Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 481 - Eyes Locked, Swords Drawn

Chapter 481 - Eyes Locked, Swords Drawn

Dave was exhausted, the day had finally ended for him. In-game, players were wondering about this new mineral, the Oprenieum, and many blacksmiths have been asked and none knew the answer. A new mineral means a new armor set, weapons, upgrades, and more power. But as long as they didn't have access to it, it was all just talking.

On more serious notes, the players from Heaven Dawn, Blood Ragers, and some rare few Devastators have all received a notification. These players were specifically the ones that accepted the chalice of the Ash King.

And this very notification gave info about the upcoming war, and what every player was supposed to do.


The Ash King's dominion is about to be assaulted by the Undead Legion. All the players who have drunk from the Ash King's Chalice are now bound to his service in defending his Keep.

The Ash King's blood is now broiling through those who drunk it.

In exchange for sacrificing your legacies, the Ash King will impart power in equivalence to the grade of the Legacy sacrificed to join him.

S class Legacy: Demon General rank: Skill [Demonic Rampage] Skill Demonic Resurrection [One-time use only] 10,000 Demon Knights.

A Class Legacy: Demon Knight rank: Skill [Demonic Rage] Skill Demonic Resurrection [One-time use only] 1,000 Demon Soldiers.

B Class Legacy Demon Soldier rank: Skill [Demonic Madness] 100 Demon beasts.

C class and below B Class Legacy Demon follower ranks [Demonic Will]

These Skills will be available for use once the battle starts. Be ready to offer your aid to the Ash King.

More rewards await the players who contribute the most to the Ash King's war. Be ready and prepare for a hard-fought battle.


Dave was sitting on his sofa enjoying a beer and a slice of pizza while he read the notifications on his TV. CCN was broadcasting a feed of his adventure and along with it the happenings of the game.

"I guess tomorrow is going to get really interesting."

He checked the time and decided it was best to sleep for now. A good Eight Hours sleep is enough to refresh him, and ready him up for tomorrow.

Dave turned off the Tv and headed back to his room. He fell asleep the moment he placed his head on his pillow.

Mornings always come sooner than anyone would want them to. And this was the case for David Ruster as he was woken up due to the rude alarm. He turned it off, grabbed something to eat, and went into his gaming capsule.

Once he was set up, Dave logged in to find a notification waiting for him.


The Undead Legion will be marching to the Ash Kin's Dominion from the Drow Kingdom.

You as the prince of the Undead must be there for the army to march.

The Undead King has assigned you as General Commander, while he retains Grand General Rank, with full control over the army. You cannot override the Undead King's orders, but any other General Rank Undead, [Abyssal Knights] will follow your orders as long as they don't collide with the Undead King's command.

As the Undead Prince, you will be the Face of the Army. While the Undead King will retain a complete general command of the Army and make Macro Calls of movement, you will be responsible for Micromanaging your troops and adjust according to the enemy's movement and placement.

You are allowed to call for the entire army's retreat but only do so when necessary, mistiming this command will result in severe consequences.


"Damn, they'll start soon," Dave smirked and teleported to the Drow Kingdom.

Thankfully, he didn't even need to revive the Doom knights he lost to the Dogaron yesterday. As this is a matter of war, the Undead King has financed all CP related to gearing up and reviving the Undead for Dave's troops.

Dave's only dissatisfaction was the fact that the Oprenieum couldn't be harvested enough to empower the entire army. However, great portions of it have been excavated and more is being dug out as the army was marching. They all pooled into Dante's workshop and into Dave's Blacksmithing guild back in the eastern Kingdom. Melted and forged into arrows, light armors, scale mail armor, and any light gears that the Oprenieum could be used on and produced in a faster and more rapid manner.

The Oprenieum has proven very difficult to melt, but this only added to its durability and strength. So, to use it immediately on the armors of Death Knights and Doom Knights and above was nigh impossible. It would require time, time that the Undead Didn't have as the Undead King's word proceeds all. He had ordered the march of the army, and the army will march, with or without those armors.

Dave arrived to the Drow Kingdom. The massive forest was packed tight with Undead. There was so many of them that one would find it a miracle if he were to walk without bumping into one or stepping on one's foot.

Yet when the Undead saw Dave, they squeezed themselves together and made a clear and wide path for him to move forward. Undead, elites, casual, Death Knights and even Doom Knights gave way to the Prince of the Undead.

The majority of these undead had spent far longer than he ever did in the legion. Some had spent years and decades; some had spent centuries and even millennials. Yet non had come close to what Dave had achieved in his short-term service.

He had started out as a regular skeleton, unknown, hardly remembered. And one of many, yet his climb to glory was paved in the blood of his enemies. Enemies that many Undead had thought impossible to defeat. He brought down foe after foe, conquered city after city, ground his enemies to dust. Made his name known for all, and right now, the former nobody was the prince of the Undead, the prince that all wished to serve. The prince that deep down, every undead knew that whatever he did, he did for the legion, and whatever mission he tackled he always came on top, and it was always a victory.

Dave marched forward until he reached the exit of the Drow Kingdom. At the other side, he looked back. Undead with numbers so many one would spend an eternity counting them one by one. And in the far distance, the Ash King's Keep. The pillar of flames rose high and mighty into the night sky, clouding the whole region and shading it away from the hanging broken moon of the Underworld.

Along the vast desert of the Ash King's keep were unbelievable numbers of demons. Humanoids, and beasts. All corrupted servants of the Ash King, and among those, were players. By the hundreds of thousands. Most have all gave up their legacies, and those without have sworn fealty for a power the Ash King had offered.

Dave didn't care, as these players were mostly casuals, they will be mowed down with the first charge of the Undead Legion. The real hassle was the big shots that are serving the Ash King.

Dave had known that the Super Guild masters have all refused to drink from the Chalice. They however had their minions do so, and by using these minions to watch the war, they could command and order the movements of the player army.

In this war, Dave had two problems. The first was the power of the Ash King himself. And the second was the players.

For the first, there was nothing he could do. He was going to rely on the Undead to break the Ash King, as numbers beat courage at any time of the day. As for the second and, this was the real problem, players were not of a single mind. They could think of different things, come up with different strategies, and bring a great variable to the game that he cannot fully control.

With at least White Ghost as the commander and mastermind behind these players, Dave had to admit that they will be a force to reckon with, and he had to give them the respect they are owed.

Even if each and every single individual of them was weak, utterly unimportant and nothing more than small fries or cannon fodder. With the likes of White Ghost behind their every move, Dave had to be careful.

"Your highness," spoke the sound of a very familiar undead.

Dave didn't need to turn to his right to recognize Samael.

"Don't call me that, we're friends, call me by my name, Samael."

"Right, anyway, what's the plan?"

"For now, we'll wait for his majesty to announce the start of the battle. Tell me what is our status?" Dave asked.

"The Undead King mobilized all of our army. More than eight million undead are positioned around the Ash King's Keep. This is but a fraction of our real might. I'm the only other Abyssal Knight with you here. On the northern side of the Keep is Dagla and Dortha, they synergize well." Samael said.

"Yeah, Dagla's units mostly compose of casters, and with Dagla's beasts, he will have a good time firing away his magic. What about the rest?"

"Marik is with Lilith, their ghost magic and blood magic is not as useful as it could be in these harsh conditions but they will act as support, and liaison, we will be trading and exchanging information using their minions, also the ghosts can be a good hindrance to some of the Undead King's troops. Lilith's bats will be weak against Demons, but they have recruited players that she could enjoy playing with."

"That's good. What about Dementi?"

"Dementi is leading her archers in assistance of the Undead King's personal Royal Army," Samael said.

"And seeing that the king will be the last to join the battle, that means…" Dave didn't finish his words, Samael did for him.

"Yes, that means we're going to be the leading force, the big hitters, the vanguards Also, that means that we're the one who'll have the most fun." Samael grinned.

Dave matched the ghoul's smile, "Right, that's not bad at all. We could do with a good warmup. Tell me, how do you usually start a full-scale war?" Dave asked.

"We'll start by sending the Undead Elites and some of the lower-tiered ones to weaken the enemy's frontline. Once their formation is brittle enough, we send in the big hitters, break their line and rampage within, textbook," Samael said.

"Hah, but I'm here now. And I say, I have a really good idea," Dave spoke while his hand casually strokes his beard.


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