Primordial Dimensions

Chapter 71: The might of connections

Chapter 71: The might of connections

“F**king moron!” Shane said unconsciously, as an eerie silence filled the room.

“WHAT DID YOU SAY?” The shelter captain shouted out, as he exploded immediately.

`Why am I so stupid???` Shane lamented about his stupid mouth as he activated his [Berserk] skill, only to turn around while circulating mana within his lower body in order to escape from the shelter captain.

He wasn’t sure what the shelter captain would do, but within the shelter, he was almost like a king and the strongest guard with the highest mana purity.

The shelter captain was too astonished about being cursed at and that the dirty youth fled just like that and he even forgot to pursue and lecture him due to his insult to the highest authority.

It wasn’t included in the laws but most shelter captains felt like kings within their shelter. Being insulted by a mortal stage, dirty clothed youth didn’t feel that good to them and would beat up anyone who went against their ways, even if that meant killing them.

These shelter captains would be replaced as soon as the news came out, but sometimes it took a while, because they suppressed the citizen, forcing them to stay within the shelter.

Lifting a single finger for such an individual would be a disgrace to them, and he would just hire someone to teach the youth a lesson, once he figured out his name.

The black-scaled snake on his shoulder should be the most apparent characteristic of the youth, decreasing the difficulty to find him by a huge margin.

Shane astonished the secretary as she could only hear the captain’s enraged voice when he charged out of the room.

Without caring about anything else, she looked after the shelter captain, only to see him drinking his wine once again, with red cheeks, which frustrated her.

She would have never thought that a shelter captain could be so negligent and useless like the one in front of her, which caused her to lament the decision she took a while ago.

`Why did I accept this job offer?` Was the only thing she truly regretted and she only wished to turn back in time and reject the job proposal a month ago.

With such a shelter captain it was close to impossible to build up a flourishing shelter within a few years, which was her initial plan.

But today was different than ever before, as she had never seen the Shelter-captain so enraged about a dirty clothed youth because he wouldn’t bother about their complaints normally.


Lamenting his choice of words, Shane couldn’t change anything about the current decision anymore, as he began to ask himself what exactly he should do.

`Should I tell other guards about what I saw and hope that the idiotic shelter captain will call out for help and reinforce the shelter’s defenses?… No, that would be a waste of time. This shelter captain is just too much of a disgrace for the whole government… What else can I do??`

Thinking for a few minutes, while hiding within an Inn, Shane figured out the best option he could take.

Sighing deeply, he made a firm decision!

Writing a few messages to his uncles and aunts!

In the end, Shane found this idea the most useful for his current situation as each of them possessed the highest authorities within the Stella-federations because every one of them was either a high-ranked lifestyle professional, researcher, hunter adventurer, marshall within the army, and so on.

He wasn’t sure if any of them had enough time to read someone’s message but as long as he found their private contact details like it was the case with Uncle Max, everything should be fine.

Fortunately, Uncle Max’s insights were godly and he messaged all private contact details of his remaining family with the attached message, that he should write all of them once he had time.

Shane felt embarrassed as he read the message once again because he hadn’t written any of them until now and the message he was about to write wouldn’t be a private one and rather something for business in order to secure a shelter.

Beast tides and so on happened occasionally and Shane was sure that the army was already prepared to send out troops once something happened, but until they figured out something, everything could already be over with RadiantRing’s sloppy shelter captain.

As such, Shane took the responsibility in his hand, as he pondered how to write the message towards his family, without sounding too formal and at the same time to provide enough information.

The first thing he did, was to attach the video clip he recorded onto the message in addition to a picture about himself in order to prove his identity, before anything else.

Then he began to write

“Hello, Aunts and Uncles…This is somewhat weird to write and I’m sorry that I only write to all of you know and at once to add on.

If you’re still not aware who I am, It’s me Shane [^-^]

It probably sounds weird and sudden, but the newly established RadiantRing shelter within the Basic Primordial Dimension might have some problems with a beast war soon. The first file I attached is my picture to prove my identity, while the second attached file is a video clip about the habitat of one of the beasts I found a 40-minute jog away from the shelter.

I observed a small skirmish between a scaled lizard race with the purple furred wolf race you already saw in the attached file.

In my opinion, we are most likely witnessing a war in order to figure out who the true sovereign of the territory is and I have the bad premonition that the newly established shelter is at the worst possible position.

I might be wrong, but it’s always better to observe dangerous situations and prepare for the worst-case scenario instead of doing nothing, right…Aunt Kia?..

I hope someone will read this message and send reinforcement because this f**king shelter’s captain is a drunken, arrogant and useless piece of garbage?!?! Who the hell hired him? Was it you, Uncle Lars?!?

Ahh never mind that, but please send some reinforcement…. And message me back!! Everyone who doesn’t message me will regret this decision because I won’t take care of your children!!!!!

That’s just a joke..but I hope that everyone is safe and sound and not trying to kill each other…Yes Aunt Lory I mean you!!

Stay alive and send some reinforcement, okay? 😀

Bye, see ya”

Shane was sure that the message he wrote was not the best or a piece of art, but he somehow wanted to inform everyone first, before clearly showing that he was really himself.

As such, he leaked certain things only someone close to them could now while maintaining his real self in front of his family.

In the end, he sent the message with two attached files to eight individuals.

Oddly enough they were perfectly divided into four females and four males, which Shane never noticed until now.

Initially, his father’s circle of friends was made up of 11 plus his mother, but Shane deducted 3 of them because he knew that they didn’t have anything remotely to do with the Stella-Federation.

They lived a free life without letting anyone hinder them in any way.

The only exception was brute strength and John, his father, who subdued them with his strength, causing them to follow his lead, which was everything important for Shane to know.

Sending the message, he felt melancholic, as he remembered the time he learned many things from either of his uncles and aunts.

Whether it was Aunt Gabi with her archery lessons, Aunt Kia who taught him all kinds of knowledge which included tactics and ways to avoid stupid deaths, to Aunt Loris the alchemist in their group with her herbal lessons.

Meanwhile, Aunt Lory was a battle maniac who beat him up too many times for him to count, which was still traumatizing, even thinking about it was already scary.

Uncle Max was a tamer, who taught him a lot of stuff about tamer skills, beasts, and taming, as he found it interesting, while Lars was a marshal in the military.

Uncle Kai was the best blacksmith and rune-/mana circle- master Shane knew and he could forge and inscribe the most mysterious things, Shane could have never imagined in his past life.

Unfortunately, none of his uncles or aunts was proficient in other lifestyle occupations like weaving or unique occupations like mana fracturing, but there was still more than enough for him to learn from his uncles and aunts.

However, while Aunt Lory was a battle maniac, there was also Uncle Cheng the weapons specialist within his dad’s circle of friends and Shane learned all kinds of weapon styles from him throughout the years, which helped him a lot to figure out what weapon he would choose in the future.

Sighing deeply, Shane hoped that at least one of his Aunt’s and Uncles would message him back soon, as he thought about his stupid word slip that occurred in front of the shelter captain.

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