Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 753 Battle in Space, Battle on Earth

Chapter 753 Battle in Space, Battle on Earth

?'But the real threats here are those two Race Lords…I can't handle that…'

As Gabrielle thought this to herself, she looked towards Vincent and saw the man clicking his tongue in annoyance.

"Gabrielle, can you deal with the others?"

"If you asked me that four years ago, I would have gutted you without hesitation.

But now…"

The girl raised her hands and tied her hair into a ponytail before finishing

"…this, would be a walk in the park."

Her reply made Vincent smile a bit, however, their little conversation had pissed off one of the Peak Ranked Demons.

"Arrogant little humans! I'll tear those mouths of yours apart!"

With a burst of hypersonic speed, the Demon lunged towards Gabrielle, aiming to grab her neck.

It was then that he noticed something strange.

'Wait…she's meeting my gaze? She can see me at this spe-"


The Demon never finished his thoughts as a blur of movement ensued, and in the next moment, his headless body collapsed to the ground.

The eyes of all the others widened in shock and they quickly went on guard, with none of them having noticed what had just happened.

None besides the two Race Lords.

They had clearly seen how Vincent's hand had moved at a blinding speed and how he had smacked the Demon's head right off his neck and blown it to bits.

This allowed them to instantly understand one fact about Vincent.

'He's undoubtedly a Higher Existence!!'

They quickly realised the man had been hiding his aura and was so good at it that they hadn't noticed despite being so close.

Without hesitation, they roused their energies and drew their weapons before barking out orders.

"Go get the boy. We'd hold this guy o-?!"

The god's eyes widened in shock mid-statement as Vincent suddenly appeared in between him and the Demon.

In a seamless motion, Vincent grasped both their necks in a vice-like grip, moving faster than they could react.

Vincent then proceeded to calmly lift them by their necks and slam their heads into each other. The collision produced shockwaves that sent the nearby demons and gods flying through the air.

Ignoring that, Vincent used his right hand to 'lightly toss' the god into a nearby skyscraper on his left while doing the same with the demon held in his left hand.

It went without saying that both buildings were blown to smithereens.

He then looked towards Gabrielle and spoke.

"I'd deal with these two kids. You handle the rest."

"Got it."

Vincent nodded before kicking off the ground and flying up into the air at hypersonic speed. A second later two streaks of white and black light shot up from the distance and chased after him who was in the sky.

The Demon wielded a sinister black sword crackling with corrosive energy, its malevolent aura corroding the very air around them.

Conversely, the god brandished a spear of divinity, radiating powerful light law energy which he thrust forth with lethal intent.

Vincent, however, met their onslaught with nothing but pure magic, eschewing the utilization of universal law energies.

But despite this apparent disadvantage, he held his ground against their attacks, using 'basic' Seventh Tier spells to counter their blows.

As the clash escalated, the Mirror Dimensional Space began to crack, unable to withstand their combined power and noticing this, Vincent sighed softly.

'I don't want Kristine finding out about this. Guess I have to take it "outside".'

He looked up at the evening sky and saw the moon slowly rising to take its place, nodding softly before muttering to himself.

"The dark side should do…"

Just as he said that, the god's spear pierced his magic barrier and streaked towards his head, but he grabbed it with his bare hand, before flinging both the spear and its wielder towards the Demon.

Holding out his hand, he enveloped all three of them in an energy barrier and activated an 'Authority'.

The manifestation of his right to enforce his will upon the power of a universal law.

|Authority of Gravity: Graviton Expulsion|

Vincent's technique surged with potent energy, creating a powerful anti-gravity repulsion force that enveloped the god, the demon, and himself.

In an instant, the force expelled them from the planet's atmosphere, propelling them towards the furthest reaches of the planet's gravity field.


The god and Demon were dumbfounded as they suddenly found themselves surrounded by darkness, slightly disoriented by the sudden shift.

As their brains processed their new surroundings, they looked to the side and beheld a colossal orb covered in white dust, marked by countless craters across its surface.

|Lunar dust? A moon? |

The Demon's True Voice echoed in the void as realisation dawned upon him.

The realisation that they had been cast far beyond the confines of Earth V and into the expanse of space in an instant!

|Good. There's enough space to deal with both of you without permanently harming the planet. |

Vincent's voice snapped them out of their daze and they turned to see the man rolling up his sleeves as a powerful energy surged from his being.

|But first, I'd ask again.

Why are you after that boy? |

|You think we'd tell you?!|

The Demon Lord shouted back as he flared his demonic and law energies, pumping power into the Origin Core in his soul in preparation to activate his own Authority.

|Authority of Dar-! |

|Fuck! I remember!! Now I know why he looked 'familiar'! |

The god suddenly screamed out, a fearful undertone in his voice as he grabbed the Demon and began flying in the opposite direction.

|We have to get the fuck out of here now! The mission is a failure!!|

|…what? |

The Demon was confused by the god's reaction but the other man had already turned into a streak of light and carried the both of them towards the edge of the Solar System as fast as he could.

|That man! He's one of 'Them'.

A 'Supreme King'! |

Turning back with a fearful gaze, the god called out the title of the man he was sure was hot on their tail.

|Supreme 'Human King', Vincent Bourne! |

The god's pupils darted around as he searched for Vincent's figure, however, he suddenly sensed a presence behind him along with the dreaded man's voice ringing out.

|A young one like you knows me?

I hadn't done anything since the WarsoI thought I'd be forgotten by now. |

'Forgotten? The Universe has a higher chance of ending this instant than for people to forget you!!'

The god kept that thought to himself as he brandished his spear and unleashed a strike with all his might behind it.

Seeing this, Vincent quickly reacted and enveloped the god with his gravitational power, creating a powerfulcrushingforce that shattered the spear before the attack could land.

He also created a barrier to contain the energy waves, clicking his tongue before glaring at the both of them.

|Alright, since you two don't want to do this the easy way.

We'd go with the hard way. |

As Vincent said that, his eyes lit up with an eerie glowandthe two Race Lords felt shivers run down their spine at that sight.


While Vincent was doing his space battle somewhere a few hundred thousand milesawayfrom the moon, Gabrielle and Evansen were having their land battle on the planet's surface.

The Demons had attacked her with their weapons drawnandthe girl silently held up her hand, letting an inky blue-black liquid drip from her palm and towards the ground.

"Get her!"

Faster than they could accomplish that order, the liquid was suddenly shot out like a high-pressure torrent, impaling one of the Epic levels who had been closing in on Evansen, ending their life instantly.

Seeing the blood and brain matter spilling onto the ground, Evansen's eyes widened.

"That's cool as fuck! But it wouldn't harmthose guys!"

Bythose guys,he naturally meant theremaining Seven Transcendents who werewatching Gabrielle warily as they could not fully discern her power.

"I know that.

I'd try and finish this before Uncle Vincent gets back."

Hearing her declaration, Evansen grew curious aboutjusthow strong shetrulywas and activated his appraisal skill on her.

The results he saw made him understand why she was so confident.

|Name-Gabrielle Larson

Race-Half-Ancient Breed Human, Half-Dark Young




Existence Level- Transcendent (Superior)

Titles-Little Miss Cosmic Horror, Spawn of the All-Mother…[…] |

'First things first…although she doesn't look a day above 18, she's not a "Girl" but a "Woman".

Secondly, how the fuck is she a Superior Transcendent at 20?!

Even 'Strongest Human' Rathal isn't this ridiculous!'

Still, Evansen was sure she could handle the other Transcendents as they were all Inferior and Intermediate Stagesthemselves.

The issue here wasthe factthat the Sovereigns and Legendries would serve as distractionsandhe wasn't strong enough to keep them off her back.

"Stay behind me."

Gabrielle spoke as she manipulated the blue-black liquid to form a semi-circular barrier around themwhichblockedthe magic and divinity that the gods and demons barraged them with.

She then took a deep breath before conjuring a Tier 5 Magic circle in the sky using a strange type of rune none present had ever seen.

From the centre of the conjured circle, beams of pure light surged forth, each beam as sharp as a sword edge and as swift as a shooting star.

They streaked across the area, falling from above like rain and piercingthe bodies of some of the gods and demonswith deadly precision.

Although they quickly employed defensive magic and weapons, theyfound themselvesconfronted by a second threat in that instant.

'Ink of Darkness: Abyssal Torrent Surge.'

Pressurized streams of that strange blue-black liquid energy erupted from the ground, propelled forward with unstoppable momentum as they tore through their defensive magic like paper andrent their armour with ease.

"Fuck! Defensive magic doesn't work?!"

A demon's cry of disbelief echoed through the chaos as he attempted to avoid the onslaught, only to have his wings severed by razor-sharp pressurized blades of the mysterious 'dark liquid'.

With a thud, he plummeted to the earth,whereupona spear of that same pressurized liquid rose from the ground and impaled him with brutal finality.

Witnessing how a Legendary just died soeasily, the other Demons drew upon their demonic energyand usedit to counter the pressurized streams of liquid, adamant to make sure that thing didn't touch them.

The Transcendentswere able toblock it with law energy, but they didn't attack. All sevenof themremained in the air as they circled around Gabrielle, aiming for a blind spot they could take advantage of.

They studied her closely and noted that any attacksthat gotwithin acertainrange of her position were all shredded within seconds, revealing the existence of the dark-blue energy revolving around her at immense speeds to the point of seeming invisible.

Anything that came within rangewas slicedto pieces at a god-

like speed that could not be perceived by the eye.

However, though powerful, it had drawbacks as it didn't differentiate allies from enemies.Thiswas why Gabrielle told Evansen to stay put.

Secondly, Gabrielle could not move too much while using itorits power output and speed would be lowered to the point where even the Legendrieswould be able toperceive the revolving blue-black energy.

The Legendries and Sovereigns charged forward with powerful magic and skills, intending to distract Gabrielle so the Grandmaster Levels could sneak in and grab Evansen.

As for the Transcendents, they held their fire since Gabrielle was too close to Evansen. If they attacked Gabrielle with the intent to kill, their attacks would also hit Evansen due to their proximityandany one of them could turn the boy to dust.

Since they wanted him alive, they couldn't let that happen.

"Wait, what's he doing?!"

One of the Demons exclaimed in shockandhearing this, Gabrielle turned her gaze towards Evansen and saw the boy casually slice his wrist with a table knife.


She was so dumbfoundedby thisthat she nearly lost control over her defensive technique.

Evansen, on the other hand, didn't even flinch despite having slit his wrist, calmly watching the blood spurt out like a fountain.

"It's not comparable to yourlevel of power, but I AM a Superior Grandmaster. It irks metojuststand backand let myselfbe protecteddespite being their target."

The blood, once spilt, defied gravity, hanging suspended in the air and coalescing into numerous hovering spheres of condensed crimson.

"On Aidos, my Father was someone called the 'Blood Duke'…

I seem to have inherited the 'Blood' aspect of that."

The moment he spoke, he released the condensed blood as bright red beams, reinforcing them with his magic power to make them capable of achieving sonic speed.

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