sincerely hope, as he entered the shelter-hall after he persuaded the guard to let him enter, even if he currently looked like a beggar.

Washing his face was similar to a miracle and the guards let him through only because of that, which astonished him a little bit.

Nevertheless, Shane couldn’t care less at the moment, as he arrived in front of the shelter captain’s office, which he entered after convincing the secretary within a few minutes.

A beast war nearby the shelter was nothing to joke about and even the slightest suspicious act of beasts would be enough to let him through towards the shelter captain in order to let him decide what to do.

The Shelter captain would rate his evidence and give out orders on what they would do against the oncoming threat or not do…

Opening the large office door, Shane immediately detected the shelter captain that was already looking at him as if he was in an extremely bad mood.

Seeing a dirty clothed youth entering his cleaned office soured the Shelter captain’s mood only more as he asked in a deep voice.

“Brat, what do you want from me at such a time, and how did you even come through the guards and my secretary??”

Frowning deeply, Shane couldn’t understand how the blonde-haired man in front of him was able to become the captain of a newly constructed shelter, as a bottle of wine stood on his desk, while a small beer belly could be seen hanging out of his tight leather garment.

Shane almost cursed as he immediately figured out what type of human was standing in front of him.

[Stubborn and unteachable]

Clearing his throat, he would still try his best, because he could understand that a shelter captain would have to release his tension somehow and it was already past midnight, which were not normal working hours under normal circumstances.

“I wanted to report…..” as the stubborn shelter captain interrupted his attempt to speak without caring about any politeness.

“If you have nothing important to say, please leave me alone… I have too many important things to do right now” Holding a glass of wine in his hand, he downed it within a second, as if he wanted to mock Shane, as he glared at him with a sly smile

“F**king moron!”

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