Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 518 Forbidden Kingdom's Army.

Chapter 518 Forbidden Kingdom“s Army.

"Legacy on cooldown, my only teleportation skill is inaccessible, and these damned jade hands are too strong to get rid of in one hit or two. Guess I'll have to balance things out."

Dave took a deep breath, all the abilities that were currently active on his avatar deactivated at once, replaced by a different type of upgraded power up.

Dave's avatar became more buffed but lost the steam and the chaos effect of the Chaos runes, even the Zealot's effect was gone. His face grew scally, he had entered Dragon Aspect


You benefit from a 500% increase in base damage and you will take 80% reduced damage.

The ability [Fly] has been temporarily added to your skill list.

You are no longer blinded.

You are no longer disoriented.

All dragon-related abilities have had their cooldowns reset.

For 30 seconds all draconic related abilities have been upgraded.


Light materialized over Dave's armor, tainting it in darker than black in runic designs. His padrones grew into draconic horns and his helmet changed shape from a war crown to a draconic skull of steel.

He howled forward, a shout capable of shattering space, the roar was physical, it blasted air out of in front of him, connected with the wind blades, and broke them like twigs.

Dave forcefully raised his foot, breaking the jade hands that were grabbing onto him, making them shatter like brittle glass.

He dove forward, at a speed far faster than what the general's reactionary sensors could handle.

The general sliced down with his glaive at Dave's direction, only that his glaive met empty air, Dave had already disappeared from in front of him. Before the general could even register this, a hand had grabbed the side of his face, then smashed him in the ground.

Dave blasted his wings back and dragged the general's face against the floor of the arena as he was flying low on the ground. The general's rotten flesh scraped against the floor until his skull was devoid of all meat. Then his skull began scraping, slowly being chiseled away against the rough terrain.

Dave had fifteen seconds in Aspect of the Dragon, and he was going to use them to make the general suffer as much pain as possible.

Ouki grabbed at Dave's hand, as he was being dragged against the floor. He mumbled something that Dave didn't hear.

Suddenly a green mass of jade materialized on the general's armor, encasing him in an even stronger protective gear, the jade armor covered his face and stopped his skull from being fully scrapped against the ground. The hand grabbing Dave's arm grew a spike of jade from the palm, it penetrated through Dave's arm and rendered it useless, it didn't hurt as much due to him being in dragon form, but the jade spike was sharp and had cut a nerve, it caused Dave's grip to loosen up and gave the general a chance at escaping Dave.

Dave flew in front of the general. Ouki laughed, and said, "You're strong. But I'm stronger! Kingdom of the Sun! Come for our foe has shown its fangs. Come, to your general! Rally to our cause!"

Behind the general, a Torii gate dropped from the heavens. And from the foot of the Torii Gate, a wide and massive stone stair showed up leading all the way to a purple cloud that appeared out of nowhere.

Hundreds of thousands of warriors in jade and golden armors came rushing down. Some on foot, some on horseback, and all of them, armed to the teeth.

The undead King abruptly stood up, "That's the Forbidden Kingdom's Armada! The Sun God's Legacy!" alongside him, Samael drew his sword, Dagla his claws, Lilith showed her fangs, the Soul Gorger was restless, Dementi nocked her bow, and Dagla amassed magic in his scepter.

All the doom knights stood up and drew their weapons, it was as if an enemy had presented itself in the midst of the Undead Realm and the undead were ready to battle.

"Sit. DOWN!" Nick shouted and all the undead were forced to stand down.

Dave had a feeling that this incoming army was bad news. Especially with the undead king's reaction.

"FOR QIN!" the heavenly general called and the army behind him turned to ghosts and spirits as they moved at once, grouped up together like a spear made of weapons and a lust for battle never before seen on the world of conquest.

"Legacy holder huh," Dave grinned, he withdrew his Sworn Stalwart gauntlets, and his sharp jagged dagger sized claws retracted, instead he drew Durandal and Ajax.

He poised Ajax forward to absorb the incoming attack. The massive shield's jaws opened up, ready to consume what was coming toward it.

But out of nowhere, Dave grunted, the hole in his arm, that the general had made when he pierced him with the jade blade throbbed, and a lump of jade grew out of it, rapidly and encased his arm and covered the shield. The cursed Shield of Ajax was useless.

Dave hastily struck the front of the shield with Durandal, but the jade grew some more and absorbed the impact causing both his weapon and shield to be encased in jade, unable to release them in the meantime.

The charging army struck Dave in the chest, every sword, every glaive, every spear struck him, gnawing at his health, the swords found purchase, the arrows made their way into the unprotected parts of his body. The spears dug deep into his flesh and more weapons scrapped slashed, sliced, and cut at him. The attack was an onslaught of an entire army focused on one man. Unstopping, unwavering the blades cut down, sliced, chopped, and hacked.

Even with the massive damage reduction from the Dragon Form Dave's HP dropped like an anvil in a deep dark ocean.

The attacks were too numerous for Dave to try and defend against, not even when he released Durandal, he struck but it was the same as fighting smoke. His body was shredded, his armor found little power to struggle against the ceaseless onslaught.

The attack continued, for Dave it felt like ages, he couldn't even move a step as every blow was staggering. He couldn't even use [Bastion] to block the attack, he was in dragon form and only dragon skills were allowed.

Then a notification appeared:


Aspect of the Dragon skill effect has ended!


Almost immediately, Dave felt the blows of the charging army on a much greater scale, another notification appeared.


You are in critical condition!

Passive [Unyielding] activated. You have 5 seconds of immunity to dying!

You have 1% HP remaining!


"No problem!" Dave grunted, "At least I could use my skills now," he grinned and used [Immortal Ascension]. He teleported away from the charge, in time. But looking at the incoming charge, it was ethereal, but like a snake, it began turning and coming at him again. Dave looked at the general. He was on his knee, gasping for air that undead didn't need. His jade armor was breaking, and the glaive in his hand was shaking from exertion. He was the channeler of that skill, and he couldn't move as long as it was being cast.

Dave slapped his hands together creating a thunderous boom in space. He didn't finish, he began using ninja seals, creating a surge of fire around him. The aura of the infernal tyrant merged with the flames from his cast and they became dark flames. A skeletal draconic head appeared behind Dave then another, then another, and more, enough that they became forty-eight dragon skulls floating in the skies.

The draconic skulls all pointed their opened jaws at the general and released a breath of concentrated black flames that were hot enough to melt the flesh off of bones and stone into liquid lava.

The dragon breath cooked the general alive, and before the charge could reach Dave who's immunity effect from [Unyielding] had ended, Ouki toppled over, and his glaive fell from his hand, causing the army of the sun to disappear along with the tori gate and the heavenly stairs.

The skulls, having released their infernal breath, gathered and dove toward the general. They were made out of Spectral Skulls, a skill in origin that was supposed to explode upon contact with an enemy. And they did so once they reached Ouki. Blowing up in his face. Stagging him with every one of their forty-eight explosions.

Ouki didn't die though, he stood up. Jade melted over his face and body, struggling to stand up, yet a wide smile on his face.

"Almost had me there, child. Perhaps you told the truth, for you to have slain that puppeteer of the older king, you have the required strength. The me right now could have slain him too, only I have received the legacy of the Sun God upon the moment of my execution. That means that I'm much stronger than you. Favored by the gods of this world."

Ouki moved forward with purposeful steps. Dave inspected him.


Full Inspection unallowed!

Name: Ouki Qin

Class: Heavenly General

HP: 16,000,000 HP/ 250,000,000H


The general's HP was higher than Dave's, he was down to 1% of his base HP, basically 5,000,000 HP.

While the general had three times that number. And Dave's most powerful skills were all on cooldown. A frontal battle was suicide, the general was stronger, faster, and more nimble than Dave, not to mention with the Jade covering Dave's right arm and blocking Ajax from performing optimally, any chances of absorbing and rejecting the General's own attacks were nonexistent.

"You have been weighed you have been measured and you have been found wanting! Now die!" The general said as he held his glaive high up.

"Man, all you guys with the last moment villain monologue are stupid," Dave uttered.

Not fully understanding the meaning of his words, the general stopped, but not due to Dave, due to a massive shadow that covered the entirety of the arena.

"Dagla…" the Undead King uttered.

"On it," Dagla slammed the bottom of the scepter on the ground and teleported everyone out of the arena.

"That one's gonna hurt," Dave grinned as he gazed at the giant meteor coming down. Before the general's glaive could even strike Dave down, the latter used [Bastion] both to protect himself from the glaive and the incoming meteor.

The meteor came down…

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