Rise of The Undead Legion

Chapter 519 Another One Shows Its Fangs

Chapter 519 Another One Shows Its Fangs



You have managed to vanquish the Heavenly General Ouki in a battle of honor.

By the Undead King's Will, General Ouki is now bound to the Undead Legion.

Due to General Ouki's superior powers and ability, he cannot be bound under your personal command.

General Ouki is now the Eight Abyssal Knight of the Undead Legion.

For recruiting such a great asset to the legion you have earned +2,000,000CP


The rubble and dust soon settled, Dave looked around, the aftermath of the meteor falling was grave. It destroyed all of the arena and the seats that hosted the spectators. Thanks to Dagla no casualties happened but cleaning the massive destruction was going to be a pain.

"Fascinating. That's the powers of heaven you summoned." Ouki spoke, he was right in front of Dave, fully healed up. Revived by the Death Heart and returned to the land of the Undead.

"So, convinced that you're beatable?"

"I'd say you got lucky." Ouki's pride wouldn't let him admit his defeat.

"Say what you want, but remember, I haven't used my legacy while fighting you."

"Wait," Ouki spoke, "That draconic transformation? Or that Demonic transformation, weren't those your legacy? A legacy of demons and dragons?"

"Nah, I'm Nicholas the Undeath God's champion. The one that gave you the Undeath Curse. Those are just some abilities I got after beating some monsters. Still, good fight, let's do it again," Dave grinned.

The general was unsure if Dave was speaking true, but he opted not to risk it and be humiliated again, "I'm not interested yet, so where is this king of yours."

"He is my and your king, you should remember that."

"Our Childe speaks true, once a member of the legion, you follow Our orders."

"I only follow the King of Qin, and you're not my king."

"I am," Dave said. "I told you, I rule this country."

The general frowned, he was not liking what he heard.

"Bravest of Qin, come!" Dave spoke and soldiers, royal ones, guards, and those of the army, any that heard his calling came to the arena.

Soon the arena was packed full of soldiers.

"This man does not admit my kingship. Says that I'm not your ruler."

The soldiers drew their swords and pointed at the heavenly general.

"BASTARDS! Is this how you treat your heavenly general?!"

One of the soldiers said, "The heavenly general is dead. He died, executed. The fake puppet of the Ash King took his seat and killed all the generations of Qin's royalty."

"I came back! Even if the older king has died, why would you let this man rule you?" Ouki asked.

"He protected us when you never did. You heavenly general, waged wars, fought the frontline, but everyone in Qin's corners was dying, starved, hungry unsure how they would survive the cruel winters of the east. You never cared for the people, you only cared for your personal glory." The same soldier said.

"Who might you be to speak such lies!"

"I'm not lying," the soldier said, he removed his helmet, and it seems that Ouki knew who that old man behind the helmet was.


"Yes, your manservant, I followed you, carried your armor since I was ten, I know you more than you know yourself and I tell you, a king such as his majesty Kis'Shtiengbrah is what we needed. He rebuilt Qin, reformed it, had helped its citizen, made trade easier, took good care of the people living outside of the cities and in towns, secured roads. Cleared the Wilds, all in less than half a year. Not caring for personal profit. Not wanting to fill his pockets in gold or recruit soldiers and young children to wage wars that only cost blood and money for no real benefit. Look at us? We eat three times a day, we sleep until we're satisfied and we even have a retirement plan, saved money to use when we're older."

"That's being lazy! A soldier must always be ready for a battle. You're swords that are wet in laziness and sloth, you'll become dull."

"No, that's where you're wrong," Dave said.

"What do you know about warfare? You're spoiling them, corrupting them."

"No, you're an idiot, a good weapon needs to be taken care of. They have seen heaven, they have been treated well, they saw that they have a good future. I wage you the world's money, that anyone of my soldiers will fight tooth and nail to protect what I have given them. While your type of soldiers will fight for something intangible like honor for you, and not for themselves."

"But it's honor for the kingdom!"

"Honor for the kingdom doesn't fill a starved child's belly. Think of your people as people first, then soldiers, then they'll follow you to the end of the world. All of your glory was for yourself. Do you even remember the names of those that died beside you?"

Ouki's mouth opened and closed.

"You see, I rule, I care, you're nothing but a has-been. You want glory, you'll find it with the undead. But the Undead will not accept someone who does not follow orders. Also, I'm the youngest of the Abyssal Knights." Dave pointed at the group of Abyssal Knights right next to the undead king.

"I can't hold a candle to any of them. They're far stronger than me. And if you think that you have a chance at beating me, any of them can rip you a new one while picking their nose. So get your act together rookie, you're now the weakest of the bunch, if you want to have a say in his majesty's council, you'll have to beat me before you're allowed to speak."

Samael raised his brows, he leaned over to Dortha and said, "Isn't Kis'Shtiengbrah being a little bit too dramatic, I mean, I sure as hell am not stronger than him."

"True, among all of us, I think only I could give him a run for his money. But I doubt I'll have a good chance at victory if he uses the Grave Lord."

"Be quiet," Dagla spoke through the two abyssal Knight's heads. "Kis' Shtiengbrah just made the newly recruited think that we're all monsters, this way if he wants to challenge our authority, he'll have to go through him, which I doubt he'll ever succeed in. it's a good way to keep the recruit inline."

Samael grinned, the Undead Prince was shameless but cunning as always. Not even the Undead King disagreed with his statement, making it that he understood his prince well.

"Then that means I still have yet seas to cross and mountains to climb. Very well, then. I respect strength, and if I were to be among the mighty, I'll have to bring you down first."

"Yep, don't get your hopes up though, you'll never manage it."

"Sorry to interrupt your little conversation here, but there are things to do right now," Nicholas said.

Dave turned to the small deity, "What's going on."

"Well, this guy," Nicholas said, "Had just gotten his Abyssal Rank, that means he needs his own division, that's a lot of Undeath Energy. You should start by recruiting and reviving undead."

"I already had that settled."

"How so, Childe?" the Undead King said.

"Well, there is a good deal of newly turned undead that want to join the Undead Legion, what's best to do than to put them all in Ouki's Division. They'll have to follow his orders, and since he is already an established general of an army, I bet he can put them in line better than any of us Abyssal knights."

"Kis' Shtiengbrah speaks true. Also, for his own personal Doom Knight army, I'll make sure to revive some of the best knights. I already had them saved up for the upcoming battle with the calamities, I don't think we'll have a better chance to revive them than now."

"I need my own army, not some stragglers that no one wants or people unable to follow orders."

Dave tapped the general on the shoulder, "This is your chance to prove your worth. I mean if you can't even handle a few rookies, how will you prove yourself at the Undead King's side? Better take this chance."

The general frowned, "I led men and children, peasants and women to wars outnumbered ten to one and I still brought victory to Qin, don't you dare think I can't handle a bunch of hooligans."

"Well, the ones you're leading are not peasants and children, they're good at fighting, but they could have a nasty habit of not following orders, that'll be on you to get rid of that habit of theirs. Do a good job, and his majesty will probably think better of you. I had to revive the entire Undead Legion to get into his council, you got off on a really easy start, be thankful."

The general didn't understand fully what Dave meant about reviving the entire Undead Legion, but he made a note to himself to ask around about the Undead Prince.

"Good, I'm glad you all got that sorted out, but there is a little problem that we have right now," Nicholas said.

"What's wrong?" Dave asked.

"A calamity has been spotted. You should get ready."

"Damn, I just barely got rid of one, I'm not ready to fight another so soon. I don't have the cooldowns."

"Well, this one you see, is a little bit special," Nick said.

"What do you mean?" Dave asked.

"It's a calamity of Sacrifice."

"What the heck is that?" Dave asked.

"A Nian. Pretty annoying little snake."

"Lord. Today is the first Lunar Year. The Nian had come from the mountainside, every time this year, but we always chased it off. It has never taken any of our children or women. There is no reason to fear it, it is easily scared away." One of the soldiers said.

"Right, but you've been doing it wrong since all those years. The Nian must die. You never gave it any sacrifices, you only prolonged it's starvation. But now with all the calamities ready to attack. I highly doubt that painting the doors in red and hanging signs, while singing and dancing all night long will keep that pesky snake at bay."

"But it's immortal it can't be killed!" the soldier said.

"Well, that's where you're wrong. Anything can die, you just need the right tool." Nickolas smiled.

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