Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 480 - What Lies in The Depths

Chapter 480 - What Lies in The Depths

Hours into the battle, the situation looked grim.

The Dogaron charged at the Doom Knights, killing them in droves. It became unthinkably swift, with every slash of its claws, it would tear away the shields with the arms attached to the Doom Knights. Then with its other claw, it would rip the torso from head then move on to another Doom Knight. The casualties in Dave's ranks grew by each passing minute.

And the ore the Doom Knights died, the more difficult the battle became.

"Demeri, you got any more juice?" Dave asked.

"I need a bit to regen more mana, I can't slow it down now!"

"I'm also exhausted," Perfect Shot huffed, his constant use of [Nature's Call] drained all of his mana.

"Damn this berserk mode is annoying," Dave cursed.

"This thing has only 10% of its HP left, why the hell is it more difficult to kill than before." Blaster groaned. Flanker was currently healing him as he suffered an almost fatal wound.

The Tengu had lost one of his wings in a confrontation with the Dogaron and was forced down to the ground, losing his areal advantage.

Mercy was unable to use any of her Legacy Skills as the target was not humanoid, not a ruler and she couldn't get close to him using her invisibility as the heat the Dogaron generated and the electricity from the constant vibration on his hide would neutralize any invisible attempt to assassinate or deal burst damage.

"This creature is specialized in battling against numbers. This battle will only get harder!" Fortress Said.

"My spells are useless now, his berserk mode is perfectly negating any explosive, fiery damage I deal to it. I'm out of the battle for now. I'll switch to support," Tess said.

"Good idea," Flanker said, "I need a hand here, I'm out of juice too."

"I'll keep him busy for now, Dave, you have to do something," Lone commented.

"All of my big hitters are down," Dave said.

"Wait, I have one more thing, Doom Knights! Get back!" Dave called and his undead followed.

The Dogaron feeling the pressure on him decreasing decided to be adventurous and charged at the backline where the players were recovering.

Dave's body released a powerful burst of steam, while a glowing light shone around him.

Dave's head grew two horns and his hands materialized claws, he went into Aspect of the Dragon, gaining 500% increased damage and a reduction of 80% of taken damage. While gaining the ability [Fly] for a brief period of time.

Dave charged the Dogaron, with the newfound speed he was able to contend with the creature's own. The Dogaron slammed a paw at Dave, to which he took head-on, only to receive minor damage.


At the same time, Dave grabbed the Dogaron's own claws and twisted his entire body, throwing the creature high up in the air.

"UP YOU GO!" Dave called and followed after the wailing Dogaron.

Dave lifted the entire creature up, empowered by the strength of a dragon, the Dogaron felt as heavy as a feather in the hands of Dave.

It tried to squirm to escape from Dave's grasp, but his claws were dug too deep in the Dogaron's flesh that no amount of squirming could save it.

Once Dave arrived to the ceiling of the room, he flapped his wings and dropped down, spiraling along the way, it was in no way as perfect as when he applied it to White Ghost, as the latter was human, lighter and easier to control. Also, there was more distance he could use to fly up, causing the fall damage to become greater.

With the roof of the room being low, but enough to cause serious damage if one were to fall from there to the ground, added to the fact that the Dogaron was heavy and was being pushed into the ground thanks to the power behind Dave's wings.

The impact on the ground was brutal, it cratered a wide area, even larger than the Dogaron itself.


The fact that Dave was the one pushing the Dogaron into the ground and not the other way around and thanks to the reduced damage intake from Aspect of the Dragon, Dave didn't suffer much.

He then drew Durandal, held it over him while the Dogaron was still trying to recover from the lung emptying blow, Dave used [Weight of the Universe], thankfully the skill was bound to the sword and didn't contradict with the aspect of the Dragon activation condition that no other skills besides dragon skills can be used.

Durandal grew to a massive size, more than eighty meters in height, Dave held it over his head with two arms, then swung down with a might so great that the impact caused the entire cave to shake.

The vibrations caused the rotten blood vessels on his arms to burst, his bones to break and he was temporarily unable to use his arms.

This was the effect on Dave who struck with Durandal, as for the Dogaron, it whimpered loudly, blood burst out of its nose and mouth, and one of its eyes popped out. As for the point of impact, which was its chest, it was caved in.

"Shit man, you overdid it!" Blaster commented on the graphic abuse.

"Better it than I, I'll fold back, I can't use my arms," Dave said and hopped back out.

The Dogaron was heaving, barely able to move, it was on its last leg, but its fighting spirit was not extinguished yet. This creature was still dangerous and Dave needed time to heal.

"Doom Knights, get his ass!" Dave ordered and the retreated Doom Knights charged back.

Dave focused on the Ring of True Undeath, then switched his appearance back to human.

His black gold armor changed to a platinum-colored set. Where skulls used to be, now, majestic carvings of lions and dragons replaced them. Dave's armor was now fit for a legendary war general. But the bent-up shape of his arm caused everyone great worry. Especially seeing red blood seeping out from inside his armored arms and dripping to the ground.

"Patch me up," Dave said to Flanker who had just finished treating Blaster.

"Damn man, that's messed up. Heal Wounded Warrior!" Flanker cast a spell on Dave, to which the disturbing sound of broken bones locking back to their original place echoed like crackling popcorn.

Soon Dave was able to move his arms, he turned to the Dogaron, who was barely able to move.

"One last push, guys, let's go," Dave called and everyone agreed.

In ten more minutes, the battle ended.


Conquest Server Announcement!

The following party members have successfully raided the Oprenieum Mine and defeated the mini boss of the area. The Dogaron! Level 750

The ore deposit contains the mineral Oprenieum.

The Oprenieum Mines are free to excavate for the following 30 days Conquest in-game time


"Damn that was exhausting!" Flanker slopped down to the ground.

Most of the players were mentally exhausted, the battle needed them to be on their toes and careful all the time. If not for Dave's Doom Knights, they would not have had any chance in beating this, and Dave knew it. Without his legacy or Tiny, a battle against a 750-level boss was a nightmare he didn't want to relive another time again.

"Damn I lost 44 Doom Knights, this battle is expensive," Dave said as the price of reviving every Doom Knights was tens of thousands of Contribution Points.

"Loot! Gotta see the loot!" Lone said and hurried to the Dogaron's hide.

A moment later, Lone yelped in excitement.

"Woot! This is amazing!" she shouted and shared the Loot Log with everyone.


[Dogaron General Armor Diagram 5 Archetypes]

Dogaron's Corrupted Blade

Dogaron's Corrupted Bow

Dogaron's Corrupted Shield

Dogaron's Corrupted Dagger

Dogaron's Corrupted Tendons

Dogaron's Corrupted Staff

Dogaron's Corrupted Chime

Dogaron's Claws X 40

Dogaron's Scales X 120

Dogaron's Tail X1

Dogaron's Fangs X 20

20,000 Gold

[Hell's Bells] Legendary Quest Item


"What the heck! That's a lot of stuff coming out of one monster." Flanker said.

"The first time one slays a monster it usually drops its best loot. But I never saw a case of something like this." Dave said.

"This happed a few times actually when players first started playing, some monsters gave several weapons that can be crafted using the material from the boss slain. This is the same thing, and because the Dogaron is such a rare monster the drops were generic and general toward all and most classes." Lone said.

"Use me as I don't understand button," Flanker said.

"It means that the monster will drop all weapons-related to it on its first death, later on seeing one of these drops will be a miracle. Still, what is the General Armor Diagram?" Dave asked.

"It means that the Dogaron's material can craft armor for five different classes! This is a huge find. But sadly we don't have the level for it yet, nor can we use the weapons or even inspect them" Lone said.

Dave pondered for a moment, it was the same for Durandal and Ajax, he couldn't identify them until he mt all conditions. He tried to identify one of the items dropped only to receive this notification.


Dogaron's corrupted Blade

Weapon detail unknown.

Remove the corruption status first!


"Damn, I should ask Andre about this," Dave said.

"Yeah, that blacksmith that works for you might have an idea on how to remove them, but there are two things that are really bothering me here," Mercy said.

"What?" Dave asked.

"First is, this," she shared a notification in the party chat.


[Hell's Bells] Quest item.

To start the Quest [Hell's Bells] contact one of Conquest's high tier deities for more details.


"I think Nick could have an idea on what this could do, what's your second worry?" Dave asked.

Mercy pointed to the far side of the room, there was now a small door there that no one had paid any attention to early on. because it was hidden by some of the rubble, but once the Dogaron died, it mysteriously disappeared and the door was revealed.

"What's that?"

Dave frowned for a moment, thinking, but flanker moved ahead first.

Dave stopped him by grabbing at his shoulder.

"What man? There could be more loot there."

"No, I doubt it, I highly doubt it."

"Why is that?" Flanker asked.

"Well, think about it, what did the Conquest Server Notification say?"

"That we killed a boss and got the right to mine this opremiumthingy."

"It also mentioned that the Dogaron was a mini-boss. You know what that means," Dave dropped the hammer on Flanker's treasure fantasy.

The latter gulped hard.

"That we haven't even seen the real boss of this dungeon yet. Holy crap, how many layers does this place even has?"

"We don't want to know, and we probably should not try anything while we're this weakened. Let's wait until the Ash King's raid is over. Then we can check things here. Guys, I think it's time to head out."

"You're right, let's head out. You have a bit day awaiting you tomorrow." Flanker said.

"Not just me, you're all invited, did you forget that we'll be facing not only the ash king but other players. It's going to be a really nice show tomorrow, I can feel it." Dave laughed and proceeded to tear his teleportation scroll.

Every other player followed suit, and non-realized that the small door in the cave creaked open, an emaciated humanoid hand was grasping at the edge of the door…


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