Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 482 - On This Day!

Chapter 482 - On This Day!

"Dave, where are you?" Lone asked Dave through the party chat.

"Right at the front of the Drow Kingdom, facing the Ash Kin's army, what about you guys?" Dave asked.

"Well, when we logged in, we received quests. Wanna see?"

"Sure," Dave said.

Lone shared her quest window with Dave and it showed the following.


Elven Ally of the Legion.

As a follower and companion to Kis'Shtiengbrah, the Lord of the Undead Legion, The Undead King has noticed your trustful companionship to his adopted son, the Undead Prince Kis'Shtiengbrah.

You have been tasked to assist abyssal Knight [Dementi] in supporting the Ranger Troops of the legion accompanying the Undead King.

You will be rewarded based on your active contribution to the legion.


"Oh, this is nice," Dave commended.

"But that means that we won't be together in this preliminary battle." Lone replied.

"We'll meet later on, probably inside the Ash King's keep, stick with Dementi, she is really strong. What about the rest of the party?" Dave asked.

"They were divided between the Abyssal Knights, Tess and Fortress went to assist Dagla, Perfect and Flanker are with me. Blaster and Mercy are with Marik and Lilith."

"Right, no wonder no one is here with me. Right, it doesn't matter. Try not to die, and let's get this done with." Dave hung up and turned to Samael.

"When are we starting?" Dave asked.

"We will have to wait for his Majesty's orders. You said you have a plan in mind?"

"Yes, let's see," Dave looked ahead, made a quick note of the players facing them and grinned.

It didn't take more than ten seconds before a notification appeared in front of every player in conquest.


Conquest Server Announcement!

The Foretold Battle of the Underworld

His Majesty, the Undead King has given his permission to raid the Ash King's Keep.

The assault on the Ash King's keep will last for three days game time, or if the Ash King perishes.

For the Players on the Side of the Ash King. Your task is to survive the Undead Legion's onslaught for the duration, (72) hours, or manage to slay all the abyssal Knights, the Undead King and Kis'Shtiengbrah, the Undead Prince.

The victory of the Ash King's side will unlock the quest, Fiery Supremacy, where players will be invited to the Underworld via the Ash King to destroy the Undead Legion.

For the Undead Legion's side, your task is to bring down the demonic throne, and thwart the ruling of the Ash King. By killing this entity, the Undead Legion will have fulfilled his task in ridding the Underworld of Demons, and will be able to roam free into the Overworld, unlocking the Undead Expansion pack.


"This makes things clear," Dave said.

Almost instantly a timer appeared in the players interface.

"I guess this means we can go now?" Dave said.

"Well of course," Samael replied, "His majesty, the Undead King has given you the right to initiate the first assault. Enjoy it." Samael said.

"That's damn perfect!" Dave said.

He turned to the Undead behind him took a deep breath and spoke,

"Fellow Undead!" his words brought everyone's immediate attention.

ON THIS DAY! we will wash away the humiliation that has plagued us!" he clenched a fist.

ON THIS DAY! We shall no longer be bound to this dark underworld, unable to live and roam free." He raised his clenched fist.

ON THIS DAY! We will break the chains that held us captive for thousands of years!" He called to the heavens.

ON THIS DAY! We will strike steel against steel, and we shall end up victorious!" he drew Durandal for all to see.


Brothers and sisters, we bled for years, what's One more day?

Brothers and Sisters. Today! We will bleed one last time. For I shall never turn my back to the enemy! For I shall fight, until I see this abomination ridden of this world!

Brothers and Sisters. On this day… the legion shall triumph! And you will all be the reason for it! MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE REMEMBERED! MAKE SURE THAT YOU WRITE YOUR VERY NAMES WITH THE SICKENING BLOOD OF YOUR ENEMIES!"

"NEVER HUNGER!" Dave roared and the legion followed.

"NEVER TIRE!" Spoke all the legionaries at once!

"NEVER FEAR!" Dave spoke the last of the undead's slogan in a booming low toned, skin-crawling tone and the rest of the undead followed.

"FOR THE LEGION!" was his reply, and it was glorious. As the undead, blotting out the horizon came to his reply, Dave felt their voices resounding and echoing all over the space of the Drow Kingdom.

He laughed, admiring the great enthusiasm of the undead, finally, he gave a set of commands. To which the Undead replied to with even more glorifying roars.


On the other side of the battle, players that have been converted to the Ash King's service were brimming with pride and expectant of an exiting battle and probable victory.

"What do you think they're doing?" a player asked as he was looking ahead at the marching undead.

"They look like they're having fun," the player next to him said.

"Hey, why aren't the leaders using the Demons they got to frontline this battle?" the first player asked.

"I don't know, but it's best if it's like this, we'll get more contribution points this way."

"Contribution points is good and all but aren't those just low-level Undeads walking toward us? We're not getting much even if we kill them," Another replied.

An archer at their right nocked an arrow used the [Power Shot] shill and shot it, the power behind it was magnificent as the arrow took flight in a straight line and pierced through the skull of a marching skeleton and right into another skeleton behind it.

"Yep you're right, I didn't even get any exp from the kill but there were some contribution points there. Even if small it's better than nothing."

"What is this undead legion doing? They're sending us small fries." Another said.

"Bro, don't talk big, you're only level 300, you are also a small fry."

"All of you, shut up!" A player of the Heaven Dawn Guild, currently the highest level of the group at the front of a level 488.

"This is basic tactics, the enemy will send in the cannon fodder to gauge our strengths and weaken us, don't waste skills on these trashes, keep your cards until you're facing Death Knights or higher."

And so every player took a more relaxed posture, it was true, the Undead Legion had a lot of numbers, and the best way for the legion to gain more advantage is if the players were to waste their skills on skeletons and elite undead.

Therefore, the players began shooting low mana costing spells, and regular arrows. Not daring to use any skill, saving it for the 'big hitters.'

Yet, unbeknownst to them, this very tactic, this small idea, which sounded perfectly logical, perfectly thought of, and for anyone that had ever been in a guild war, a siege battle, this was the most basic of basic tactics… it ended up being their doom bringer.

Dave's body was shuddering, the fools have yet to notice he thought.

He then gave a command, "Run them over!" Dave shouted and the marching undead sprinted forward.

The groups of undead charged the front. And the players were ready, they shot at the skeletons, dropping them to the grounds where more skeletons fell over them. Yet with the massive size of the undead marching forward, it didn't account for a drop of water in the sea if even a hundred undead fell to the ground and were literally crushed to bone dust by their companions.

The mere sight of the charging undead was a cause to worry and a scene of a nightmare.

"Don't worry, these are just low-level shits! Hold your positions!" the player leading the front row said.

The row was all composed of players, there were no demons in sight, this was the guilds idea. The players were hard to kill, they could kill off many undead with little casualties, and the Demons give to the players will be saved for later use as they would be able to deal with the higher ranked undead. It was best for the players to enjoy the free contribution points as the skeletons would never cause them any real harm.

The first wave of skeletons charged and crashed into the players wall, without any significant damage. The skeletons and low tier zombies were barely level 50, they couldn't even make a dent in the players armors. And so the players began slaughtering the low tier undead like if there was no tomorrow.

"Damn this is easy contribution points!" a player said as he hacked and slashed at the undead in front of him.

"Yeah, this guy is serving us kills on a silver plate." Another said.

Another archer gloated, "Yeah man, check this out, every arrow I shoot ends up killing at least two undead, I'm gonna end up with the most CP in this fight… huh?" the archer quieted down.

The player right next to him noticed the archer's expression and asked, "What's wrong? Your bow snapped?"

"Euh, no, but one of my arrows dealt no damage."

"You probably missed," The sword master said.

"No, if I missed, I wouldn't get a 0-damage value."

"I don't know then; I don't fully understand your archer class." The sword master shrugged as he faced the player.

"Check this out, even these skeletons deal 0 damage to me! I could stay here all day and they'll never-" the player never finished his words as his body turned to glowing mots of light.

Once the mots of light disappeared, there was an enormous bastard Sword positioned where the player was.

Unlike the skeletons who barely had any decent armor, the hand holding the bastard sword was gauntleted, and the 'creature' to which the hand belonged to was fully armored.

It drew its sword back, held it up and swung down.

The only words the archer could utter were, "D-doom Knight!"

And it then began. A slaughter like never before as the wall of players was mowed down so fast that no one had the time or ability to react. Hundreds of players died in the first two seconds, then hundreds more right after that. Panic incarnate, chaos, and an immediate loss of control spread among the player ranks.

How could they react? What were Doom Knights doing here? Wasn't the undead legion supposed to use their most powerful units at the end of the battle?

Usually, in a game, when a player enters a dungeon, they will face off against weak mobs, that escalate in difficulty until they find the boss. However, this thinking had made the players forget something important. This might be a game, and these undead might be nothing more than ones and zeroes. But they were not controlled by ones and zeroes. They were in the hands of Kis'Shtiengbrah. And Kis'Shtiengbrah just started the battle with Mini-Boss level undead.

There goes all of the guildies planning. A massacre is about to begin.



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