Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 752 Mirror Dimension [Monthly Bonus 1]

Chapter 752 Mirror Dimension [Monthly Bonus 1]

"I got shot in the head by Ice Elves, nearly got crushed underneath a giant's foot, got strangled by a snake, had a wyvern try to eat me for breakfast…

Oh, there was even the time when I met a Chimera and had my body split in two, but I survived thanks to my other half."

When she?was done?speaking, Evansen looked at her?in silence?before responding.

"Girl, what the fuck?

I don't know which to be more scared?of;?the fact that you?were split?in two or the fact that you somehow survived it?

And what the hell is your 'other half' that somehow prevents you from dying from bifurcation?!"

"That's not so-"

"Ever heard of the 'Black Goat of the Woods'?"

Vincent casually cut Gabrielle off and posed a question to Evansen, which the boy answered with a nod.

"The one 'With a Thousand Young', right?"

"Yes. That one."

He gave Evansen a thumbs?up,?before pointing towards Gabrielle?who?was glaring?at him and continued.

"Her mother is one of those 'Thousand Young'."


Evansen looked at her in silence for a moment.

"You mum is the spawn of Shub-Niggurath? Makes sense why you can survive bifurcation."

He seemed to rationalize it in his head?but?his attitude made Gabrielle feel like he?was regarding her as?some?sort of?monster.

Couldn't?blame him. As far as he knew, people were supposed to go mad at the sight of such 'Creatures'?and?yet, her father had a kid with one of them.

"How did he not lose his mind?"

"I don't know.?He?told me that while all the others who encountered?her?had gone mad,?he?was still sane enough to be scared?and?that?intrigued?her.

She was curious why one measly human had not gone crazy at the sight of?her?so she took on a human form and came to this planet to?find out?more about him.

I don't know how many centuries passed after this, but eventually they?ended up marrying?and?I'm the result of that."

Gabrielle summarized her parents' relationship as best as she could?and?upon hearing it, Evansen narrowed his eyes and asked.

"You look 100% human, but I'm assuming you can go…'Eldritch Horror' mode?"

The girl gave him a pointed stare?and?her eyes glowed with light as she asked.

[Do you want to test your mentality?]

"I'd refrain from that, thank you."

Evansen quickly backed down as he didn't want to test his luck with?her?while Vincent just laughed on the side.

"I'm assuming Evankhell didn't know about this?"

"…Evankhell didn't know about the supernatural."

Gabrielle replied after a short pause?and?Evansen turned to Vincent to question the man on why that was the case.

"You and Mrs Kristine are not 'Normals'. So why wasn't your son?cognizant?of it?"

"We didn't want him to."

Vincent replied with a?melancholic?sigh?as he narrated?how he and Kristine had sealed their memories and power away to live like normal humans on Earth V.

At the time?they had Evankhell, they weren't?cognizant?of the Supernatural, so they weren't going to burden their son with it.

"I believe we would have faltered in our decision if 'that incident' hadn't happened."

"What incident?"

Gabrielle asked with a gaze filled with worry and curiosity?and?the man sighed before explaining.

"You don't know why we moved in beside you guys, right?

The thing is…Evankhell burned down our old house."


Out of all the possible replies, Gabrielle and Evansen never saw that one coming. Vincent laughed at their surprised looks before continuing.

"The boy had too much innate power. That power went out of control and burned down our house.

His Soul's capacity for power is greater than 90% of Existences on his Level. That power would exponentially increase as he grows older and stronger, and eventually reach a stage where his body could not handle it.

As such, we wanted him?to come of age first—by then, he should have been able to withstand it and not burn up."

"Burn up?"

Vincent nodded in response to Gabrielle's question?and?noticing her?inquisitive?gaze, he gave a few extra lines of explanation.

"Evankhell was born with a power no Lower Existence was supposed to have.

Powerful flames born of a Star.?Evankhell inherited the power of?a powerful?figure who went missing at the end of the 'Great Valmone?War'

The?Prismatic Inferno of Aries; Mesarthim."

Surprise coloured Gabrielle's face as she had not been aware?of the fact?that Evankhell had been born with such a power.

This?also meant that Evankhell gaining Mesarthim in the 'Regal Void Expanse',?wasn't really him gaining a New Skill, but him?recovering his Original Unique Skill?which?had been removed by Vincent so he didn't end up burning himself to death with its power.

Seeing as he had burned down a whole building while being just a baby, Vincent had made the bitter decision to put that power behind lock and key.

That lock?was broken?when Evankhell went to the Regal Void Expanse.

"I see…so you guys were going to tell him either way.

But because of that, Evankhell didn't grow strong enough to protect himself from the Supernatural.

Personally, I liked that he didn't know of 'that side' since it prevented him from being exposed to danger."

When Gabrielle said this, Evansen grew curious about the 'danger' she didn't want Evankhell exposed to and barraged her with questions.

"There's a 'Law' on this planet that prevents Supernaturals from touching 'Normals'.

Even if they are in a situation where they have to kill everyone in an area to prevent witnesses; if there's one Normal mixed in with them, they can murder everyone else, but cannot touch even a single hair on the Normal's head as far as they were not cognizant of the Supernatural beforehand."

The 'Supernatural World' on Earth V was like an Abyss. If you stare into it, it'll stare right back at you.

The fact that Evankhell was ignorant about its?existence,?meant that regardless of whatever beef any Supernatural had with Bourne, Kristine or Gabrielle, they could not go after Evankhell to threaten?them?as doing so meant the end of their existences.

"Okay, I understand that.

Now?then, back to why you went to that scary place. You said your 'Eldritch' side wanted to devour your human side?"

Gabrielle nodded in affirmation to Evansen's question before providing a further explanation.

"If it succeeded, the Race Factors in my body would be unbalanced?and?my Human side would collapse.

Thatofcourse, would be disastrous since my Human Side is literally half my existence. It'd be much better tostraight up kill me.

I went to the Abyss Labyrinthso I couldevolve my Human side from 'High-Human',to 'Arch-Human', 'Elder-Breed' and finally…"

She turned towards Vincentwhowas fiddling with his phoneandconcluded.

"…Ancient-Breed Human."

The man had long since noticed that Gabrielle's Human side was nowon the highest possible Racebreed level.

Increasing one's Race Breed wasn't something that happened soeasily. It was just like Existence Levels.

The higher the Race Breed, the higher the person's base capabilities, and the harder it was to increase—if they even succeeded inincreasingit.

Yet, Gabrielle had gone up four levels in four years.

One couldn't even begin to imagine the trials and tribulations she went through to achieve this absurd feat. It was only natural she ended up being considered the 'Strongest Mortal' in Evankhell's Memory.

"Damn, girl. That must have been rough."

Evansen commented with a dry laugh, and just before Gabrielle replied, her body suddenly jerkedandshe narrowed her eyes in displeasure.

"We can talk about how rough it was later, but for now…We've got company."

When she said that, Evansen blinkedfor a bitbefore realising that all sounds around him had disappeared, which was strange considering they were in a family restaurant at rush hour.


There was complete silence.

The noise of automobile engines drifting in from outside, the sounds of the customers making orders—all the sounds he'd been hearing up until now weresimplygone;like someone had muted the volume on a stereo system.

Vincent frowneddeeplyas he held up his finger and poked the air, causing it to crack before he spoke.

"A Mirror Dimension…"

"Huh? It's not an Isolated Space?"

"It's a mixture of both. And we seem to be the only ones trapped inside it."

Vincent replied to Gabrielle's question on the nature of the sudden circumstance, looking around to see that no other human was in sight.

The same applied outside as well. It was as if every living being in the city had just vanished.

However, that was not the case, as it was simply thatthe three of them were pulledout of the Material World and into a Mirror Dimension.

For those going about their lives in the Material World, it would appear to them that Vincent, Gabrielle and Evansen had left the restaurant at a time when they weren't paying attention.

What happened in the MirrorDimension,alsodid not affect the Material World.

Vincent and Gabrielle got up from their seats and headed towards the door, with Evansen trailing right after them as theyallexited the building.

Looking up, they saw multiple figures descending from the skyandtowards the ground.

At a glance, there appeared to be more than two dozen of them, and about half had bat-like wings emerging from their backswhichflappedslowlyas they fell to the ground.


Gabrielle muttered as she quickly discerned their identities, though that much wasobviousgiven the pure demonic energy they didn't bother to hide.

Whatgot herconfused,was the other beings she could sense mixed in with the Demons.

They had layers of positive energy coating their bodieswhichenabledthem to fly despite not having wings like the Demons.

It was an energy that Evansen recognized as a certain princess he had met back on Aidos had it.


Vincent nodded inaffirmation,before making a reveal that left the boy dumbfounded.

"They're gods."


Evansen didn't even know where to start being surprised from.

"They're gods? Like Artemisia and Canis?"



Again, Evansen did not know where his shockwas supposed to begin from.The Demons and gods landed on the ground and formed a semi-circle around them as if trying to trap theminbetween their encirclement and the building behind them.

Gabrielle and Vincent, however,did not look at the oneswho weresurrounding them but kept their gazes locked on the two who were standing right opposite them.

Evansen also had his attention pulled towards those two for a similar reason.

All the Demons present had a single pair of wings. All except that one who had three pairs sticking out ofhisback.

"Three pairs…he's a 'Demon Lord'."

Demons only gained extra pairs of wings after surpassing Transcendence and becoming Higher Existences. From then on, they gained a new pair with each Existence Level they advanced.

"A Demon Lord and a god Lord…that isquite the duo."

|Humans…? And here I didn't think there was anyonecognizanton this planet. |

The Demon spoke with a voice that Evansen heard ringingoutin his ears and his head. It also came accompanied by a surge of law energy that the poor boy could not withstand if itwasn'tfor the barrier Gabrielle put up to protect him at the last moment.

Not paying this scene any mind, the god looked around and replied to the demon.

"Spread out your senses a littleandyou'd find outthere area few dozen million of them. But you can do that later."

Turning his gaze back to the trio in front of the restaurant, he continued.

"Let's finish what we came for."

The god narrowed his eyes and analysed the magic poweremanating fromVincent andGabrielle,toroughly discern their levels.

'Weird…that man looks familiar…'

He had such a feelingupon looking at Vincent, but he couldn't put a name to itsohe ignored it and addressed them haughtily.

"You two mortals. Leave the boyandyou'd leave the boy with your lives."


Evansen let out a dumbfounded noise when he heard the god's words. If what his brain computed was correct, then the Demon and god Lords were after him.

Vincent and Gabrielle were no less surprised than he was.

"You're after him? Why?"

|That's not something you're qualified to know. Nowleavebefore my patience runs out. |

The Demon Lord flared his demonic energy, emitting an overwhelming aura that pressed down on those around him like a suffocating weight.

Frowning under thissurge of power, Gabrielle glanced around and saw that some of the other Demons were High Ranks and a few Peak Rank Transcendents.

They hadcome witha full44-man platoon with 24 gods and Demons each. Four on each side were Transcendentsandthe remaining were somewhere within Grandmaster and Sovereign.

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