Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 502 Ice Giant (Part 4)

As the two giants continued to clash, Kaizen and his party took cover in a nearby rock formation. He crouched behind a large block of ice, trying to keep as low a profile as possible while still being able to watch the battle unfold.

The ground shook with the force of the giants' blows. Kaizen could feel the vibration through the ice beneath his feet, and the deafening sound of the impact of their attacks echoed in his ears. The battle continued in the background with unrelenting fury, and Kaizen could not help but admire the ferocity of the giants. Their ice weapons glittered and sliced through the air with overwhelming power, and though they unleashed devastating blows on each other, they both withstood them well.

Despite the imminent danger, Kaizen was filled with a mixture of awe and fascination.

"What should we do?" Samantho asked.

Kaizen pondered the situation, aware that finding the flower in the midst of the giants' battle would be an almost impossible task. He looked at the group and noticed the concern on their faces.

"If we are to find the flower, we must find a way to stop the battle over these incessant peddlers." Kaizen replied firmly. "If there is a way to calm or distract the giants..." He hammered out ideas in his mind.

Xisrith looked at Kaizen with a slight trepidation. "How can we do that? The giants seem so powerful and unstoppable."

"We? No, I wouldn't allow you to risk your lives like that. And if anyone is going to try to stop the ice giants, it should be me, because I'm the one who wants the Tear of Isara Flower." Kaizen replied.

Kaizen looked at his companions, understanding their desire to help, but his heart was set. He knew this was a personal task, a challenge he had to face alone.

"I appreciate your willingness to accompany me, but this is my fight," Kaizen said firmly. "I trust you to support me from a distance. Stay here and be ready to act if anything goes wrong."

Samantho, Xisrith, and the others hesitated, but eventually understood Kaizen's resolve. They knew he was a skilled man like no other and believed in his ability to meet this challenge. With a parting nod, Kaizen walked away from the rock formation, boldly heading toward the battle of the giants, his hood covering his head.

With every step he took, the ground trembled beneath his feet and the deafening sound of clashing weapons echoed in his ears.

Kaizen's heart was pounding with excitement, and the truth is that ever since he saw the power of the two giants clashing, he felt the urge to fight them, especially when he saw the giants colliding, the precise movements of their ice weapons, and the unrelenting fury in their eyes. The power and strength emanating from them was undeniable.

Kaizen advanced cautiously, already studying the giants' attack patterns, looking for an opening. He was ready to use all of the skills and knowledge he had gained in previous battles. His steps were silent amidst so many deafening sounds, allowing him to get closer and closer to the giants without being noticed. His heart was pounding in his chest, but he remained calm and focused. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as Kaizen approached the epicenter of the battle. He was determined to stop the confrontation and find the Tear of Isara, no matter how dangerous, so that he could soon reach level 200 and get the deal with Charles Richards.

The snow and ice around Kaizen shook with the violence of the battle. The clash of the giants' blows reverberated through the air, creating an electrifying atmosphere.

As he approached, Kaizen could feel the icy aura and magical intensity emanating from the giants. Their magnificence enveloped him, but he was not intimidated.

And so Kaizen advanced fearlessly toward the ice giants.


"Grognar, you fool! You will never defeat me!" roared Glacius, the sword-wielding giant, his voice echoing like thunder across the battlefield. He advanced with ferocity and delivered a powerful blow that struck Grognar in the shoulder.

Grognar, the giant with the axe, was undaunted. He withstood the impact of the blow and shot a defiant look at Glacius. "Ah, but it is you, Glacius, who is doomed to defeat! Your power is no match for mine!" he replied scornfully, raising his axe and unleashing a furious blow against his opponent.

The shock of the blows reverberated through the battlefield, creating waves of ice and shaking the frozen ground. The clash between Glacius and Grognar was a display of strength and rivalry, fueled by years of feuding between them.

"Ah, so they can speak, but in an ancient language." Kaizen concluded, listening to the discussion and looking down at the giants. "Lucky me, then."

[Master of Languages title effect activated].

[You can now understand 30% of any language.]

[You are familiar with the language of the giants. You can now understand 50%.]

[Thanks to the Gifted title, you can now understand 90% of this language].

"AH! You're a bastard!" Glacius shouted, swinging his axe. "Shut your fucking mouth or die now!"

"Die? I will not die until I have eaten your heart!!!" Grognar retorted.

Their voices were loud and the language strange, but Kaizen could understand now. So he tried to communicate:

"Ow! Can you guys stop fighting?! I'm looking for something and you're in the way!"

"Eat my heart? Then I will eat your head, you disgusting creature!" Offended, Glacius shouted.

"Disgusting is what you called Father! He did not teach you the legendary art of axes!"


The exchange of insults and blows between the two ice giants continued as if Kaizen wasn't even there, causing Psyker to sigh vehemently. Then another storm hit, covering the area with snow once again, including Kaizen, who looked like a snowman with only his head and the odd helmet sticking out of the snow.

"Atchinn!!!" Kaizen sneezed immediately. "If they won't listen to me, I'll have to force them to listen to me." Kaizen said to himself.

Immediately after that, he let go upwards, pushed aside all the snow around him within five meters, and appeared completely.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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