Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 501 Ice Giant (Part 3)

The group cautiously approached the ice giant's corpse without realizing it, but even though they were close enough to see it now, it was still several kilometers away, and luckily they could see it because the fog was thinner in this region.

The giant was lying face down, motionless and frozen, his massive body covered with layers of ice and snow, and beside him was a large hammer. The giant's face was somehow strange, with an expression of frozen serenity.

"Is it possible that this giant is the one we saw back then?" suggested Kaizen, looking seriously at his companions.

"If it is, someone or something powerful has defeated it." One of the Descragons replied.

The other members of the group exchanged worried glances, aware that they were entering dangerous territory.

Samantho stepped forward. "I don't think it's the same giants. If something as large as that comrade had fallen a few minutes ago, we would not only have heard it, we would have felt it."

"I hope you are right." Kaizen said.

With the discovery of the defeated ice giant, the group felt that this place was even more dangerous than they had imagined. If something as powerful as an ice giant could be killed, then either there were other powerful beings besides it, or it meant that the ice giants were fighting among themselves. Either way, they were ready to face whatever challenges the mountains of Niflheim presented in their quest for the Tear of Isara Flower.

As the group prepared to forget about the fallen ice giant and head in the opposite direction, they were interrupted by a rumbling sound. At first, they thought it was just the wind blowing through the mountains, but as the sound intensified, they realized it was something more sinister: heavy, deep breathing.

Kaizen's heart raced as he and the others turned to face the ice giant. To the surprise and horror of the group, the sound seemed to be coming from that very colossal being. They stared at the ice giant for a few more seconds, and then the sound returned. Shielding his face with his left arm, Kaizen's eyes widened in surprise. This giant was not dead.

The frozen expression of calm on the giant's face explained that he was not dying peacefully, but only sleeping.

A tense silence fell among the group members as they processed the terrifying truth. They now faced an enemy more formidable than any they had ever faced before. Worse, the fact that the giant's breathing had become more frequent meant that he was about to awaken.

Without a second thought, Kaizen raised his Spear of Able Fury, his eyes fixed on the giant.

The snow and ice around him began to tremble as the giant slowly rose to his feet, revealing his imposing stature. His massive body glowed with the ice and snow that covered him. The ice giant's eyes opened to an intense, icy blue. His piercing gaze swept through the group, conveying a sense of power and menace. Within a minute, he stood completely up, revealing his impressive stature of over a hundred meters in height.

The giant flexed his muscles, causing the ice covering him to crack and fall around him. The sound of the ice shattering echoed throughout the region as the giant released his icy aura.

An aura of intense cold and magical power emanated from the ice giant, freezing the air around him. The heavy breathing and the icy steam escaping from his mouth created a dark and terrifying atmosphere. The giant tightly gripped the large hammer at his side. The hammer seemed to be made of solid ice, with mystical runes carved into its surface. It was an impressive weapon, capable of causing destruction with a single blow.

Kaizen knew he had to act quickly, thinking whether to fight, run, or hide, but before he could even move, a distant sound reached his ears, and as he looked to his right, he saw another ice giant approaching the sleeping ice giant.

The second ice giant was equally impressive, with a colossal stature and an appearance just as intimidating as the first. His body was also covered in ice and snow, and his eyes shone with fierce determination. He wielded a massive ice sword, the blade of which emitted an icy blue light.

Because of this, the first ice giant forgot about Kaizen's group and turned to his companions. Then he shouted, and a cold gale erupted from his rotting mouth.

The group stood paralyzed at the impending collision between the two ice giants. It was a surreal and terrifying scene, with such a colossal battle about to unfold before their eyes.

The giants were so large and powerful that their mere movement caused the surrounding mountains to tremble.

As the two giants approached each other, the ground shook beneath their feet, and the sound of their heavy footsteps echoed throughout the region, shaking everything. Cracks appeared near where Kaizen and the others were standing, and the group felt the impact of the vibrations and had to balance themselves to avoid being knocked over.

The sleeping giant now had an angry and defiant expression on his face, in contrast to his apparent calm before.

When the two giants finally collided, the impact was so powerful that it seemed to shake the entire mountain. The clash between the two ice giants sent out a powerful wave of energy, causing the surrounding snow and ice to rise into the air like a white storm.

A deafening boom echoed through the mountains, accompanied by the sound of cracking and breaking mountains.

At that moment, Kaizen finally realized that Niflheim was a savage and brutal place, capable of terrifying even a player who had already killed a legendary creature.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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